require_once "my_smarty.class.php";
require_once "mymail.class.php";
require_once "email_message.php";
* To send a multipart (HTML + plain text) letter you should create two templates -
* one with the ".html.tpl", another - with ".txt.tpl" extension
* in the Smarty template folder
* If I define the 'x_from_address' (and 'x_from_name') parameter - the script will send the letter
* "on somene's behalf". This may help sending the letter from other people address
* and not have the it misrecognized as spam by filters.
$options = array(
'template'=>'sample3', //no extension here - the type of the letter is determined by file extension
'to_address'=>'[email protected]',
'to_name'=>'Grigori Kochanov',
'from_name'=> 'Joe Black',
'from_address'=> '[email protected]',
'x_from_name'=> 'Grigori Kochanov',
'x_from_address'=> '[email protected]',
$EML = new myMail();
$EML->assign('var','World'); // generic Smarty assign