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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/ios/core/PlatformEditor.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/ios/core/PlatformEditor.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 5,087 bytes


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define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.selection.WindowSelection' ], function (Fun, Option, Compare, DomEvent, Element, WindowSelection) { var getBodyFromFrame = function (frame) { return Option.some(Element.fromDom(frame.dom().contentWindow.document.body)); }; var getDocFromFrame = function (frame) { return Option.some(Element.fromDom(frame.dom().contentWindow.document)); }; var getWinFromFrame = function (frame) { return Option.from(frame.dom().contentWindow); }; var getSelectionFromFrame = function (frame) { var optWin = getWinFromFrame(frame); return optWin.bind(WindowSelection.getExact); }; var getFrame = function (editor) { return editor.getFrame(); }; var getOrDerive = function (name, f) { return function (editor) { var g = editor[name].getOrThunk(function () { var frame = getFrame(editor); return function () { return f(frame); }; }); return g(); }; }; var getOrListen = function (editor, doc, name, type) { return editor[name].getOrThunk(function () { return function (handler) { return DomEvent.bind(doc, type, handler); }; }); }; var toRect = function (rect) { return { left: Fun.constant(rect.left), top: Fun.constant(, right: Fun.constant(rect.right), bottom: Fun.constant(rect.bottom), width: Fun.constant(rect.width), height: Fun.constant(rect.height) }; }; var getActiveApi = function (editor) { var frame = getFrame(editor); // Empty paragraphs can have no rectangle size, so let's just use the start container // if it is collapsed; var tryFallbackBox = function (win) { var isCollapsed = function (sel) { return Compare.eq(sel.start(), sel.finish()) && sel.soffset() === sel.foffset(); }; var toStartRect = function (sel) { var rect = sel.start().dom().getBoundingClientRect(); return rect.width > 0 || rect.height > 0 ? Option.some(rect).map(toRect) : Option.none(); }; return WindowSelection.getExact(win).filter(isCollapsed).bind(toStartRect); }; return getBodyFromFrame(frame).bind(function (body) { return getDocFromFrame(frame).bind(function (doc) { return getWinFromFrame(frame).map(function (win) { var html = Element.fromDom(doc.dom().documentElement); var getCursorBox = editor.getCursorBox.getOrThunk(function () { return function () { return WindowSelection.get(win).bind(function (sel) { return WindowSelection.getFirstRect(win, sel).orThunk(function () { return tryFallbackBox(win); }); }); }; }); var setSelection = editor.setSelection.getOrThunk(function () { return function (start, soffset, finish, foffset) { WindowSelection.setExact(win, start, soffset, finish, foffset); }; }); var clearSelection = editor.clearSelection.getOrThunk(function () { return function () { WindowSelection.clear(win); }; }); return { body: Fun.constant(body), doc: Fun.constant(doc), win: Fun.constant(win), html: Fun.constant(html), getSelection: Fun.curry(getSelectionFromFrame, frame), setSelection: setSelection, clearSelection: clearSelection, frame: Fun.constant(frame), onKeyup: getOrListen(editor, doc, 'onKeyup', 'keyup'), onNodeChanged: getOrListen(editor, doc, 'onNodeChanged', 'selectionchange'), onDomChanged: editor.onDomChanged, // consider defaulting with MutationObserver onScrollToCursor: editor.onScrollToCursor, onScrollToElement: editor.onScrollToElement, onToReading: editor.onToReading, onToEditing: editor.onToEditing, onToolbarScrollStart: editor.onToolbarScrollStart, onTouchContent: editor.onTouchContent, onTapContent: editor.onTapContent, onTouchToolstrip: editor.onTouchToolstrip, getCursorBox: getCursorBox }; }); }); }); }; return { getBody: getOrDerive('getBody', getBodyFromFrame), getDoc: getOrDerive('getDoc', getDocFromFrame), getWin: getOrDerive('getWin', getWinFromFrame), getSelection: getOrDerive('getSelection', getSelectionFromFrame), getFrame: getFrame, getActiveApi: getActiveApi }; } );