* This is a derivative of a Smarty (http://smarty.php.net/) template engine
* It is used to send emails using "MIME E-mail message composing and sending" package by Manuel Lemos
* @copyright Grigori Kochanov
* @license: GNU Lesser General Public License
* Brief manual
* The class fetches the letter from the template using Smarty and sends it using Manuel Lemos's class.
* It is a "decorator" or "wrapper" to use both solutions and send cool letters with 5 lines of code.
* Place the letter templates in the Smarty templates folder.
* You can send the letter in plain text, HTML and multipart (html + plain text).
* The format is determined by which files it will find in the template folder.
* If you have "file_name.html.tpl" in the folder - it will send letter in HTML
* If you have "file_name.txt.tpl" - it will send in plain text
* If you have both - it will send multipart
* You have neither, it will look for "file_name" or "file_name.tpl" and will send email in plain text
* If you have none - it will trigger an error
* You can restrict sending in some format in case you have both templates but don't want to use one.
* If the first line of the template starts from "subject:" - the rest of the line is considered the letter subject
* If you have both .txt. and .html. templates, the subject is searched in .html. at first, then in .txt. template
* You can set most commonly used different options:
$options = array(
'template'=>'file_name', //no extension
'to_name'=>'Grigori Kochanov',
'from_name'=> ' Joe Black', //default: _Config::mailing_from_name
'from_address'=> 'joe.black@gmail.com', //default: _Config::mailing_from_address
'reply_name'=>'', // optional
'reply_address'=>'', // optional
'error_delivery_name'=>'', // optional
'error_delivery_address'=>'', // optional
'send_html'=>'true', //optional
'send_plain'=>'true', //optional
'wrap_text'=>'true', //optional
'charset'=>'iso-8859-1', //optional
'precedence'=>'bulk', //to avoid the temporary failure notifications
$EML = new myMail();
$EML->assign('template_var',$script_data); // generic Smarty assign
class myMail extends MySmarty {
public $wrap_text = false;
public $options;
private $Mail;
private $template_html;
private $template_plain;
function __construct(){
$this->template_dir = $this->config['MAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR'];
$this->Mail = new email_message_class;
'from_name'=> $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],
'from_address'=> $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'],
* Set the options for the email
* @param array $options
function setOptions(array $options){
foreach (array_keys($this->options) as $parameter){
if (key_exists($parameter,$options)){
$this->options[$parameter] = $options[$parameter];
* @return void
* @desc send an email using the template
function send (){
$op = $this->options;
//check that options are not forgotten
foreach (array('to_address','to_name','template') as $option){
if (empty($this->options[$option])){
trigger_error('Warning: mail parameter '.$option.' not defined',E_USER_WARNING);
if (!$op['send_html'] && !$op['send_plain']){
trigger_error('Error: neither HTML nor plain text message is to be sent.',E_USER_ERROR);
//assign options to the template
foreach (array('to_address','to_name','from_address','from_name') as $option){
//flag showing whether to send multipatr email or not
//check if template(s) exist
($op['send_html'] && $this->template_exists($op['template'].'.html.tpl'))
? $op['template'].'.html.tpl'
: null;
($op['send_plain'] && $this->template_exists($op['template'].'.txt.tpl'))
? $op['template'].'.txt.tpl'
: null;
$send_multipart = ($template_plain && $template_html);
$template_found = ($template_html || $template_plain);
//if the templates not found - check the possible files
if (!$template_found){
//check old-style templates
if ($this->template_exists($op['template'])){
//template found
$template_found = true;
if ($op['send_plain']){
$template_plain = $op['template'];
$template_html = $op['template'];
if (!$template_found){
//check if the extension is not .tpl and try to add it
if ( substr($op['template'],-4)!='.tpl' && $this->template_exists($op['template'].'.tpl')){ //template can't be found'
//template found as $op['template'].'.tpl'
if ($op['send_plain']){
$template_plain = $op['template'].'.tpl';
$template_html = $op['template'].'.tpl';
if (!$template_found){
//no template files found
trigger_error('Template "'.$op['template'].' not found',E_USER_ERROR);
//create object of the email_message_class and assign headers
$email_message=new email_message_class;
if ($op['reply_address']){
if ($op['x_from_address']){
// preparing message subject and body
if ($template_html){
$tdata=$this->fetch($template_html); // fetching full tpl
//fetch the subject
if ($this->wrap_text){
$html_message = $email_message->WrapText($html_message);
$plain_message = '';
if ($template_plain){
//fetch the subject if not defined in HTML template
if(strtolower(substr($tdata,0,9))=="subject: "){
$subject || $subject=substr($tdata,9,$i-9);
if ($this->wrap_text){
$plain_message = $email_message->WrapText($plain_message);
//set the subject
//set the body
if ($send_multipart){
//prepare the multipart mail
$alternative_parts=array( //order of elements does matter here
//send the the HTML letter
if ($html_message){
//send the plain text letter
if ($plain_message){
if ($op['precedence']){
// sending mail
if ($error){
Operator::log('Error sending email to '.$op['to_address'].': '.$error,false);
throw new pException(510);
} // end of class bracket