* This file contains the documentation for the Editor API.
* Schema instance, enables you to validate elements and its children.
* @property schema
* @type tinymce.html.Schema
* DOM instance for the editor.
* @property dom
* @type tinymce.dom.DOMUtils
* @example
* // Adds a class to all paragraphs within the editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.dom.addClass(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p'), 'someclass');
* HTML parser will be used when contents is inserted into the editor.
* @property parser
* @type tinymce.html.DomParser
* DOM serializer for the editor. Will be used when contents is extracted from the editor.
* @property serializer
* @type tinymce.dom.Serializer
* @example
* // Serializes the first paragraph in the editor into a string
* tinymce.activeEditor.serializer.serialize(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
* Selection instance for the editor.
* @property selection
* @type tinymce.dom.Selection
* @example
* // Sets some contents to the current selection in the editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.selection.setContent('Some contents');
* // Gets the current selection
* alert(tinymce.activeEditor.selection.getContent());
* // Selects the first paragraph found
* tinymce.activeEditor.selection.select(tinymce.activeEditor.dom.select('p')[0]);
* Formatter instance.
* @property formatter
* @type tinymce.Formatter
* Undo manager instance, responsible for handling undo levels.
* @property undoManager
* @type tinymce.UndoManager
* @example
* // Undoes the last modification to the editor
* tinymce.activeEditor.undoManager.undo();
* Is set to true after the editor instance has been initialized
* @property initialized
* @type Boolean
* @example
* function isEditorInitialized(editor) {
* return editor && editor.initialized;
* }
* Window manager reference, use this to open new windows and dialogs.
* @property windowManager
* @type tinymce.WindowManager
* @example
* // Shows an alert message
* tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.alert('Hello world!');
* // Opens a new dialog with the file.htm file and the size 320x240
* // It also adds a custom parameter this can be retrieved by using tinyMCEPopup.getWindowArg inside the dialog.
* tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.open({
* url: 'file.htm',
* width: 320,
* height: 240
* }, {
* custom_param: 1
* });
* Notification manager reference, use this to open new windows and dialogs.
* @property notificationManager
* @type tinymce.NotificationManager
* @example
* // Shows a notification info message.
* tinymce.activeEditor.notificationManager.open({text: 'Hello world!', type: 'info'});
* Reference to the theme instance that was used to generate the UI.
* @property theme
* @type tinymce.Theme
* @example
* // Executes a method on the theme directly
* tinymce.activeEditor.theme.someMethod();