// Include the bookmarks class
$YourDomain = 'http://www.karatag.de';
$YourTitle = 'Object oriented PHP programming';
$YourKeywords = 'Object oriented, PHP, programming, software, Germany';
$sb = new sozialBookmarks($YourDomain, $YourTitle, $YourKeywords);
// if you want to change the target of the links
$sb->setVar('target', '_self');
// if you want to change the folder of the images
$sb->setVar('imagesFolder', 'images');
// if you want to change the width of the images
$sb->setVar('imageWidth', 20);
// if you want to change the height of the images
$sb->setVar('imageHeight', 20);
$result = $sb->GetCode();
// Now you can use the result
echo '<br /><h1>Sozial Bookmarks:</h1>';
echo '<br />'.$result;