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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/paste/src/main/js/core/PasteBin.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/paste/src/main/js/core/PasteBin.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
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/** * PasteBin.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * @class tinymce.pasteplugin.PasteBin * @private */ define( 'tinymce.plugins.paste.core.PasteBin', [ 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.core.Env' ], function (Tools, Env) { return function (editor) { var lastRng; var pasteBinDefaultContent = '%MCEPASTEBIN%'; /** * Creates a paste bin element as close as possible to the current caret location and places the focus inside that element * so that when the real paste event occurs the contents gets inserted into this element * instead of the current editor selection element. */ var create = function () { var dom = editor.dom, body = editor.getBody(); var viewport = editor.dom.getViewPort(editor.getWin()), scrollTop = viewport.y, top = 20; var pasteBinElm; var scrollContainer; lastRng = editor.selection.getRng(); if (editor.inline) { scrollContainer = editor.selection.getScrollContainer(); // Can't always rely on scrollTop returning a useful value. // It returns 0 if the browser doesn't support scrollTop for the element or is non-scrollable if (scrollContainer && scrollContainer.scrollTop > 0) { scrollTop = scrollContainer.scrollTop; } } /** * Returns the rect of the current caret if the caret is in an empty block before a * BR we insert a temporary invisible character that we get the rect this way we always get a proper rect. * * TODO: This might be useful in core. */ function getCaretRect(rng) { var rects, textNode, node, container = rng.startContainer; rects = rng.getClientRects(); if (rects.length) { return rects[0]; } if (!rng.collapsed || container.nodeType !== 1) { return; } node = container.childNodes[lastRng.startOffset]; // Skip empty whitespace nodes while (node && node.nodeType === 3 && ! { node = node.nextSibling; } if (!node) { return; } // Check if the location is |<br> // TODO: Might need to expand this to say |<table> if (node.tagName === 'BR') { textNode = dom.doc.createTextNode('\uFEFF'); node.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, node); rng = dom.createRng(); rng.setStartBefore(textNode); rng.setEndAfter(textNode); rects = rng.getClientRects(); dom.remove(textNode); } if (rects.length) { return rects[0]; } } // Calculate top cordinate this is needed to avoid scrolling to top of document // We want the paste bin to be as close to the caret as possible to avoid scrolling if (lastRng.getClientRects) { var rect = getCaretRect(lastRng); if (rect) { // Client rects gets us closes to the actual // caret location in for example a wrapped paragraph block top = scrollTop + ( - dom.getPos(body).y); } else { top = scrollTop; // Check if we can find a closer location by checking the range element var container = lastRng.startContainer; if (container) { if (container.nodeType === 3 && container.parentNode !== body) { container = container.parentNode; } if (container.nodeType === 1) { top = dom.getPos(container, scrollContainer || body).y; } } } } // Create a pastebin pasteBinElm = editor.dom.add(editor.getBody(), 'div', { id: "mcepastebin", contentEditable: true, "data-mce-bogus": "all", style: 'position: absolute; top: ' + top + 'px; width: 10px; height: 10px; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0' }, pasteBinDefaultContent); // Move paste bin out of sight since the controlSelection rect gets displayed otherwise on IE and Gecko if ( || Env.gecko) { dom.setStyle(pasteBinElm, 'left', dom.getStyle(body, 'direction', true) === 'rtl' ? 0xFFFF : -0xFFFF); } // Prevent focus events from bubbeling fixed FocusManager issues dom.bind(pasteBinElm, 'beforedeactivate focusin focusout', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); pasteBinElm.focus();, true); }; /** * Removes the paste bin if it exists. */ var remove = function () { if (getEl()) { var pasteBinClone; // WebKit/Blink might clone the div so // lets make sure we remove all clones // TODO: Man o man is this ugly. WebKit is the new IE! Remove this if they ever fix it! while ((pasteBinClone = editor.dom.get('mcepastebin'))) { editor.dom.remove(pasteBinClone); editor.dom.unbind(pasteBinClone); } if (lastRng) { editor.selection.setRng(lastRng); } } lastRng = null; }; var getEl = function () { return editor.dom.get('mcepastebin'); }; /** * Returns the contents of the paste bin as a HTML string. * * @return {String} Get the contents of the paste bin. */ var getHtml = function () { var pasteBinElm, pasteBinClones, i, dirtyWrappers, cleanWrapper; // Since WebKit/Chrome might clone the paste bin when pasting // for example: <img style="float: right"> we need to check if any of them contains some useful html. // TODO: Man o man is this ugly. WebKit is the new IE! Remove this if they ever fix it! var copyAndRemove = function (toElm, fromElm) { toElm.appendChild(fromElm); editor.dom.remove(fromElm, true); // remove, but keep children }; // find only top level elements (there might be more nested inside them as well, see TINY-1162) pasteBinClones = Tools.grep(editor.getBody().childNodes, function (elm) { return === 'mcepastebin'; }); pasteBinElm = pasteBinClones.shift(); // if clones were found, move their content into the first bin Tools.each(pasteBinClones, function (pasteBinClone) { copyAndRemove(pasteBinElm, pasteBinClone); }); // TINY-1162: when copying plain text (from notepad for example) WebKit clones // paste bin (with styles and attributes) and uses it as a default wrapper for // the chunks of the content, here we cycle over the whole paste bin and replace // those wrappers with a basic div dirtyWrappers ='div[id=mcepastebin]', pasteBinElm); for (i = dirtyWrappers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cleanWrapper = editor.dom.create('div'); pasteBinElm.insertBefore(cleanWrapper, dirtyWrappers[i]); copyAndRemove(cleanWrapper, dirtyWrappers[i]); } return pasteBinElm ? pasteBinElm.innerHTML : ''; }; var getLastRng = function () { return lastRng; }; var isDefaultContent = function (content) { return content === pasteBinDefaultContent; }; var isPasteBin = function (elm) { return elm && === 'mcepastebin'; }; var isDefault = function () { var pasteBinElm = getEl(); return isPasteBin(pasteBinElm) && isDefaultContent(pasteBinElm.innerHTML); }; return { create: create, remove: remove, getEl: getEl, getHtml: getHtml, getLastRng: getLastRng, isDefault: isDefault, isDefaultContent: isDefaultContent }; }; } );