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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/ios/core/IosEvents.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/ios/core/IosEvents.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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define( '', [ '', 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Throttler', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', '', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Height', 'ephox.sugar.api.view.Location', '' ], function (TapEvent, Arr, Throttler, Compare, DomEvent, Height, Location, TappingEvent) { var initEvents = function (editorApi, iosApi, toolstrip, socket, dropup) { var saveSelectionFirst = function () { (api) { api.highlightSelection(); }); }; var refreshIosSelection = function () { (api) { api.refreshSelection(); }); }; var scrollToY = function (yTop, height) { // Because the iframe has no scroll, and the socket is the part that scrolls, // anything visible inside the iframe actually has a top value (for bounding // rectangle) > socket.scrollTop. The rectangle is with respect to the top of // the iframe, which has scrolled up above the socket viewport. var y = yTop - socket.dom().scrollTop; (api) { api.scrollIntoView(y, y + height); }); }; var scrollToElement = function (target) { var yTop = Location.absolute(target).top(); var height = Height.get(target); scrollToY(iosApi, socket, yTop, height); }; var scrollToCursor = function () { editorApi.getCursorBox().each(function (box) { scrollToY(, box.height()); }); }; var clearSelection = function () { // Clear any fake selections visible. (api) { api.clearSelection(); }); }; var clearAndRefresh = function () { clearSelection(); refreshThrottle.throttle(); }; var refreshView = function () { scrollToCursor(editorApi, iosApi, socket); (api) { api.syncHeight(); }); }; var reposition = function () { var toolbarHeight = Height.get(toolstrip); (api) { api.setViewportOffset(toolbarHeight); }); refreshIosSelection(iosApi); refreshView(editorApi, iosApi, socket); }; var toEditing = function () { (api) { api.toEditing(); }); }; var toReading = function () { (api) { api.toReading(); }); }; var onToolbarTouch = function (event) { (api) { api.onToolbarTouch(event); }); }; var tapping = TappingEvent.monitor(editorApi); var refreshThrottle = Throttler.last(refreshView, 300); var listeners = [ // Clear any fake selections, scroll to cursor, and update the iframe height editorApi.onKeyup(clearAndRefresh), // Update any fake selections that are showing editorApi.onNodeChanged(refreshIosSelection), // Scroll to cursor, and update the iframe height editorApi.onDomChanged(refreshThrottle.throttle), // Update any fake selections that are showing editorApi.onDomChanged(refreshIosSelection), // Scroll to cursor and update the iframe height editorApi.onScrollToCursor(function (tinyEvent) { tinyEvent.preventDefault(); refreshThrottle.throttle(); }), // Scroll to element editorApi.onScrollToElement(function (event) { scrollToElement(event.element()); }), // Focus the content and show the keyboard editorApi.onToEditing(toEditing), // Dismiss keyboard editorApi.onToReading(toReading), // If the user is touching outside the content, but on the body(?) or html elements, find the nearest selection // and focus that. DomEvent.bind(editorApi.doc(), 'touchend', function (touchEvent) { if (Compare.eq(editorApi.html(), || Compare.eq(editorApi.body(), { // IosHacks.setSelectionAtTouch(editorApi, touchEvent); } }), // Listen to the toolstrip growing animation so that we can update the position of the socket once it is done. DomEvent.bind(toolstrip, 'transitionend', function (transitionEvent) { if (transitionEvent.raw().propertyName === 'height') { reposition(); } }), // Capture the start of interacting with a toolstrip. It is most likely going to lose the selection, so we save it // before that happens DomEvent.capture(toolstrip, 'touchstart', function (touchEvent) { // When touching the toolbar, the first thing that we need to do is 'represent' the selection. We do this with // a fake selection. As soon as the focus switches away from the content, the real selection will disappear, so // this lets the user still see their selection. saveSelectionFirst(); // Then, depending on the keyboard mode, we may need to do something else (like dismiss the keyboard) onToolbarTouch(touchEvent); // Fire the touchstart event to the theme for things like hiding dropups editorApi.onTouchToolstrip(); }), // When the user clicks back into the content, clear any fake selections DomEvent.bind(editorApi.body(), 'touchstart', function (evt) { clearSelection(); editorApi.onTouchContent(); tapping.fireTouchstart(evt); }), tapping.onTouchmove(), tapping.onTouchend(), // Stop any "clicks" being processed in the body at alls DomEvent.bind(editorApi.body(), 'click', function (event) { event.kill(); }), // Close any menus when scrolling the toolstrip DomEvent.bind(toolstrip, 'touchmove', function (/* event */) { editorApi.onToolbarScrollStart(); }) ]; var destroy = function () { Arr.each(listeners, function (l) { l.unbind(); }); }; return { destroy: destroy }; }; return { initEvents: initEvents }; } );