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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/toc/src/test/js/browser/TocPluginTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/toc/src/test/js/browser/TocPluginTest.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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asynctest( 'browser.tinymce.plugins.toc.TocPluginTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.mcagar.api.LegacyUnit', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyLoader', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.plugins.toc.Plugin', 'tinymce.plugins.toc.test.HtmlUtils', 'tinymce.themes.modern.Theme' ], function (Pipeline, LegacyUnit, TinyLoader, Tools, Plugin, HtmlUtils, Theme) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var suite = LegacyUnit.createSuite(); Plugin(); Theme(); var stripAttribs = function ($el, attr) { if (Tools.isArray(attr)) { Tools.each(attr, function (attr) { stripAttribs($el, attr); }); return; } $el.removeAttr(attr); $el.find('[' + attr + ']').removeAttr(attr); }; var trimBr = function (html) { return html.replace(/<br data-mce-bogus="1" \/>/g, ''); }; suite.test("mceInsertToc", function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = '<h1 id="h1">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><br />' + '<h2 id="h2">H2</h2>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><hr />' + '<h1 id="h3">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' + '<h3 id="h4">H3</h3>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' ; LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'h1', 0); editor.execCommand('mceInsertToc'); var $toc = editor.$('.tst-toc'); LegacyUnit.equal($toc.length, 2, "ToC inserted"); LegacyUnit.equal($toc.attr('contentEditable'), "false", "cE=false"); LegacyUnit.equal($toc.find('ul ul ul').length, 0, "no levels beyond 2 are included"); stripAttribs($toc, ['data-mce-href', 'data-mce-selected']); LegacyUnit.equal(trimBr(HtmlUtils.normalizeHtml($toc[0].outerHTML)), '<div class="tst-toc" contenteditable="false">' + '<h3 contenteditable="true">Table of Contents</h3>' + '<ul>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h1">H1</a>' + '<ul>' + '<li><a href="#h2">H2</a></li>' + '</ul>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h3">H1</a>' + '</li>' + '</ul>' + '</div>', "no surprises in ToC structure" ); }); suite.test("mceInsertToc - flat structure", function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = '<h1 id="h1">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><br />' + '<h1 id="h2">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><hr />' + '<h1 id="h3">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' + '<h2 id="h4">H2</h2>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' ; LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'h1', 0); editor.execCommand('mceInsertToc'); var $toc = editor.$('.tst-toc'); stripAttribs($toc, ['data-mce-href', 'data-mce-selected']); LegacyUnit.equal(trimBr(HtmlUtils.normalizeHtml($toc[0].innerHTML)), '<h3 contenteditable="true">Table of Contents</h3>' + '<ul>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h1">H1</a>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h2">H1</a>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h3">H1</a>' + '<ul>' + '<li><a href="#h4">H2</a></li>' + '</ul>' + '</li>' + '</ul>', "no surprises in ToC structure" ); }); suite.test("mceUpdateToc", function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = '<h1 id="h1">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><br />' + '<h2 id="h2">H2</h2>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><hr />' + '<h1 id="h3">H1</h1>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' + '<h3 id="h4">H3</h3>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' ; LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'h1', 0); editor.execCommand('mceInsertToc'); // add one more heading editor.$().append('<h1 id="h5">H1</h1><p>This is some text.</p>'); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li', 0); editor.execCommand('mceUpdateToc'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.$('.tst-toc > ul a[href="#h5"]').length, 1, "ToC has been successfully updated"); }); suite.test("Misc.", function (editor) { var contents, $toc; editor.getBody().innerHTML = '<h2 id="h1">H2</h2>' + '<p>This is some text.</p><br />' + '<h2 id="h2">H2</h2>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' + '<h3 id="h4">H3</h3>' + '<p>This is some text.</p>' ; LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'h2', 0); editor.execCommand('mceInsertToc'); contents = editor.getContent(); LegacyUnit.equal(/contenteditable/i.test(contents), false, "cE stripped for getContent()"); editor.setContent(contents); $toc = editor.$('.tst-toc'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual($toc.attr('contentEditable'), "false", "cE added back after setContent()"); LegacyUnit.deepEqual($toc.find(':first-child').attr('contentEditable'), "true", "cE added back to title after setContent()"); stripAttribs($toc, ['data-mce-href', 'data-mce-selected']); LegacyUnit.equal(trimBr(HtmlUtils.normalizeHtml($toc[0].innerHTML)), '<h3 contenteditable="true">Table of Contents</h3>' + '<ul>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h1">H2</a>' + '</li>' + '<li>' + '<a href="#h2">H2</a>' + '</li>' + '</ul>', "the largest available header becomes first ToC level" ); }); TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) { Pipeline.async({}, suite.toSteps(editor), onSuccess, onFailure); }, { plugins: 'toc', toolbar: 'toc', add_unload_trigger: false, indent: false, toc_class: 'tst-toc', toc_depth: 2, toc_header: 'h3', skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray' }, success, failure); } );