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File: public/js/tinymce/src/ui/src/main/js/MenuItem.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/ui/src/main/js/MenuItem.js
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/** * MenuItem.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * Creates a new menu item. * * @-x-less MenuItem.less * @class tinymce.ui.MenuItem * @extends tinymce.ui.Control */ define( 'tinymce.ui.MenuItem', [ "tinymce.ui.Widget", "tinymce.core.ui.Factory", "tinymce.core.Env", "tinymce.core.util.Delay" ], function (Widget, Factory, Env, Delay) { "use strict"; var toggleTextStyle = function (ctrl, state) { var textStyle = ctrl._textStyle; if (textStyle) { var textElm = ctrl.getEl('text'); textElm.setAttribute('style', textStyle); if (state) { = ''; = ''; } } }; return Widget.extend({ Defaults: { border: 0, role: 'menuitem' }, /** * Constructs a instance with the specified settings. * * @constructor * @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings. * @setting {Boolean} selectable Selectable menu. * @setting {Array} menu Submenu array with items. * @setting {String} shortcut Shortcut to display for menu item. Example: Ctrl+X */ init: function (settings) { var self = this, text; self._super(settings); settings = self.settings; self.classes.add('menu-item'); if ( { self.classes.add('menu-item-expand'); } if (settings.preview) { self.classes.add('menu-item-preview'); } text = self.state.get('text'); if (text === '-' || text === '|') { self.classes.add('menu-item-sep'); self.aria('role', 'separator'); self.state.set('text', '-'); } if (settings.selectable) { self.aria('role', 'menuitemcheckbox'); self.classes.add('menu-item-checkbox'); settings.icon = 'selected'; } if (!settings.preview && !settings.selectable) { self.classes.add('menu-item-normal'); } self.on('mousedown', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); if ( && !settings.ariaHideMenu) { self.aria('haspopup', true); } }, /** * Returns true/false if the menuitem has sub menu. * * @method hasMenus * @return {Boolean} True/false state if it has submenu. */ hasMenus: function () { return !!; }, /** * Shows the menu for the menu item. * * @method showMenu */ showMenu: function () { var self = this, settings = self.settings, menu, parent = self.parent(); parent.items().each(function (ctrl) { if (ctrl !== self) { ctrl.hideMenu(); } }); if ( { menu =; if (!menu) { menu =; // Is menu array then auto constuct menu control if (menu.length) { menu = { type: 'menu', animate: true, items: menu }; } else { menu.type = menu.type || 'menu'; menu.animate = true; } if (parent.settings.itemDefaults) { menu.itemDefaults = parent.settings.itemDefaults; } menu = = Factory.create(menu).parent(self).renderTo(); menu.reflow(); menu.on('cancel', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); self.focus(); menu.hide(); }); menu.on('show hide', function (e) { if (e.control.items) { e.control.items().each(function (ctrl) {; }); } }).fire('show'); menu.on('hide', function (e) { if (e.control === menu) { self.classes.remove('selected'); } }); menu.submenu = true; } else {; } menu._parentMenu = parent; menu.classes.add('menu-sub'); var rel = menu.testMoveRel( self.getEl(), self.isRtl() ? ['tl-tr', 'bl-br', 'tr-tl', 'br-bl'] : ['tr-tl', 'br-bl', 'tl-tr', 'bl-br'] ); menu.moveRel(self.getEl(), rel); menu.rel = rel; rel = 'menu-sub-' + rel; menu.classes.remove(menu._lastRel).add(rel); menu._lastRel = rel; self.classes.add('selected'); self.aria('expanded', true); } }, /** * Hides the menu for the menu item. * * @method hideMenu */ hideMenu: function () { var self = this; if ( { (item) { if (item.hideMenu) { item.hideMenu(); } });; self.aria('expanded', false); } return self; }, /** * Renders the control as a HTML string. * * @method renderHtml * @return {String} HTML representing the control. */ renderHtml: function () { var self = this, id = self._id, settings = self.settings, prefix = self.classPrefix, text = self.state.get('text'); var icon = self.settings.icon, image = '', shortcut = settings.shortcut; var url = self.encode(settings.url), iconHtml = ''; // Converts shortcut format to Mac/PC variants function convertShortcut(shortcut) { var i, value, replace = {}; if (Env.mac) { replace = { alt: '&#x2325;', ctrl: '&#x2318;', shift: '&#x21E7;', meta: '&#x2318;' }; } else { replace = { meta: 'Ctrl' }; } shortcut = shortcut.split('+'); for (i = 0; i < shortcut.length; i++) { value = replace[shortcut[i].toLowerCase()]; if (value) { shortcut[i] = value; } } return shortcut.join('+'); } function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); } function markMatches(text) { var match = settings.match || ''; return match ? text.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(match), 'gi'), function (match) { return '!mce~match[' + match + ']mce~match!'; }) : text; } function boldMatches(text) { return text. replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp('!mce~match['), 'g'), '<b>'). replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(']mce~match!'), 'g'), '</b>'); } if (icon) { self.parent().classes.add('menu-has-icons'); } if (settings.image) { image = ' style="background-image: url(\'' + settings.image + '\')"'; } if (shortcut) { shortcut = convertShortcut(shortcut); } icon = prefix + 'ico ' + prefix + 'i-' + (self.settings.icon || 'none'); iconHtml = (text !== '-' ? '<i class="' + icon + '"' + image + '></i>\u00a0' : ''); text = boldMatches(self.encode(markMatches(text))); url = boldMatches(self.encode(markMatches(url))); return ( '<div id="' + id + '" class="' + self.classes + '" tabindex="-1">' + iconHtml + (text !== '-' ? '<span id="' + id + '-text" class="' + prefix + 'text">' + text + '</span>' : '') + (shortcut ? '<div id="' + id + '-shortcut" class="' + prefix + 'menu-shortcut">' + shortcut + '</div>' : '') + ( ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'caret"></div>' : '') + (url ? '<div class="' + prefix + 'menu-item-link">' + url + '</div>' : '') + '</div>' ); }, /** * Gets invoked after the control has been rendered. * * @method postRender */ postRender: function () { var self = this, settings = self.settings; var textStyle = settings.textStyle; if (typeof textStyle === "function") { textStyle =; } if (textStyle) { var textElm = self.getEl('text'); if (textElm) { textElm.setAttribute('style', textStyle); self._textStyle = textStyle; } } self.on('mouseenter click', function (e) { if (e.control === self) { if (! && e.type === 'click') {'select'); // Edge will crash if you stress it see #2660 Delay.requestAnimationFrame(function () { self.parent().hideAll(); }); } else { self.showMenu(); if (e.aria) {; } } } }); self._super(); return self; }, hover: function () { var self = this; self.parent().items().each(function (ctrl) { ctrl.classes.remove('selected'); }); self.classes.toggle('selected', true); return self; }, active: function (state) { toggleTextStyle(this, state); if (typeof state != "undefined") { this.aria('checked', state); } return this._super(state); }, /** * Removes the control and it's menus. * * @method remove */ remove: function () { this._super(); if ( {; } } }); } );