function (Assertions, Chain, GeneralSteps, Logger, Pipeline, UiFinder, Fun, Strings, TinyApis, TinyLoader, Element, TextContent, document, Theme) {
var success = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
var failure = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
var sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue = function (editor, title, expectedValue) {
return Chain.asStep(Element.fromDom(document.body), [
UiFinder.cFindIn('*[aria-label="' + title + '"]'),
Chain.mapper(Fun.compose(Strings.trim, TextContent.get)),
Assertions.cAssertEq('Should be the expected display value', expectedValue)
TinyLoader.setup(function (editor, onSuccess, onFailure) {
var tinyApis = TinyApis(editor);
Pipeline.async({}, [
Logger.t('Font family and font size on initial page load', GeneralSteps.sequence([
sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue(editor, 'Font Sizes', '32pt'),
sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue(editor, 'Font Family', 'Helvetica')
Logger.t('Font family and font size on paragraph', GeneralSteps.sequence([
tinyApis.sSetCursor([0, 0], 0),
sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue(editor, 'Font Sizes', '24pt'),
sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue(editor, 'Font Family', 'Arial')
Logger.t('Font family and font size on paragraph with styles', GeneralSteps.sequence([
tinyApis.sSetContent('<p style="font-family: Times; font-size: 17px;">a</p>'),
tinyApis.sSetCursor([0, 0], 0),
// the following one should pick up 12.75pt, although there's a rounded 13pt in the dropdown as well
sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue(editor, 'Font Sizes', '12.75pt'),
sAssertSelectBoxDisplayValue(editor, 'Font Family', 'Times')
], onSuccess, onFailure);
}, {
skin_url: '/project/src/skins/lightgray/dist/lightgray',
toolbar: 'fontsizeselect fontselect',
content_style: [
'.mce-content-body { font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 42px; }',
'.mce-content-body p { font-family: Arial; font-size: 32px; }'
fontsize_formats: '12pt 12.75pt 13pt 32pt'
}, success, failure);