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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/delete/TableDelete.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/core/src/main/js/delete/TableDelete.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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/** * TableDelete.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ define( 'tinymce.core.delete.TableDelete', [ 'ephox.katamari.api.Arr', 'ephox.katamari.api.Fun', 'ephox.katamari.api.Option', 'ephox.sugar.api.dom.Compare', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Element', 'ephox.sugar.api.node.Node', 'tinymce.core.caret.CaretFinder', 'tinymce.core.caret.CaretPosition', 'tinymce.core.delete.DeleteElement', 'tinymce.core.delete.TableDeleteAction', 'tinymce.core.dom.ElementType', 'tinymce.core.dom.Empty', 'tinymce.core.dom.PaddingBr', 'tinymce.core.dom.Parents', 'tinymce.core.selection.TableCellSelection' ], function (Arr, Fun, Option, Compare, Element, Node, CaretFinder, CaretPosition, DeleteElement, TableDeleteAction, ElementType, Empty, PaddingBr, Parents, TableCellSelection) { var emptyCells = function (editor, cells) { Arr.each(cells, PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(cells[0].dom(), 0); return true; }; var deleteTableElement = function (editor, table) { DeleteElement.deleteElement(editor, false, table); return true; }; var deleteCellRange = function (editor, rootElm, rng) { return TableDeleteAction.getActionFromRange(rootElm, rng).map(function (action) { return action.fold( Fun.curry(deleteTableElement, editor), Fun.curry(emptyCells, editor) ); }); }; var deleteCaptionRange = function (editor, caption) { return emptyElement(editor, caption); }; var deleteTableRange = function (editor, rootElm, rng, startElm) { return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold( function () { return deleteCellRange(editor, rootElm, rng); }, function (caption) { return deleteCaptionRange(editor, caption); } ).getOr(false); }; var deleteRange = function (editor, startElm) { var rootNode = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); var rng = editor.selection.getRng(); var selectedCells = TableCellSelection.getCellsFromEditor(editor); return selectedCells.length !== 0 ? emptyCells(editor, selectedCells) : deleteTableRange(editor, rootNode, rng, startElm); }; var getParentCell = function (rootElm, elm) { return Arr.find(Parents.parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), ElementType.isTableCell); }; var getParentCaption = function (rootElm, elm) { return Arr.find(Parents.parentsAndSelf(elm, rootElm), function (elm) { return === 'caption'; }); }; var deleteBetweenCells = function (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from) { return CaretFinder.navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(function (to) { return getParentCell(rootElm, Element.fromDom(to.getNode())).map(function (toCell) { return Compare.eq(toCell, fromCell) === false; }); }); }; var emptyElement = function (editor, elm) { PaddingBr.fillWithPaddingBr(elm); editor.selection.setCursorLocation(elm.dom(), 0); return Option.some(true); }; var isDeleteOfLastCharPos = function (fromCaption, forward, from, to) { return CaretFinder.firstPositionIn(fromCaption.dom()).bind(function (first) { return CaretFinder.lastPositionIn(fromCaption.dom()).map(function (last) { return forward ? from.isEqual(first) && to.isEqual(last) : from.isEqual(last) && to.isEqual(first); }); }).getOr(true); }; var emptyCaretCaption = function (editor, elm) { return emptyElement(editor, elm); }; var validateCaretCaption = function (rootElm, fromCaption, to) { return getParentCaption(rootElm, Element.fromDom(to.getNode())).map(function (toCaption) { return Compare.eq(toCaption, fromCaption) === false; }); }; var deleteCaretInsideCaption = function (editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from) { return CaretFinder.navigate(forward, editor.getBody(), from).bind(function (to) { return isDeleteOfLastCharPos(fromCaption, forward, from, to) ? emptyCaretCaption(editor, fromCaption) : validateCaretCaption(rootElm, fromCaption, to); }).or(Option.some(true)); }; var deleteCaretCells = function (editor, forward, rootElm, startElm) { var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return getParentCell(rootElm, startElm).bind(function (fromCell) { return Empty.isEmpty(fromCell) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCell) : deleteBetweenCells(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCell, from); }); }; var deleteCaretCaption = function (editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption) { var from = CaretPosition.fromRangeStart(editor.selection.getRng()); return Empty.isEmpty(fromCaption) ? emptyElement(editor, fromCaption) : deleteCaretInsideCaption(editor, rootElm, forward, fromCaption, from); }; var deleteCaret = function (editor, forward, startElm) { var rootElm = Element.fromDom(editor.getBody()); return getParentCaption(rootElm, startElm).fold( function () { return deleteCaretCells(editor, forward, rootElm, startElm); }, function (fromCaption) { return deleteCaretCaption(editor, forward, rootElm, fromCaption); } ).getOr(false); }; var backspaceDelete = function (editor, forward) { var startElm = Element.fromDom(editor.selection.getStart(true)); return editor.selection.isCollapsed() ? deleteCaret(editor, forward, startElm) : deleteRange(editor, startElm); }; return { backspaceDelete: backspaceDelete }; } );