function (Assertions, Editor, EditorManager, Settings) {
Assertions.assertEq('Should be default toc class', 'mce-toc', Settings.getTocClass(new Editor('x', {}, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be specified toc class', 'c', Settings.getTocClass(new Editor('x', { toc_class: 'c' }, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be default h2', 'h2', Settings.getTocHeader(new Editor('x', {}, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be h3', 'h3', Settings.getTocHeader(new Editor('x', { toc_header: 'h3' }, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be h2 since h75 is invalid', 'h2', Settings.getTocHeader(new Editor('x', { toc_header: 'h75' }, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be default 3', 3, Settings.getTocDepth(new Editor('x', {}, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be specified toc depth (string)', 5, Settings.getTocDepth(new Editor('x', { toc_depth: '5' }, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be specified toc depth', 5, Settings.getTocDepth(new Editor('x', { toc_depth: 5 }, EditorManager)));
Assertions.assertEq('Should be default toc depth for invalid', 3, Settings.getTocDepth(new Editor('x', { toc_depth: '53' }, EditorManager)));