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File: public/js/tinymce/src/ui/src/main/js/Scrollable.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/ui/src/main/js/Scrollable.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: GoLavaCMS
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Date: 6 years ago
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/** * Scrollable.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * This mixin makes controls scrollable using custom scrollbars. * * @-x-less Scrollable.less * @mixin tinymce.ui.Scrollable */ define( 'tinymce.ui.Scrollable', [ "tinymce.core.dom.DomQuery", "tinymce.ui.DragHelper" ], function ($, DragHelper) { "use strict"; return { init: function () { var self = this; self.on('repaint', self.renderScroll); }, renderScroll: function () { var self = this, margin = 2; function repaintScroll() { var hasScrollH, hasScrollV, bodyElm; function repaintAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, contentSizeName, hasScroll, ax) { var containerElm, scrollBarElm, scrollThumbElm; var containerSize, scrollSize, ratio, rect; var posNameLower, sizeNameLower; scrollBarElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName); if (scrollBarElm) { posNameLower = posName.toLowerCase(); sizeNameLower = sizeName.toLowerCase(); $(self.getEl('absend')).css(posNameLower, self.layoutRect()[contentSizeName] - 1); if (!hasScroll) { $(scrollBarElm).css('display', 'none'); return; } $(scrollBarElm).css('display', 'block'); containerElm = self.getEl('body'); scrollThumbElm = self.getEl('scroll' + axisName + "t"); containerSize = containerElm["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2); containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? scrollBarElm["client" + ax] : 0; scrollSize = containerElm["scroll" + sizeName]; ratio = containerSize / scrollSize; rect = {}; rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["offset" + posName] + margin; rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize; $(scrollBarElm).css(rect); rect = {}; rect[posNameLower] = containerElm["scroll" + posName] * ratio; rect[sizeNameLower] = containerSize * ratio; $(scrollThumbElm).css(rect); } } bodyElm = self.getEl('body'); hasScrollH = bodyElm.scrollWidth > bodyElm.clientWidth; hasScrollV = bodyElm.scrollHeight > bodyElm.clientHeight; repaintAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "contentW", hasScrollH, "Height"); repaintAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "contentH", hasScrollV, "Width"); } function addScroll() { function addScrollAxis(axisName, posName, sizeName, deltaPosName, ax) { var scrollStart, axisId = self._id + '-scroll' + axisName, prefix = self.classPrefix; $(self.getEl()).append( '<div id="' + axisId + '" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar ' + prefix + 'scrollbar-' + axisName + '">' + '<div id="' + axisId + 't" class="' + prefix + 'scrollbar-thumb"></div>' + '</div>' ); self.draghelper = new DragHelper(axisId + 't', { start: function () { scrollStart = self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName]; $('#' + axisId).addClass(prefix + 'active'); }, drag: function (e) { var ratio, hasScrollH, hasScrollV, containerSize, layoutRect = self.layoutRect(); hasScrollH = layoutRect.contentW > layoutRect.innerW; hasScrollV = layoutRect.contentH > layoutRect.innerH; containerSize = self.getEl('body')["client" + sizeName] - (margin * 2); containerSize -= hasScrollH && hasScrollV ? self.getEl('scroll' + axisName)["client" + ax] : 0; ratio = containerSize / self.getEl('body')["scroll" + sizeName]; self.getEl('body')["scroll" + posName] = scrollStart + (e["delta" + deltaPosName] / ratio); }, stop: function () { $('#' + axisId).removeClass(prefix + 'active'); } }); } self.classes.add('scroll'); addScrollAxis("v", "Top", "Height", "Y", "Width"); addScrollAxis("h", "Left", "Width", "X", "Height"); } if (self.settings.autoScroll) { if (!self._hasScroll) { self._hasScroll = true; addScroll(); self.on('wheel', function (e) { var bodyEl = self.getEl('body'); bodyEl.scrollLeft += (e.deltaX || 0) * 10; bodyEl.scrollTop += e.deltaY * 10; repaintScroll(); }); $(self.getEl('body')).on("scroll", repaintScroll); } repaintScroll(); } } }; } );