function (
GeneralSteps, Logger, Pipeline, RawAssertions, Step, Waiter, TinyApis, TinyLoader,
CutCopy, InternalHtml, Utils, Plugin, MockDataTransfer, Theme
) {
var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
var dataTransfer, lastPreProcessEvent, lastPostProcessEvent;
var sResetProcessEvents = Step.sync(function () {
lastPreProcessEvent = null;
lastPostProcessEvent = null;
var sCutCopyDataTransferEvent = function (editor, type) {
return Step.sync(function () {
dataTransfer = MockDataTransfer.create({});, { clipboardData: dataTransfer });
var sPasteDataTransferEvent = function (editor, data) {
return Step.sync(function () {
dataTransfer = MockDataTransfer.create(data);'paste', { clipboardData: dataTransfer });
var sAssertClipboardData = function (expectedHtml, expectedText) {
return Step.sync(function () {
RawAssertions.assertEq('text/html data should match', expectedHtml, dataTransfer.getData('text/html'));
RawAssertions.assertEq('text/plain data should match', expectedText, dataTransfer.getData('text/plain'));
var sCopy = function (editor, tinyApis, html, spath, soffset, fpath, foffset) {
return GeneralSteps.sequence([
tinyApis.sSetSelection(spath, soffset, fpath, foffset),
sCutCopyDataTransferEvent(editor, 'copy')
var sCut = function (editor, tinyApis, html, spath, soffset, fpath, foffset) {
return GeneralSteps.sequence([
tinyApis.sSetSelection(spath, soffset, fpath, foffset),
sCutCopyDataTransferEvent(editor, 'cut')
var sPaste = function (editor, tinyApis, startHtml, pasteData, spath, soffset, fpath, foffset) {
return GeneralSteps.sequence([
tinyApis.sSetSelection(spath, soffset, fpath, foffset),
sPasteDataTransferEvent(editor, pasteData)
var sTestCopy = function (editor, tinyApis) {
return Logger.t('Copy tests', GeneralSteps.sequence([
Logger.t('Copy simple text', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCopy(editor, tinyApis, '<p>text</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 4),
sAssertClipboardData('text', 'text'),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 4)
Logger.t('Copy inline elements', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCopy(editor, tinyApis, '<p>te<em>x</em>t</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 2], 1),
sAssertClipboardData('te<em>x</em>t', 'text'),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 0, [0, 2], 1)
Logger.t('Copy partialy selected inline elements', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCopy(editor, tinyApis, '<p>a<em>cd</em>e</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 1, 0], 1),
sAssertClipboardData('a<em>c</em>', 'ac'),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 0, [0, 1, 0], 1)
Logger.t('Copy collapsed selection', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCopy(editor, tinyApis, '<p>abc</p>', [0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1),
sAssertClipboardData('', ''),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1)
var sTestCut = function (editor, tinyApis) {
var sWaitUntilAssertContent = function (expected) {
return Waiter.sTryUntil('Cut is async now, so need to wait for content', tinyApis.sAssertContent(expected), 100, 1000);
return Logger.t('Cut tests', GeneralSteps.sequence([
Logger.t('Cut simple text', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCut(editor, tinyApis, '<p>text</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 4),
sAssertClipboardData('text', 'text'),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0], 0, [0], 0)
Logger.t('Cut inline elements', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCut(editor, tinyApis, '<p>te<em>x</em>t</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 2], 1),
sAssertClipboardData('te<em>x</em>t', 'text'),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0], 0, [0], 0)
Logger.t('Cut partialy selected inline elements', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCut(editor, tinyApis, '<p>a<em>cd</em>e</p>', [0, 0], 0, [0, 1, 0], 1),
sAssertClipboardData('a<em>c</em>', 'ac'),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0, 0], 0, [0, 0, 0], 0)
Logger.t('Cut collapsed selection', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sCut(editor, tinyApis, '<p>abc</p>', [0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1),
sAssertClipboardData('', ''),
tinyApis.sAssertSelection([0, 0], 1, [0, 0], 1)
var sAssertLastPreProcessEvent = function (expectedData) {
return Step.sync(function () {
RawAssertions.assertEq('Internal property should be equal', expectedData.internal, lastPreProcessEvent.internal);
RawAssertions.assertEq('Content property should be equal', expectedData.content, lastPreProcessEvent.content);
var sAssertLastPostProcessEvent = function (expectedData) {
return Step.sync(function () {
RawAssertions.assertEq('Internal property should be equal', expectedData.internal, lastPostProcessEvent.internal);
RawAssertions.assertEq('Content property should be equal', expectedData.content, lastPostProcessEvent.node.innerHTML);
var sWaitForProcessEvents = Waiter.sTryUntil('Did not get any events fired', Step.sync(function () {
RawAssertions.assertEq('PastePreProcess event object', lastPreProcessEvent !== null, true);
RawAssertions.assertEq('PastePostProcess event object', lastPostProcessEvent !== null, true);
}), 100, 100);
var sTestPaste = function (editor, tinyApis) {
return Logger.t('Paste tests', GeneralSteps.sequence([
Logger.t('Paste external content', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sPaste(editor, tinyApis, '<p>abc</p>', { 'text/plain': 'X', 'text/html': '<p>X</p>' }, [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 3),
sAssertLastPreProcessEvent({ internal: false, content: 'X' }),
sAssertLastPostProcessEvent({ internal: false, content: 'X' })
Logger.t('Paste external content treated as plain text', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sPaste(editor, tinyApis, '<p>abc</p>', { 'text/html': '<p>X</p>' }, [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 3),
sAssertLastPreProcessEvent({ internal: false, content: 'X' }),
sAssertLastPostProcessEvent({ internal: false, content: 'X' })
Logger.t('Paste internal content with mark', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sPaste(editor, tinyApis, '<p>abc</p>', { 'text/plain': 'X', 'text/html': InternalHtml.mark('<p>X</p>') }, [0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 3),
sAssertLastPreProcessEvent({ internal: true, content: '<p>X</p>' }),
sAssertLastPostProcessEvent({ internal: true, content: '<p>X</p>' })
Logger.t('Paste internal content with mime', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sPaste(editor, tinyApis, '<p>abc</p>',
{ 'text/plain': 'X', 'text/html': '<p>X</p>', 'x-tinymce/html': '<p>X</p>' },
[0, 0], 0, [0, 0], 3
sAssertLastPreProcessEvent({ internal: true, content: '<p>X</p>' }),
sAssertLastPostProcessEvent({ internal: true, content: '<p>X</p>' })
TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var tinyApis = TinyApis(editor);
// Disabled tests on Edge 15 due to broken clipboard API
Pipeline.async({}, Utils.isMsEdge() ? [ ] : [
sTestCopy(editor, tinyApis),
sTestCut(editor, tinyApis),
sTestPaste(editor, tinyApis)
], onSuccess, onFailure);
}, {
plugins: 'paste',
init_instance_callback: function (editor) {
editor.on('PastePreProcess', function (evt) {
lastPreProcessEvent = evt;
editor.on('PastePostProcess', function (evt) {
lastPostProcessEvent = evt;
skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray'
}, success, failure);