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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/util/Thor.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/util/Thor.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 3,025 bytes


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define( '', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', '', '', '' ], function (Arr, PlatformDetection, Attr, Css, SelectorFilter) { var attr = 'data-ephox-mobile-fullscreen-style'; var siblingStyles = 'display:none!important;'; var ancestorPosition = 'position:absolute!important;'; var ancestorStyles = 'top:0!important;left:0!important;margin:0' + '!important;padding:0!important;width:100%!important;'; var bgFallback = 'background-color:rgb(255,255,255)!important;'; var isAndroid = PlatformDetection.detect().os.isAndroid(); var matchColor = function (editorBody) { // in iOS you can overscroll, sometimes when you overscroll you can reveal the bgcolor of an element beneath, // by matching the bg color and clobbering ensures any reveals are 'camouflaged' the same color var color = Css.get(editorBody, 'background-color'); return (color !== undefined && color !== '') ? 'background-color:' + color + '!important' : bgFallback; }; // We clobber all tags, direct ancestors to the editorBody get ancestorStyles, everything else gets siblingStyles var clobberStyles = function (container, editorBody) { var gatherSibilings = function (element) { var siblings = SelectorFilter.siblings(element, '*'); return siblings; }; var clobber = function (clobberStyle) { return function (element) { var styles = Attr.get(element, 'style'); var backup = styles === undefined ? 'no-styles' : styles.trim(); if (backup === clobberStyle) { return; } else { Attr.set(element, attr, backup); Attr.set(element, 'style', clobberStyle); } }; }; var ancestors = SelectorFilter.ancestors(container, '*'); var siblings = Arr.bind(ancestors, gatherSibilings); var bgColor = matchColor(editorBody); /* NOTE: This assumes that container has no siblings itself */ Arr.each(siblings, clobber(siblingStyles)); Arr.each(ancestors, clobber(ancestorPosition + ancestorStyles + bgColor)); // position absolute on the outer-container breaks Android flex layout var containerStyles = isAndroid === true ? '' : ancestorPosition; clobber(containerStyles + ancestorStyles + bgColor)(container); }; var restoreStyles = function () { var clobberedEls = SelectorFilter.all('[' + attr + ']'); Arr.each(clobberedEls, function (element) { var restore = Attr.get(element, attr); if (restore !== 'no-styles') { Attr.set(element, 'style', restore); } else { Attr.remove(element, 'style'); } Attr.remove(element, attr); }); }; return { clobberStyles: clobberStyles, restoreStyles: restoreStyles }; } );