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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/inlite/src/test/js/browser/alien/EditorSettingsTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/inlite/src/test/js/browser/alien/EditorSettingsTest.js
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asynctest( 'browser.alien.EditorSettingsTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Assertions', 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.agar.api.Step', 'tinymce.core.Editor', 'tinymce.core.EditorManager', 'tinymce.themes.inlite.alien.EditorSettings' ], function (Assertions, Pipeline, Step, Editor, EditorManager, EditorSettings) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var handler = function () { }; var defaultHandler = function () { }; var createEditor = function () { var editor = new Editor('id', { string: 'value', bool: true, number: 3, handler: handler, toolbar_string1: 'a b', toolbar_string2: 'a,b', toolbar_string_empty1: '', toolbar_string_empty2: ',,,', toolbar_empty_array: [], toolbar_bool_false: false, toolbar_array: ['a', 'b'] }, EditorManager); return editor; }; /*eslint max-len:0*/ var sTestGetStringOr = Step.sync(function () { var editor = createEditor(); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified settings string value', 'value', EditorSettings.getStringOr(editor, 'string', 'default')); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default string value', 'default', EditorSettings.getStringOr(editor, 'non_existing', 'default')); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default string value on a bool', 'default', EditorSettings.getStringOr(editor, 'bool', 'default')); }); var sTestGetBoolOr = Step.sync(function () { var editor = createEditor(); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified settings bool value', true, EditorSettings.getBoolOr(editor, 'bool', false)); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default bool value', false, EditorSettings.getBoolOr(editor, 'non_existing', false)); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default bool value on a string', false, EditorSettings.getBoolOr(editor, 'string', false)); }); var sTestGetNumberOr = Step.sync(function () { var editor = createEditor(); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified settings number value', 3, EditorSettings.getNumberOr(editor, 'number', 3)); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default number value', 5, EditorSettings.getNumberOr(editor, 'non_existing', 5)); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default number value on a string', 5, EditorSettings.getNumberOr(editor, 'string', 5)); }); var sTestGetHandlerOr = Step.sync(function () { var editor = createEditor(); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified settings handler value', handler, EditorSettings.getHandlerOr(editor, 'handler', defaultHandler)); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default handler value', defaultHandler, EditorSettings.getHandlerOr(editor, 'non_existing', defaultHandler)); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default handler value on a string', defaultHandler, EditorSettings.getHandlerOr(editor, 'string', defaultHandler)); }); var sTestToolbarItemsOr = Step.sync(function () { var editor = createEditor(); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified toolbar items string value 1', ['a', 'b'], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_string1', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified toolbar items string value 2', ['a', 'b'], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_string2', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be a specified toolbar items array value', ['a', 'b'], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_array', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be an empty toolbar items array', [], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_string_empty1', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be an empty toolbar items array', [], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_string_empty2', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be an empty toolbar items array', [], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_bool_false', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be an empty toolbar items array', [], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'toolbar_empty_array', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default toolbar items value', ['c', 'd'], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'non_existing', ['c', 'd'])); Assertions.assertEq('Should be default toolbar items value on a bool', ['c', 'd'], EditorSettings.getToolbarItemsOr(editor, 'bool', ['c', 'd'])); }); Pipeline.async({}, [ sTestGetStringOr, sTestGetBoolOr, sTestGetNumberOr, sTestGetHandlerOr, sTestToolbarItemsOr ], function () { success(); }, failure); } );