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File: public/js/tinymce/src/ui/src/main/js/FlexLayout.js

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File: public/js/tinymce/src/ui/src/main/js/FlexLayout.js
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/** * FlexLayout.js * * Released under LGPL License. * Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved * * License: * Contributing: */ /** * This layout manager works similar to the CSS flex box. * * @setting {String} direction row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse * @setting {Number} flex A positive-number to flex by. * @setting {String} align start|end|center|stretch * @setting {String} pack start|end|justify * * @class tinymce.ui.FlexLayout * @extends tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout */ define( 'tinymce.ui.FlexLayout', [ "tinymce.ui.AbsoluteLayout" ], function (AbsoluteLayout) { "use strict"; return AbsoluteLayout.extend({ /** * Recalculates the positions of the controls in the specified container. * * @method recalc * @param {tinymce.ui.Container} container Container instance to recalc. */ recalc: function (container) { // A ton of variables, needs to be in the same scope for performance var i, l, items, contLayoutRect, contPaddingBox, contSettings, align, pack, spacing, totalFlex, availableSpace, direction; var ctrl, ctrlLayoutRect, ctrlSettings, flex, maxSizeItems = [], size, maxSize, ratio, rect, pos, maxAlignEndPos; var sizeName, minSizeName, posName, maxSizeName, beforeName, innerSizeName, deltaSizeName, contentSizeName; var alignAxisName, alignInnerSizeName, alignSizeName, alignMinSizeName, alignBeforeName, alignAfterName; var alignDeltaSizeName, alignContentSizeName; var max = Math.max, min = Math.min; // Get container items, properties and settings items = container.items().filter(':visible'); contLayoutRect = container.layoutRect(); contPaddingBox = container.paddingBox; contSettings = container.settings; direction = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.direction || 'row-reversed') : contSettings.direction; align = contSettings.align; pack = container.isRtl() ? (contSettings.pack || 'end') : contSettings.pack; spacing = contSettings.spacing || 0; if (direction == "row-reversed" || direction == "column-reverse") { items = items.set(items.toArray().reverse()); direction = direction.split('-')[0]; } // Setup axis variable name for row/column direction since the calculations is the same if (direction == "column") { posName = "y"; sizeName = "h"; minSizeName = "minH"; maxSizeName = "maxH"; innerSizeName = "innerH"; beforeName = 'top'; deltaSizeName = "deltaH"; contentSizeName = "contentH"; alignBeforeName = "left"; alignSizeName = "w"; alignAxisName = "x"; alignInnerSizeName = "innerW"; alignMinSizeName = "minW"; alignAfterName = "right"; alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaW"; alignContentSizeName = "contentW"; } else { posName = "x"; sizeName = "w"; minSizeName = "minW"; maxSizeName = "maxW"; innerSizeName = "innerW"; beforeName = 'left'; deltaSizeName = "deltaW"; contentSizeName = "contentW"; alignBeforeName = "top"; alignSizeName = "h"; alignAxisName = "y"; alignInnerSizeName = "innerH"; alignMinSizeName = "minH"; alignAfterName = "bottom"; alignDeltaSizeName = "deltaH"; alignContentSizeName = "contentH"; } // Figure out total flex, availableSpace and collect any max size elements availableSpace = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName] - contPaddingBox[beforeName]; maxAlignEndPos = totalFlex = 0; for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { ctrl = items[i]; ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect(); ctrlSettings = ctrl.settings; flex = ctrlSettings.flex; availableSpace -= (i < l - 1 ? spacing : 0); if (flex > 0) { totalFlex += flex; // Flexed item has a max size then we need to check if we will hit that size if (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName]) { maxSizeItems.push(ctrl); } ctrlLayoutRect.flex = flex; } availableSpace -= ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]; // Calculate the align end position to be used to check for overflow/underflow size = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] + ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] + contPaddingBox[alignAfterName]; if (size > maxAlignEndPos) { maxAlignEndPos = size; } } // Calculate minW/minH rect = {}; if (availableSpace < 0) { rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[minSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName]; } else { rect[minSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace + contLayoutRect[deltaSizeName]; } rect[alignMinSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos + contLayoutRect[alignDeltaSizeName]; rect[contentSizeName] = contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace; rect[alignContentSizeName] = maxAlignEndPos; rect.minW = min(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.maxW); rect.minH = min(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.maxH); rect.minW = max(rect.minW, contLayoutRect.startMinWidth); rect.minH = max(rect.minH, contLayoutRect.startMinHeight); // Resize container container if minSize was changed if (contLayoutRect.autoResize && (rect.minW != contLayoutRect.minW || rect.minH != contLayoutRect.minH)) { rect.w = rect.minW; rect.h = rect.minH; container.layoutRect(rect); this.recalc(container); // Forced recalc for example if items are hidden/shown if (container._lastRect === null) { var parentCtrl = container.parent(); if (parentCtrl) { parentCtrl._lastRect = null; parentCtrl.recalc(); } } return; } // Handle max size elements, check if they will become to wide with current options ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex; for (i = 0, l = maxSizeItems.length; i < l; i++) { ctrl = maxSizeItems[i]; ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect(); maxSize = ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName]; size = ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName] + ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio; if (size > maxSize) { availableSpace -= (ctrlLayoutRect[maxSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]); totalFlex -= ctrlLayoutRect.flex; ctrlLayoutRect.flex = 0; ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = maxSize; } else { ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize = 0; } } // Setup new ratio, target layout rect, start position ratio = availableSpace / totalFlex; pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName]; rect = {}; // Handle pack setting moves the start position to end, center if (totalFlex === 0) { if (pack == "end") { pos = availableSpace + contPaddingBox[beforeName]; } else if (pack == "center") { pos = Math.round( (contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] / 2) - ((contLayoutRect[innerSizeName] - availableSpace) / 2) ) + contPaddingBox[beforeName]; if (pos < 0) { pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName]; } } else if (pack == "justify") { pos = contPaddingBox[beforeName]; spacing = Math.floor(availableSpace / (items.length - 1)); } } // Default aligning (start) the other ones needs to be calculated while doing the layout rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName]; // Start laying out controls for (i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) { ctrl = items[i]; ctrlLayoutRect = ctrl.layoutRect(); size = ctrlLayoutRect.maxFlexSize || ctrlLayoutRect[minSizeName]; // Align the control on the other axis if (align === "center") { rect[alignAxisName] = Math.round((contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] / 2) - (ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] / 2)); } else if (align === "stretch") { rect[alignSizeName] = max( ctrlLayoutRect[alignMinSizeName] || 0, contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName] - contPaddingBox[alignAfterName] ); rect[alignAxisName] = contPaddingBox[alignBeforeName]; } else if (align === "end") { rect[alignAxisName] = contLayoutRect[alignInnerSizeName] - ctrlLayoutRect[alignSizeName] -; } // Calculate new size based on flex if (ctrlLayoutRect.flex > 0) { size += ctrlLayoutRect.flex * ratio; } rect[sizeName] = size; rect[posName] = pos; ctrl.layoutRect(rect); // Recalculate containers if (ctrl.recalc) { ctrl.recalc(); } // Move x/y position pos += size + spacing; } } }); } );