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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/lists/src/test/js/browser/ApplyTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/lists/src/test/js/browser/ApplyTest.js
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asynctest( 'tinymce.lists.browser.ApplyTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.mcagar.api.LegacyUnit', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyLoader', 'tinymce.core.Env', 'tinymce.plugins.lists.Plugin', 'tinymce.themes.modern.Theme' ], function (Pipeline, LegacyUnit, TinyLoader, Env, Plugin, Theme) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var suite = LegacyUnit.createSuite(); Plugin(); Theme(); suite.test('Apply UL list to single P', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p>a</p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul><li>a</li></ul>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL list to single empty P', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p><br></p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(LegacyUnit.trimBrs(editor.getContent({ format: 'raw' })), '<ul><li></li></ul>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL list to multiple Ps', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p>c</p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0, 'p:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply OL list to single P', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p>a</p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol><li>a</li></ol>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply OL list to single empty P', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p><br></p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(LegacyUnit.trimBrs(editor.getContent({ format: 'raw' })), '<ol><li></li></ol>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply OL list to multiple Ps', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p>c</p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0, 'p:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply OL to UL list', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li', 0, 'li:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL list with collapsed selection', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li:nth-child(2)'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test('Apply UL to OL list', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li', 0, 'li:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL to OL list collapsed selection', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li:nth-child(2)'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL to P and merge with adjacent lists', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ul>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<ul>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL to OL and merge with adjacent lists', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ul>' + '<ol><li>b</li></ol>' + '<ul>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ol li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply OL to P and merge with adjacent lists', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<ol>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply OL to UL and merge with adjacent lists', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol>' + '<li>1a</li>' + '<li>1b</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>2a</li><li>2b</li></ul>' + '<ol>' + '<li>3a</li>' + '<li>3b</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>1a</li>' + '<li>1b</li>' + '<li>2a</li>' + '<li>2b</li>' + '<li>3a</li>' + '<li>3b</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL and DO not merge with adjacent lists because styles are different (exec has style)', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>b</li></ul>' + '<ol>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList', null, { 'list-style-type': 'lower-alpha' }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"><li>b</li></ol>' + '<ol>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test( 'Apply OL to P and DO not merge with adjacent lists because styles are different (exec has style)', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<ol>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList', null, { 'list-style-type': 'lower-alpha' }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"><li>b</li></ol>' + '<ol>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL and DO not merge with adjacent lists because styles are different (original has style)', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>b</li></ul>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ol><li>b</li></ol>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL should merge with adjacent lists because styles are the same (both have roman)', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>b</li></ul>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList', false, { 'list-style-type': 'upper-roman' }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL should merge with above list because styles are the same (both have lower-roman), but not below list', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>b</li></ul>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList', false, { 'list-style-type': 'lower-roman' }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL should merge with below lists because styles are the same (both have roman), but not above list', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>b</li></ul>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList', false, { 'list-style-type': 'lower-roman' }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol style="list-style-type: upper-roman;">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ol style="list-style-type: lower-roman;">' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test( 'Apply OL to UL and DO not merge with adjacent lists because classes are different', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<ol class="a">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ul><li>b</li></ul>' + '<ol class="b">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'ul li', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ol class="a">' + '<li>a</li>' + '</ol>' + '<ol><li>b</li></ol>' + '<ol class="b">' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test('Apply UL list to single text line', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( 'a' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'body', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul><li>a</li></ul>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); editor.settings.forced_root_block = 'p'; }); suite.test('Apply UL list to single text line with BR', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( 'a<br>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'body', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul><li>a</li></ul>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); editor.settings.forced_root_block = 'p'; }); suite.test('Apply UL list to multiple lines separated by BR', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( 'a<br>' + 'b<br>' + 'c' ); editor.focus(); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); editor.settings.forced_root_block = 'p'; }); suite.test( 'Apply UL list to multiple lines separated by BR and with trailing BR', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( 'a<br>' + 'b<br>' + 'c<br>' ); editor.focus(); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); } ); suite.test('Apply UL list to multiple formatted lines separated by BR', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<strong>a</strong><br>' + '<span>b</span><br>' + '<em>c</em>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'strong', 0, 'em', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li><strong>a</strong></li>' + '<li><span>b</span></li>' + '<li><em>c</em></li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'STRONG'); // Old IE will return the end LI not a big deal LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getEnd().nodeName, && < 9 ? 'LI' : 'EM'); }); // Ignore on IE 7, 8 this is a known bug not worth fixing if (! || > 8) { suite.test('Apply UL list to br line and text block line', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.setContent( 'a' + '<p>b</p>' ); var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(editor.getBody().firstChild, 0); rng.setEnd(editor.getBody().lastChild.firstChild, 1); editor.selection.setRng(rng); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getEnd().nodeName, 'LI'); }); } suite.test('Apply UL list to text block line and br line', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<p>a</p>' + 'b' ); editor.focus(); var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart(editor.getBody().firstChild.firstChild, 0); rng.setEnd(editor.getBody().lastChild, 1); editor.selection.setRng(rng); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '</ul>' ); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getStart().nodeName, 'LI'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getEnd().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL list to all BR lines (SelectAll)', function (editor) { editor.settings.forced_root_block = false; editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( 'a<br>' + 'b<br>' + 'c<br>' ); editor.focus(); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.settings.forced_root_block = 'p'; }); suite.test('Apply UL list to all P lines (SelectAll)', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p>c</p>' ); editor.focus(); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ul>' ); }); suite.test('Apply UL list to single P', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p>a</p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul><li>a</li></ul>'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.selection.getNode().nodeName, 'LI'); }); suite.test('Apply UL list to more than two paragraphs', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs( '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p>c</p>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p:nth-child(1)', 0, 'p:nth-child(3)', 1); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList', false, { 'list-style-type': null }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>'); }); suite.test('Apply UL with custom attributes', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs('<p>a</p>'); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList', false, { 'list-attributes': { 'class': 'a', 'data-custom': 'c1' } }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul class="a" data-custom="c1"><li>a</li></ul>'); }); suite.test('Apply UL and LI with custom attributes', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = LegacyUnit.trimBrs('<p>a</p>'); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'p', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList', false, { 'list-attributes': { 'class': 'a', 'data-custom': 'c1' }, 'list-item-attributes': { 'class': 'b', 'data-custom1': 'c2', 'data-custom2': '' } }); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getContent(), '<ul class="a" data-custom="c1"><li class="b" data-custom1="c2" data-custom2="">a</li></ul>'); }); suite.test('Handle one empty unordered list items without error', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li></li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li:first', 0, 'li:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p>' ); }); suite.test('Handle several empty unordered list items without error', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<ul>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li></li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '<li></li>' + '<li>d</li>' + '<li></li>' + '<li>e</li>' + '</ul>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li:first', 0, 'li:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus=\"1\"></p>' + '<p>c</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus=\"1\"></p>' + '<p>d</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus=\"1\"></p>' + '<p>e</p>' ); }); suite.test('Handle one empty ordered list items without error', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li></li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li:first', 0, 'li:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus="1"></p>' ); }); suite.test('Handle several empty ordered list items without error', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<ol>' + '<li>a</li>' + '<li>b</li>' + '<li></li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '<li></li>' + '<li>d</li>' + '<li></li>' + '<li>e</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.focus(); LegacyUnit.setSelection(editor, 'li:first', 0, 'li:last', 0); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertOrderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<p>a</p>' + '<p>b</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus=\"1\"></p>' + '<p>c</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus=\"1\"></p>' + '<p>d</p>' + '<p><br data-mce-bogus=\"1\"></p>' + '<p>e</p>' ); }); suite.test('Apply list on paragraphs with list between', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<p>a</p>' + '<ol>' + '<li>b</li>' + '</ol>' + '<p>c</p>' ); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<ul><li>a</li></ul><ol><li>b</li></ol><ul><li>c</li></ul>'); }); suite.test('Apply unordered list on children on a fully selected ordered list', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<ol>' + '<li>a' + '<ol>' + '<li>b</li>' + '</ol>' + '</li>' + '<li>c</li>' + '</ol>' ); editor.execCommand('SelectAll'); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<ul><li>a<ul><li>b</li></ul></li><li>c</li></ul>'); }); suite.test('Apply unordered list on empty table cell', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<table>' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td>' + '<br />' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' ); var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart('td')[0], 0); rng.setEnd('td')[0], 1); editor.selection.setRng(rng); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<table><tbody><tr><td><ul><li><br></li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table>'); }); suite.test('Apply unordered list on table cell with two lines br', function (editor) { editor.getBody().innerHTML = ( '<table>' + '<tbody>' + '<tr>' + '<td>' + 'a<br>b' + '</td>' + '</tr>' + '</tbody>' + '</table>' ); var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart('td')[0].firstChild, 0); rng.setEnd('td')[0].firstChild, 0); editor.selection.setRng(rng); LegacyUnit.execCommand(editor, 'InsertUnorderedList'); LegacyUnit.equal(editor.getBody().innerHTML, '<table><tbody><tr><td><ul><li>a</li></ul>b</td></tr></tbody></table>'); }); TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) { Pipeline.async({}, suite.toSteps(editor), onSuccess, onFailure); }, { plugins: "lists", add_unload_trigger: false, disable_nodechange: true, indent: false, entities: 'raw', valid_elements: 'li[style|class|data-custom|data-custom1|data-custom2],ol[style|class|data-custom|data-custom1|data-custom2],' + 'ul[style|class|data-custom|data-custom1|data-custom2],dl,dt,dd,em,strong,span,#p,div,br', valid_styles: { '*': 'color,font-size,font-family,background-color,font-weight,' + 'font-style,text-decoration,float,margin,margin-top,margin-right,' + 'margin-bottom,margin-left,display,position,top,left,list-style-type' }, skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray' }, success, failure); } );