* AddOnManager.js
* Released under LGPL License.
* Copyright (c) 1999-2017 Ephox Corp. All rights reserved
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This class handles the loading of themes/plugins or other add-ons and their language packs.
* @class tinymce.AddOnManager
function (Arr, ScriptLoader, Tools) {
var each = Tools.each;
var AddOnManager = function () {
var self = this;
self.items = [];
self.urls = {};
self.lookup = {};
self._listeners = [];
AddOnManager.prototype = {
* Returns the specified add on by the short name.
* @method get
* @param {String} name Add-on to look for.
* @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} Theme or plugin add-on instance or undefined.
get: function (name) {
if (this.lookup[name]) {
return this.lookup[name].instance;
return undefined;
dependencies: function (name) {
var result;
if (this.lookup[name]) {
result = this.lookup[name].dependencies;
return result || [];
* Loads a language pack for the specified add-on.
* @method requireLangPack
* @param {String} name Short name of the add-on.
* @param {String} languages Optional comma or space separated list of languages to check if it matches the name.
requireLangPack: function (name, languages) {
var language = AddOnManager.language;
if (language && AddOnManager.languageLoad !== false) {
if (languages) {
languages = ',' + languages + ',';
// Load short form sv.js or long form sv_SE.js
if (languages.indexOf(',' + language.substr(0, 2) + ',') != -1) {
language = language.substr(0, 2);
} else if (languages.indexOf(',' + language + ',') == -1) {
ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(this.urls[name] + '/langs/' + language + '.js');
* Adds a instance of the add-on by it's short name.
* @method add
* @param {String} id Short name/id for the add-on.
* @param {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} addOn Theme or plugin to add.
* @return {tinymce.Theme/tinymce.Plugin} The same theme or plugin instance that got passed in.
* @example
* // Create a simple plugin
* tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin', {
* TestPlugin: function(ed, url) {
* ed.on('click', function(e) {
* ed.windowManager.alert('Hello World!');
* });
* }
* });
* // Register plugin using the add method
* tinymce.PluginManager.add('test', tinymce.plugins.TestPlugin);
* // Initialize TinyMCE
* tinymce.init({
* ...
* plugins: '-test' // Init the plugin but don't try to load it
* });
add: function (id, addOn, dependencies) {
this.lookup[id] = { instance: addOn, dependencies: dependencies };
var result = Arr.partition(this._listeners, function (listener) {
return listener.name === id;
this._listeners = result.fail;
each(result.pass, function (listener) {
return addOn;
remove: function (name) {
delete this.urls[name];
delete this.lookup[name];
createUrl: function (baseUrl, dep) {
if (typeof dep === "object") {
return dep;
return { prefix: baseUrl.prefix, resource: dep, suffix: baseUrl.suffix };
* Add a set of components that will make up the add-on. Using the url of the add-on name as the base url.
* This should be used in development mode. A new compressor/javascript munger process will ensure that the
* components are put together into the plugin.js file and compressed correctly.
* @method addComponents
* @param {String} pluginName name of the plugin to load scripts from (will be used to get the base url for the plugins).
* @param {Array} scripts Array containing the names of the scripts to load.
addComponents: function (pluginName, scripts) {
var pluginUrl = this.urls[pluginName];
each(scripts, function (script) {
ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(pluginUrl + "/" + script);
* Loads an add-on from a specific url.
* @method load
* @param {String} name Short name of the add-on that gets loaded.
* @param {String} addOnUrl URL to the add-on that will get loaded.
* @param {function} success Optional success callback to execute when an add-on is loaded.
* @param {Object} scope Optional scope to execute the callback in.
* @param {function} failure Optional failure callback to execute when an add-on failed to load.
* @example
* // Loads a plugin from an external URL
* tinymce.PluginManager.load('myplugin', '/some/dir/someplugin/plugin.js');
* // Initialize TinyMCE
* tinymce.init({
* ...
* plugins: '-myplugin' // Don't try to load it again
* });
load: function (name, addOnUrl, success, scope, failure) {
var self = this, url = addOnUrl;
var loadDependencies = function () {
var dependencies = self.dependencies(name);
each(dependencies, function (dep) {
var newUrl = self.createUrl(addOnUrl, dep);
self.load(newUrl.resource, newUrl, undefined, undefined);
if (success) {
if (scope) {
} else {
if (self.urls[name]) {
if (typeof addOnUrl === "object") {
url = addOnUrl.prefix + addOnUrl.resource + addOnUrl.suffix;
if (url.indexOf('/') !== 0 && url.indexOf('://') == -1) {
url = AddOnManager.baseURL + '/' + url;
self.urls[name] = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
if (self.lookup[name]) {
} else {
ScriptLoader.ScriptLoader.add(url, loadDependencies, scope, failure);
waitFor: function (name, callback) {
if (this.lookup.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
} else {
this._listeners.push({ name: name, callback: callback });
AddOnManager.PluginManager = new AddOnManager();
AddOnManager.ThemeManager = new AddOnManager();
return AddOnManager;
* TinyMCE theme class.
* @class tinymce.Theme
* This method is responsible for rendering/generating the overall user interface with toolbars, buttons, iframe containers etc.
* @method renderUI
* @param {Object} obj Object parameter containing the targetNode DOM node that will be replaced visually with an editor instance.
* @return {Object} an object with items like iframeContainer, editorContainer, sizeContainer, deltaWidth, deltaHeight.
* Plugin base class, this is a pseudo class that describes how a plugin is to be created for TinyMCE. The methods below are all optional.
* @class tinymce.Plugin
* @example
* tinymce.PluginManager.add('example', function(editor, url) {
* // Add a button that opens a window
* editor.addButton('example', {
* text: 'My button',
* icon: false,
* onclick: function() {
* // Open window
* editor.windowManager.open({
* title: 'Example plugin',
* body: [
* {type: 'textbox', name: 'title', label: 'Title'}
* ],
* onsubmit: function(e) {
* // Insert content when the window form is submitted
* editor.insertContent('Title: ' + e.data.title);
* }
* });
* }
* });
* // Adds a menu item to the tools menu
* editor.addMenuItem('example', {
* text: 'Example plugin',
* context: 'tools',
* onclick: function() {
* // Open window with a specific url
* editor.windowManager.open({
* title: 'TinyMCE site',
* url: 'http://www.tinymce.com',
* width: 800,
* height: 600,
* buttons: [{
* text: 'Close',
* onclick: 'close'
* }]
* });
* }
* });
* });