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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/fmt/Preview.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/fmt/Preview.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
Publish content on Web pages with SEO support
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 9,967 bytes


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/** * Preview.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * Internal class for generating previews styles for formats. * * Example: * Preview.getCssText(editor, 'bold'); * * @private * @class tinymce.fmt.Preview */ define( 'tinymce.core.fmt.Preview', [ "tinymce.core.dom.DOMUtils", "tinymce.core.util.Tools", "tinymce.core.html.Schema" ], function (DOMUtils, Tools, Schema) { var each = Tools.each; var dom = DOMUtils.DOM; var parsedSelectorToHtml = function (ancestry, editor) { var elm, item, fragment; var schema = editor && editor.schema || new Schema({}); var decorate = function (elm, item) { if (item.classes.length) { dom.addClass(elm, item.classes.join(' ')); } dom.setAttribs(elm, item.attrs); }; var createElement = function (sItem) { var elm; item = typeof sItem === 'string' ? { name: sItem, classes: [], attrs: {} } : sItem; elm = dom.create(; decorate(elm, item); return elm; }; var getRequiredParent = function (elm, candidate) { var name = typeof elm !== 'string' ? elm.nodeName.toLowerCase() : elm; var elmRule = schema.getElementRule(name); var parentsRequired = elmRule && elmRule.parentsRequired; if (parentsRequired && parentsRequired.length) { return candidate && Tools.inArray(parentsRequired, candidate) !== -1 ? candidate : parentsRequired[0]; } else { return false; } }; var wrapInHtml = function (elm, ancestry, siblings) { var parent, parentCandidate, parentRequired; var ancestor = ancestry.length > 0 && ancestry[0]; var ancestorName = ancestor &&; parentRequired = getRequiredParent(elm, ancestorName); if (parentRequired) { if (ancestorName === parentRequired) { parentCandidate = ancestry[0]; ancestry = ancestry.slice(1); } else { parentCandidate = parentRequired; } } else if (ancestor) { parentCandidate = ancestry[0]; ancestry = ancestry.slice(1); } else if (!siblings) { return elm; } if (parentCandidate) { parent = createElement(parentCandidate); parent.appendChild(elm); } if (siblings) { if (!parent) { // if no more ancestry, wrap in generic div parent = dom.create('div'); parent.appendChild(elm); } Tools.each(siblings, function (sibling) { var siblingElm = createElement(sibling); parent.insertBefore(siblingElm, elm); }); } return wrapInHtml(parent, ancestry, parentCandidate && parentCandidate.siblings); }; if (ancestry && ancestry.length) { item = ancestry[0]; elm = createElement(item); fragment = dom.create('div'); fragment.appendChild(wrapInHtml(elm, ancestry.slice(1), item.siblings)); return fragment; } else { return ''; } }; var selectorToHtml = function (selector, editor) { return parsedSelectorToHtml(parseSelector(selector), editor); }; var parseSelectorItem = function (item) { var tagName; var obj = { classes: [], attrs: {} }; item = obj.selector = Tools.trim(item); if (item !== '*') { // matching IDs, CLASSes, ATTRIBUTES and PSEUDOs tagName = item.replace(/(?:([#\.]|::?)([\w\-]+)|(\[)([^\]]+)\]?)/g, function ($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) { switch ($1) { case '#': = $2; break; case '.': obj.classes.push($2); break; case ':': if (Tools.inArray('checked disabled enabled read-only required'.split(' '), $2) !== -1) { obj.attrs[$2] = $2; } break; } // atribute matched if ($3 === '[') { var m = $4.match(/([\w\-]+)(?:\=\"([^\"]+))?/); if (m) { obj.attrs[m[1]] = m[2]; } } return ''; }); } = tagName || 'div'; return obj; }; var parseSelector = function (selector) { if (!selector || typeof selector !== 'string') { return []; } // take into account only first one selector = selector.split(/\s*,\s*/)[0]; // tighten selector = selector.replace(/\s*(~\+|~|\+|>)\s*/g, '$1'); // split either on > or on space, but not the one inside brackets return>|\s+(?![^\[\]]+\]))/), function (item) { // process each sibling selector separately var siblings =\+|~|\+)/), parseSelectorItem); var obj = siblings.pop(); // the last one is our real target if (siblings.length) { obj.siblings = siblings; } return obj; }).reverse(); }; var getCssText = function (editor, format) { var name, previewFrag, previewElm, items; var previewCss = '', parentFontSize, previewStyles; previewStyles = editor.settings.preview_styles; // No preview forced if (previewStyles === false) { return ''; } // Default preview if (typeof previewStyles !== 'string') { previewStyles = 'font-family font-size font-weight font-style text-decoration ' + 'text-transform color background-color border border-radius outline text-shadow'; } // Removes any variables since these can't be previewed var removeVars = function (val) { return val.replace(/%(\w+)/g, ''); }; // Create block/inline element to use for preview if (typeof format === "string") { format = editor.formatter.get(format); if (!format) { return; } format = format[0]; } // Format specific preview override // TODO: This should probably be further reduced by the previewStyles option if ('preview' in format) { previewStyles = format.preview; if (previewStyles === false) { return ''; } } name = format.block || format.inline || 'span'; items = parseSelector(format.selector); if (items.length) { if (!items[0].name) { // e.g. something like ul > .someClass was provided items[0].name = name; } name = format.selector; previewFrag = parsedSelectorToHtml(items, editor); } else { previewFrag = parsedSelectorToHtml([name], editor); } previewElm =, previewFrag)[0] || previewFrag.firstChild; // Add format styles to preview element each(format.styles, function (value, name) { value = removeVars(value); if (value) { dom.setStyle(previewElm, name, value); } }); // Add attributes to preview element each(format.attributes, function (value, name) { value = removeVars(value); if (value) { dom.setAttrib(previewElm, name, value); } }); // Add classes to preview element each(format.classes, function (value) { value = removeVars(value); if (!dom.hasClass(previewElm, value)) { dom.addClass(previewElm, value); } });'PreviewFormats'); // Add the previewElm outside the visual area dom.setStyles(previewFrag, { position: 'absolute', left: -0xFFFF }); editor.getBody().appendChild(previewFrag); // Get parent container font size so we can compute px values out of em/% for older IE:s parentFontSize = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), 'fontSize', true); parentFontSize = /px$/.test(parentFontSize) ? parseInt(parentFontSize, 10) : 0; each(previewStyles.split(' '), function (name) { var value = dom.getStyle(previewElm, name, true); // If background is transparent then check if the body has a background color we can use if (name === 'background-color' && /transparent|rgba\s*\([^)]+,\s*0\)/.test(value)) { value = dom.getStyle(editor.getBody(), name, true); // Ignore white since it's the default color, not the nicest fix // TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() === '#ffffff') { return; } } if (name === 'color') { // Ignore black since it's the default color, not the nicest fix // TODO: Fix this by detecting runtime style if (dom.toHex(value).toLowerCase() === '#000000') { return; } } // Old IE won't calculate the font size so we need to do that manually if (name === 'font-size') { if (/em|%$/.test(value)) { if (parentFontSize === 0) { return; } // Convert font size from em/% to px value = parseFloat(value, 10) / (/%$/.test(value) ? 100 : 1); value = (value * parentFontSize) + 'px'; } } if (name === "border" && value) { previewCss += 'padding:0 2px;'; } previewCss += name + ':' + value + ';'; });'AfterPreviewFormats'); //previewCss += 'line-height:normal'; dom.remove(previewFrag); return previewCss; }; return { getCssText: getCssText, parseSelector: parseSelector, selectorToHtml: selectorToHtml }; } );