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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/Theme.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/themes/mobile/src/main/js/Theme.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
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define( '', [ 'ephox.alloy.api.behaviour.Swapping', '', 'ephox.alloy.api.system.Attachment', 'ephox.alloy.debugging.Debugging', 'ephox.katamari.api.Cell', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.sand.api.PlatformDetection', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Focus', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Insert', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'tinymce.core.ThemeManager', 'tinymce.core.dom.DOMUtils', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ], function ( Swapping, AlloyTriggers, Attachment, Debugging, Cell, Fun, PlatformDetection, Focus, Insert, Element, Node, ThemeManager, DOMUtils, TinyCodeDupe, Settings, TinyChannels, Features, Styles, Orientation, AndroidRealm, Buttons, IosRealm, CssUrls, FormatChangers, SkinLoaded ) { /// not to be confused with editor mode var READING = Fun.constant('toReading'); /// 'hide the keyboard' var EDITING = Fun.constant('toEditing'); /// 'show the keyboard' ThemeManager.add('mobile', function (editor) { var renderUI = function (args) { var cssUrls = CssUrls.derive(editor); if (Settings.isSkinDisabled(editor) === false) { editor.contentCSS.push(cssUrls.content); DOMUtils.DOM.styleSheetLoader.load(cssUrls.ui, SkinLoaded.fireSkinLoaded(editor)); } else { SkinLoaded.fireSkinLoaded(editor)(); } var doScrollIntoView = function () {'scrollIntoView'); }; var wrapper = Element.fromTag('div'); var realm = PlatformDetection.detect().os.isAndroid() ? AndroidRealm(doScrollIntoView) : IosRealm(doScrollIntoView); var original = Element.fromDom(args.targetNode); Insert.after(original, wrapper); Attachment.attachSystem(wrapper, realm.system()); var findFocusIn = function (elem) { return (focused) { return realm.system().getByDom(focused).toOption(); }); }; var outerWindow = args.targetNode.ownerDocument.defaultView; var orientation = Orientation.onChange(outerWindow, { onChange: function () { var alloy = realm.system(); alloy.broadcastOn([ TinyChannels.orientationChanged() ], { width: Orientation.getActualWidth(outerWindow) }); }, onReady: Fun.noop }); var setReadOnly = function (readOnlyGroups, mainGroups, ro) { if (ro === false) { editor.selection.collapse(); } realm.setToolbarGroups(ro ? readOnlyGroups.get() : mainGroups.get()); editor.setMode(ro === true ? 'readonly' : 'design'); === true ? READING() : EDITING()); realm.updateMode(ro); }; var bindHandler = function (label, handler) { editor.on(label, handler); return { unbind: function () {; } }; }; editor.on('init', function () { realm.init({ editor: { getFrame: function () { return Element.fromDom(editor.contentAreaContainer.querySelector('iframe')); }, onDomChanged: function () { return { unbind: Fun.noop }; }, onToReading: function (handler) { return bindHandler(READING(), handler); }, onToEditing: function (handler) { return bindHandler(EDITING(), handler); }, onScrollToCursor: function (handler) { editor.on('scrollIntoView', function (tinyEvent) { handler(tinyEvent); }); var unbind = function () {'scrollIntoView'); orientation.destroy(); }; return { unbind: unbind }; }, onTouchToolstrip: function () { hideDropup(); }, onTouchContent: function () { var toolbar = Element.fromDom(editor.editorContainer.querySelector('.' + Styles.resolve('toolbar'))); // If something in the toolbar had focus, fire an execute on it (execute on tap away) // Perhaps it will be clearer later what is a better way of doing this. findFocusIn(toolbar).each(AlloyTriggers.emitExecute); realm.restoreToolbar(); hideDropup(); }, onTapContent: function (evt) { var target =; // If the user has tapped (touchstart, touchend without movement) on an image, select it. if ( === 'img') {; // Prevent the default behaviour from firing so that the image stays selected evt.kill(); } else if ( === 'a') { var component = realm.system().getByDom(Element.fromDom(editor.editorContainer)); component.each(function (container) { /// view mode if (Swapping.isAlpha(container)) { TinyCodeDupe.openLink(target.dom()); } }); } } }, container: Element.fromDom(editor.editorContainer), socket: Element.fromDom(editor.contentAreaContainer), toolstrip: Element.fromDom(editor.editorContainer.querySelector('.' + Styles.resolve('toolstrip'))), toolbar: Element.fromDom(editor.editorContainer.querySelector('.' + Styles.resolve('toolbar'))), dropup: realm.dropup(), alloy: realm.system(), translate: Fun.noop, setReadOnly: function (ro) { setReadOnly(readOnlyGroups, mainGroups, ro); } }); var hideDropup = function () { realm.dropup().disappear(function () { realm.system().broadcastOn([ TinyChannels.dropupDismissed() ], { }); }); }; Debugging.registerInspector('remove this', realm.system()); var backToMaskGroup = { label: 'The first group', scrollable: false, items: [ Buttons.forToolbar('back', function (/* btn */) { editor.selection.collapse(); realm.exit(); }, { }) ] }; var backToReadOnlyGroup = { label: 'Back to read only', scrollable: false, items: [ Buttons.forToolbar('readonly-back', function (/* btn */) { setReadOnly(readOnlyGroups, mainGroups, true); }, {}) ] }; var readOnlyGroup = { label: 'The read only mode group', scrollable: true, items: [] }; var features = Features.setup(realm, editor); var items = Features.detect(editor.settings, features); var actionGroup = { label: 'the action group', scrollable: true, items: items }; var extraGroup = { label: 'The extra group', scrollable: false, items: [ // This is where the "add button" button goes. ] }; var mainGroups = Cell([ backToReadOnlyGroup, actionGroup, extraGroup ]); var readOnlyGroups = Cell([ backToMaskGroup, readOnlyGroup, extraGroup ]); // Investigate ways to keep in sync with the ui FormatChangers.init(realm, editor); }); return { iframeContainer: realm.socket().element().dom(), editorContainer: realm.element().dom() }; }; return { getNotificationManagerImpl: function () { return { open: Fun.identity, close: Fun.noop, reposition: Fun.noop, getArgs: Fun.identity }; }, renderUI: renderUI }; }); return function () { }; } );