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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/link/src/main/js/ui/Dialog.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/link/src/main/js/ui/Dialog.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
Publish content on Web pages with SEO support
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 10,156 bytes


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/** * Dialog.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( '', [ 'tinymce.core.util.Delay', 'tinymce.core.util.Tools', 'tinymce.core.util.XHR', '', '' ], function (Delay, Tools, XHR, Settings, Utils) { var attachState = {}; var createLinkList = function (editor, callback) { var linkList = Settings.getLinkList(editor.settings); if (typeof linkList === "string") { XHR.send({ url: linkList, success: function (text) { callback(editor, JSON.parse(text)); } }); } else if (typeof linkList === "function") { linkList(function (list) { callback(editor, list); }); } else { callback(editor, linkList); } }; var buildListItems = function (inputList, itemCallback, startItems) { var appendItems = function (values, output) { output = output || []; Tools.each(values, function (item) { var menuItem = { text: item.text || item.title }; if ( { = appendItems(; } else { menuItem.value = item.value; if (itemCallback) { itemCallback(menuItem); } } output.push(menuItem); }); return output; }; return appendItems(inputList, startItems || []); }; // Delay confirm since onSubmit will move focus var delayedConfirm = function (editor, message, callback) { var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); Delay.setEditorTimeout(editor, function () { editor.windowManager.confirm(message, function (state) { editor.selection.setRng(rng); callback(state); }); }); }; var showDialog = function (editor, linkList) { var data = {}, selection = editor.selection, dom = editor.dom, anchorElm, initialText; var win, onlyText, textListCtrl, linkListCtrl, relListCtrl, targetListCtrl, classListCtrl, linkTitleCtrl, value; var linkListChangeHandler = function (e) { var textCtrl = win.find('#text'); if (!textCtrl.value() || (e.lastControl && textCtrl.value() === e.lastControl.text())) { textCtrl.value(e.control.text()); } win.find('#href').value(e.control.value()); }; var buildAnchorListControl = function (url) { var anchorList = []; Tools.each('a:not([href])'), function (anchor) { var id = ||; if (id) { anchorList.push({ text: id, value: '#' + id, selected: url.indexOf('#' + id) !== -1 }); } }); if (anchorList.length) { anchorList.unshift({ text: 'None', value: '' }); return { name: 'anchor', type: 'listbox', label: 'Anchors', values: anchorList, onselect: linkListChangeHandler }; } }; var updateText = function () { if (!initialText && onlyText && !data.text) { this.parent().parent().find('#text')[0].value(this.value()); } }; var urlChange = function (e) { var meta = e.meta || {}; if (linkListCtrl) { linkListCtrl.value(editor.convertURL(this.value(), 'href')); } Tools.each(e.meta, function (value, key) { var inp = win.find('#' + key); if (key === 'text') { if (initialText.length === 0) { inp.value(value); data.text = value; } } else { inp.value(value); } }); if (meta.attach) { attachState = { href: this.value(), attach: meta.attach }; } if (!meta.text) {; } }; var onBeforeCall = function (e) { e.meta = win.toJSON(); }; onlyText = Utils.isOnlyTextSelected(selection.getContent()); anchorElm = Utils.getAnchorElement(editor); data.text = initialText = Utils.getAnchorText(editor.selection, anchorElm); data.href = anchorElm ? dom.getAttrib(anchorElm, 'href') : ''; if (anchorElm) { = dom.getAttrib(anchorElm, 'target'); } else if (Settings.hasDefaultLinkTarget(editor.settings)) { = Settings.getDefaultLinkTarget(editor.settings); } if ((value = dom.getAttrib(anchorElm, 'rel'))) { data.rel = value; } if ((value = dom.getAttrib(anchorElm, 'class'))) { data['class'] = value; } if ((value = dom.getAttrib(anchorElm, 'title'))) { data.title = value; } if (onlyText) { textListCtrl = { name: 'text', type: 'textbox', size: 40, label: 'Text to display', onchange: function () { data.text = this.value(); } }; } if (linkList) { linkListCtrl = { type: 'listbox', label: 'Link list', values: buildListItems( linkList, function (item) { item.value = editor.convertURL(item.value || item.url, 'href'); }, [{ text: 'None', value: '' }] ), onselect: linkListChangeHandler, value: editor.convertURL(data.href, 'href'), onPostRender: function () { /*eslint consistent-this:0*/ linkListCtrl = this; } }; } if (Settings.shouldShowTargetList(editor.settings)) { if (Settings.getTargetList(editor.settings) === undefined) { Settings.setTargetList(editor, [ { text: 'None', value: '' }, { text: 'New window', value: '_blank' } ]); } targetListCtrl = { name: 'target', type: 'listbox', label: 'Target', values: buildListItems(Settings.getTargetList(editor.settings)) }; } if (Settings.hasRelList(editor.settings)) { relListCtrl = { name: 'rel', type: 'listbox', label: 'Rel', values: buildListItems( Settings.getRelList(editor.settings), function (item) { if (Settings.allowUnsafeLinkTarget(editor.settings) === false) { item.value = Utils.toggleTargetRules(item.value, === '_blank'); } } ) }; } if (Settings.hasLinkClassList(editor.settings)) { classListCtrl = { name: 'class', type: 'listbox', label: 'Class', values: buildListItems( Settings.getLinkClassList(editor.settings), function (item) { if (item.value) { item.textStyle = function () { return editor.formatter.getCssText({ inline: 'a', classes: [item.value] }); }; } } ) }; } if (Settings.shouldShowLinkTitle(editor.settings)) { linkTitleCtrl = { name: 'title', type: 'textbox', label: 'Title', value: data.title }; } win ={ title: 'Insert link', data: data, body: [ { name: 'href', type: 'filepicker', filetype: 'file', size: 40, autofocus: true, label: 'Url', onchange: urlChange, onkeyup: updateText, onbeforecall: onBeforeCall }, textListCtrl, linkTitleCtrl, buildAnchorListControl(data.href), linkListCtrl, relListCtrl, targetListCtrl, classListCtrl ], onSubmit: function (e) { var assumeExternalTargets = Settings.assumeExternalTargets(editor.settings); var insertLink =, attachState); var removeLink = Utils.unlink(editor); var resultData = Tools.extend({}, data,; /*eslint dot-notation: 0*/ var href = resultData.href; if (!href) { removeLink(); return; } if (!onlyText || resultData.text === initialText) { delete resultData.text; } // Is email and not // if (href.indexOf('@') > 0 && href.indexOf('//') === -1 && href.indexOf('mailto:') === -1) { delayedConfirm( editor, 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?', function (state) { if (state) { resultData.href = 'mailto:' + href; } insertLink(resultData); } ); return; } // Is not protocol prefixed if ((assumeExternalTargets === true && !/^\w+:/i.test(href)) || (assumeExternalTargets === false && /^\s*www[\.|\d\.]/i.test(href))) { delayedConfirm( editor, 'The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?', function (state) { if (state) { resultData.href = 'http://' + href; } insertLink(resultData); } ); return; } insertLink(resultData); } }); }; var open = function (editor) { createLinkList(editor, showDialog); }; return { open: open }; } );