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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/image/src/test/js/browser/ImagePluginTest.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/plugins/image/src/test/js/browser/ImagePluginTest.js
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asynctest( 'browser.tinymce.plugins.image.ImagePluginTest', [ 'ephox.agar.api.Pipeline', 'ephox.mcagar.api.LegacyUnit', 'ephox.mcagar.api.TinyLoader', 'global!document', 'tinymce.core.Env', 'tinymce.plugins.image.Plugin', 'tinymce.themes.modern.Theme' ], function (Pipeline, LegacyUnit, TinyLoader, document, Env, Plugin, Theme) { var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2]; var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; var suite = LegacyUnit.createSuite(); Theme(); Plugin(); var teardown = function (editor) { delete editor.settings.image_dimensions; delete editor.settings.file_browser_callback; delete editor.settings.image_list; delete editor.settings.image_class_list; delete editor.settings.document_base_url; delete editor.settings.image_advtab; delete editor.settings.image_caption; }; var cleanHtml = function (html) { return html.replace(/<p>(&nbsp;|<br[^>]+>)<\/p>$/, ''); }; var getFrontmostWindow = function (editor) { return[ - 1]; }; var fillAndSubmitWindowForm = function (editor, data) { var win = getFrontmostWindow(editor); win.fromJSON(data); win.find('form')[0].submit(); win.close(); }; var triggerElementChange = function (element) { var evt; if ("createEvent" in document) { evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("change", false, true); element.dispatchEvent(evt); } else { element.fireEvent("onchange"); } }; suite.test('Default image dialog on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "constrain": true, "height": "", "src": "", "width": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "height": "100", "src": "src", "width": "200" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img src="src" alt="alt" width="200" height="100" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Image dialog image_dimensions: false', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "src": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "src": "src" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); teardown(editor); }); if (Env.ceFalse) { suite.test('All image dialog ui options on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_caption = true; editor.settings.image_list = [ { title: 'link1', value: 'link1' }, { title: 'link2', value: 'link2' } ]; editor.settings.image_class_list = [ { title: 'class1', value: 'class1' }, { title: 'class2', value: 'class2' } ]; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "class": "class1", "image-list": "", "constrain": true, "caption": false, "height": "", "src": "", "width": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "class": "class1", "constrain": true, "caption": true, "height": "200", "src": "src", "width": "100" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<figure class="image">' + '<img class="class1" src="src" alt="alt" width="100" height="200" />' + '<figcaption>Caption</figcaption>' + '</figure>' ); teardown(editor); }); } else { suite.test('All image dialog ui options on empty editor (old IE)', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_caption = true; editor.settings.image_list = [ { title: 'link1', value: 'link1' }, { title: 'link2', value: 'link2' } ]; editor.settings.image_class_list = [ { title: 'class1', value: 'class1' }, { title: 'class2', value: 'class2' } ]; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "class": "class1", "constrain": true, "height": "", "src": "", "width": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "class": "class1", "constrain": true, "caption": true, "height": "200", "src": "src", "width": "100" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img class="class1" src="src" alt="alt" width="100" height="200" /></p>' ); }); } suite.test("Image recognizes relative src url and prepends relative image_prepend_url setting.", function (editor) { var win, elementId, element; editor.settings.image_prepend_url = 'testing/images/'; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); var data = { "src": "src", "alt": "alt" }; win = getFrontmostWindow(editor); elementId = win.find('#src')[0]._id; element = document.getElementById(elementId).childNodes[0]; win.fromJSON(data); triggerElementChange(element); win.find('form')[0].submit(); win.close(); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img src="' + editor.settings.image_prepend_url + 'src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test("Image recognizes relative src url and prepends absolute image_prepend_url setting.", function (editor) { var win, elementId, element; editor.settings.image_prepend_url = 'http://abc.local/images/'; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); var data = { "src": "src", "alt": "alt" }; win = getFrontmostWindow(editor); elementId = win.find('#src')[0]._id; element = document.getElementById(elementId).childNodes[0]; win.fromJSON(data); triggerElementChange(element); win.find('form')[0].submit(); win.close(); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img src="' + editor.settings.image_prepend_url + 'src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog border option on editor with content', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent('<p>a</p>'); var rng = editor.dom.createRng(); rng.setStart('p')[0].firstChild, 1); rng.setEnd('p')[0].firstChild, 1); editor.selection.setRng(rng); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "border": "10px", "src": "src" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p>a<img style="border-width: 10px;" src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog margin space options on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "hspace": "10", "src": "src", "vspace": "10" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img style="margin: 10px;" src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog border style only options on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "src": "src", "style": "border-width: 10px;" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img style="border-width: 10px;" src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog margin style only options on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "src": "src", "style": "margin: 10px;" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img style="margin: 10px;" src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog overriden border style options on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "border": "10", "src": "src", "style": "border-width: 15px;" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img style="border-width: 10px;" src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog overriden margin style options on empty editor', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); fillAndSubmitWindowForm(editor, { "alt": "alt", "hspace": "10", "src": "src", "style": "margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 20px;", "vspace": "10" }); LegacyUnit.equal( cleanHtml(editor.getContent()), '<p><img style="margin: 10px;" src="src" alt="alt" /></p>' ); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog non-shorthand horizontal margin style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "15", "src": "", "style": "margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px;", "vspace": "" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog non-shorthand vertical margin style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px;", "vspace": "15" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog shorthand margin 1 value style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin: 5px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "5", "src": "", "style": "margin: 5px;", "vspace": "5" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog shorthand margin 2 value style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin: 5px 10px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "10", "src": "", "style": "margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;", "vspace": "5" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog shorthand margin 2 value style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin: 5px 10px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "10", "src": "", "style": "margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px;", "vspace": "5" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog shorthand margin 3 value style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin: 5px 10px 15px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "10", "src": "", "style": "margin: 5px 10px 15px 10px;", "vspace": "" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog shorthand margin 4 value style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin: 5px 10px 15px 20px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "margin: 5px 10px 15px 20px;", "vspace": "" }); }); suite.test('Advanced image dialog shorthand margin 4 value style change test', function (editor) { editor.settings.image_advtab = true; editor.settings.image_dimensions = false; editor.setContent(''); editor.execCommand('mceImage', true); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "", "vspace": "" }); getFrontmostWindow(editor).find('#style').value('margin: 5px 10px 15px 20px; margin-top: 15px;').fire('change'); LegacyUnit.deepEqual(getFrontmostWindow(editor).toJSON(), { "alt": "", "border": "", "hspace": "", "src": "", "style": "margin: 15px 10px 15px 20px;", "vspace": "15" }); }); TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) { Pipeline.async({}, suite.toSteps(editor), onSuccess, onFailure); }, { plugins: 'image', indent: false, skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray' }, success, failure); } );