# include mysql class
require 'mysql.class.php';
# mysql connection variables
# declare an instance of our class and make the connection to our database
$db=new mysql();
if ($db->errno==0)
if ($db->errno!=0)
echo "No database!";
echo "No access rights!";
# example 1
echo "Example 1<br/>";
# insert a row
# declare a new instance of our class
$mysql=new mysql('first_table');
# executing an insert query
$mysql->sql("insert into %tbl (name,field) values ('Peter','IT')");
# checking for errors
if ($mysql->errno==0)
# displaying the last inserted id
echo "Your new row has id=".$last_insert;
# we have an error in our query
echo "MySQL error: ".$mysql->error;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
# example 2
echo "Example 2<br/>";
# fetch a single row
# declare a new instance of our class
$mysql=new mysql('first_table');
# fetch the row with id=2
# display fields content
echo $mysql->id;
echo "<br/>";
echo $mysql->name;
echo "<br/>";
echo $mysql->field;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
# example 3
echo "Example 3<br/>";
# delete a row
# declare a new instance of our class
$mysql=new mysql('first_table');
# delete the row inserted last, the first example
echo "Deleted the row with id=".$last_insert;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
# example 4
echo "Example 4<br/>";
# select more rows
# declare a new instance of our class
$mysql=new mysql('first_table');
# proceed with the query
$mysql->sql("select * from %tbl where name='john' || name='alex'");
if ($mysql->errno==0)
# echo the number of rows affected by the last query
echo "Rows affected: ";
echo $mysql->count;
echo "<br/>";
# now we go through all the selected rows and display the name
foreach($mysql->rows as $k=>$row)
echo $k.". ".$row->name."<br/>";
# we have an error in our query
echo "MySQL error: ".$mysql->error;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
# example 5
echo "Example 5<br/>";
# select one row with the sql function
# declare a new instance of our class
$mysql=new mysql('first_table');
# execute query
$mysql->sql("select count(*) as total from %tbl where field='IT'");
# nou echo the result
echo $mysql->total;
#this final example shows you that when your result is only one row,
#then the fields returned by the query ar directly included in the object,
#but also in the rows array.
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
# example 6
echo "Example 6<br/>";
# shows you a way to display all the content of the object
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";