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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/selection/NormalizeRange.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/selection/NormalizeRange.js
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/** * NormalizeRange.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.selection.NormalizeRange', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.katamari.api.Struct', 'tinymce.core.caret.CaretContainer', 'tinymce.core.dom.NodeType', 'tinymce.core.dom.TreeWalker', 'tinymce.core.fmt.CaretFormat', 'tinymce.core.selection.RangeCompare' ], function (Option, Struct, CaretContainer, NodeType, TreeWalker, CaretFormat, RangeCompare) { var position = Struct.immutable('container', 'offset'); var findParent = function (node, rootNode, predicate) { while (node && node !== rootNode) { if (predicate(node)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; }; var hasParent = function (node, rootNode, predicate) { return findParent(node, rootNode, predicate) !== null; }; var hasParentWithName = function (node, rootNode, name) { return hasParent(node, rootNode, function (node) { return node.nodeName === name; }); }; var isTable = function (node) { return node && node.nodeName === 'TABLE'; }; var isTableCell = function (node) { return node && /^(TD|TH|CAPTION)$/.test(node.nodeName); }; var isCeFalseCaretContainer = function (node, rootNode) { return CaretContainer.isCaretContainer(node) && hasParent(node, rootNode, CaretFormat.isCaretNode) === false; }; var hasBrBeforeAfter = function (dom, node, left) { var walker = new TreeWalker(node, dom.getParent(node.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || dom.getRoot()); while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) { if (NodeType.isBr(node)) { return true; } } }; var isPrevNode = function (node, name) { return node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeName === name; }; var hasContentEditableFalseParent = function (body, node) { while (node && node !== body) { if (NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(node)) { return true; } node = node.parentNode; } return false; }; // Walks the dom left/right to find a suitable text node to move the endpoint into // It will only walk within the current parent block or body and will stop if it hits a block or a BR/IMG var findTextNodeRelative = function (dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, left, startNode) { var walker, lastInlineElement, parentBlockContainer, body = dom.getRoot(), node; var nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); parentBlockContainer = dom.getParent(startNode.parentNode, dom.isBlock) || body; // Lean left before the BR element if it's the only BR within a block element. Gecko bug: #6680 // This: <p><br>|</p> becomes <p>|<br></p> if (left && NodeType.isBr(startNode) && isAfterNode && dom.isEmpty(parentBlockContainer)) { return Option.some(position(startNode.parentNode, dom.nodeIndex(startNode))); } // Walk left until we hit a text node we can move to or a block/br/img walker = new TreeWalker(startNode, parentBlockContainer); while ((node = walker[left ? 'prev' : 'next']())) { // Break if we hit a non content editable node if (dom.getContentEditableParent(node) === "false" || isCeFalseCaretContainer(node, body)) { return Option.none(); } // Found text node that has a length if (NodeType.isText(node) && node.nodeValue.length > 0) { if (hasParentWithName(node, body, 'A') === false) { return Option.some(position(node, left ? node.nodeValue.length : 0)); } return Option.none(); } // Break if we find a block or a BR/IMG/INPUT etc if (dom.isBlock(node) || nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) { return Option.none(); } lastInlineElement = node; } // Only fetch the last inline element when in caret mode for now if (collapsed && lastInlineElement) { return Option.some(position(lastInlineElement, 0)); } return Option.none(); }; var normalizeEndPoint = function (dom, collapsed, start, rng) { var container, offset, walker, body = dom.getRoot(), node, nonEmptyElementsMap; var directionLeft, isAfterNode, normalized = false; container = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Container']; offset = rng[(start ? 'start' : 'end') + 'Offset']; isAfterNode = NodeType.isElement(container) && offset === container.childNodes.length; nonEmptyElementsMap = dom.schema.getNonEmptyElements(); directionLeft = start; if (CaretContainer.isCaretContainer(container)) { return Option.none(); } if (NodeType.isElement(container) && offset > container.childNodes.length - 1) { directionLeft = false; } // If the container is a document move it to the body element if (NodeType.isDocument(container)) { container = body; offset = 0; } // If the container is body try move it into the closest text node or position if (container === body) { // If start is before/after a image, table etc if (directionLeft) { node = container.childNodes[offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : 0]; if (node) { if (CaretContainer.isCaretContainer(node)) { return Option.none(); } if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName] || isTable(node)) { return Option.none(); } } } // Resolve the index if (container.hasChildNodes()) { offset = Math.min(!directionLeft && offset > 0 ? offset - 1 : offset, container.childNodes.length - 1); container = container.childNodes[offset]; offset = NodeType.isText(container) && isAfterNode ? : 0; // Don't normalize non collapsed selections like <p>[a</p><table></table>] if (!collapsed && container === body.lastChild && isTable(container)) { return Option.none(); } if (hasContentEditableFalseParent(body, container) || CaretContainer.isCaretContainer(container)) { return Option.none(); } // Don't walk into elements that doesn't have any child nodes like a IMG if (container.hasChildNodes() && isTable(container) === false) { // Walk the DOM to find a text node to place the caret at or a BR node = container; walker = new TreeWalker(container, body); do { if (NodeType.isContentEditableFalse(node) || CaretContainer.isCaretContainer(node)) { normalized = false; break; } // Found a text node use that position if (NodeType.isText(node) && node.nodeValue.length > 0) { offset = directionLeft ? 0 : node.nodeValue.length; container = node; normalized = true; break; } // Found a BR/IMG/PRE element that we can place the caret before if (nonEmptyElementsMap[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] && !isTableCell(node)) { offset = dom.nodeIndex(node); container = node.parentNode; // Put caret after image and pre tag when moving the end point if ((node.nodeName === 'IMG' || node.nodeName === 'PRE') && !directionLeft) { offset++; } normalized = true; break; } } while ((node = (directionLeft ? : walker.prev()))); } } } // Lean the caret to the left if possible if (collapsed) { // So this: <b>x</b><i>|x</i> // Becomes: <b>x|</b><i>x</i> // Seems that only gecko has issues with this if (NodeType.isText(container) && offset === 0) { findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, container).each(function (pos) { container = pos.container(); offset = pos.offset(); normalized = true; }); } // Lean left into empty inline elements when the caret is before a BR // So this: <i><b></b><i>|<br></i> // Becomes: <i><b>|</b><i><br></i> // Seems that only gecko has issues with this. // Special edge case for <p><a>x</a>|<br></p> since we don't want <p><a>x|</a><br></p> if (NodeType.isElement(container)) { node = container.childNodes[offset]; // Offset is after the containers last child // then use the previous child for normalization if (!node) { node = container.childNodes[offset - 1]; } if (node && NodeType.isBr(node) && !isPrevNode(node, 'A') && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, false) && !hasBrBeforeAfter(dom, node, true)) { findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, true, node).each(function (pos) { container = pos.container(); offset = pos.offset(); normalized = true; }); } } } // Lean the start of the selection right if possible // So this: x[<b>x]</b> // Becomes: x<b>[x]</b> if (directionLeft && !collapsed && NodeType.isText(container) && offset === container.nodeValue.length) { findTextNodeRelative(dom, isAfterNode, collapsed, false, container).each(function (pos) { container = pos.container(); offset = pos.offset(); normalized = true; }); } return normalized ? Option.some(position(container, offset)) : Option.none(); }; var normalize = function (dom, rng) { var collapsed = rng.collapsed, normRng = rng.cloneRange(); normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, true, normRng).each(function (pos) { normRng.setStart(pos.container(), pos.offset()); }); if (!collapsed) { normalizeEndPoint(dom, collapsed, false, normRng).each(function (pos) { normRng.setEnd(pos.container(), pos.offset()); }); } // If it was collapsed then make sure it still is if (collapsed) { normRng.collapse(true); } return RangeCompare.isEq(rng, normRng) ? Option.none() : Option.some(normRng); }; return { normalize: normalize }; } );