* © Sloppycode.net All rights reserved.
* This is a standard copyright header for all source code appearing
* at sloppycode.net. This application/class/script may be redistributed,
* as long as the above copyright remains intact.
* Comments/Suggestions to sloppycode@sloppycode.net
* Simple structure for holding file/directory details
class FileDataStore
var $name;
var $link;
var $type;
* DirectoryBrowser - directory browsing class to display files and directories.
* Requires the DataProducer class for its templates.
* @author C.Small <chris@sloppycode.net>
* @version 1.1 PEAR style comments addded
* @version 1.0
* @public
class DirectoryBrowser
* How the files/directories are display. Either 'byname' or 'bytype'. Default is byname
* @public
* @see DirectoryBrowser#_sortFiles()
var $sorttype = "byname";
* The home domain and directory that DirectoryBrowser is running in. Include http://
* @access public
var $rootdomain;
* The icon/graphic for a directory. In the example it is directory.gif
* @access public
var $image_dir;
* The icon/graphic for a file. In the example it is file.gif
* @access public
var $image_file;
* Current directory that is being browsed
* @access public
var $currentdir = "";
* The querystring variable name for the current directory
* @access public
var $querystring_dirname = "dir";
* The querystring variable name for the current sort type
* @access public
var $querystring_sorttypename = "sort";
* Files and subdirectories in the current directory
* @access private
var $files = array();
* The html template file
* @access private
var $contents;
* Name of the script, including preceeding path if any
* @access public
var $scriptname;
* Displays the contents of the templatefile, with all tags replaced with data. Tags are:
* <sortoption_link/> - Displays a link for the sorting option (by name or type)
* <rootdomain/> - The rootdomain name.
* <parent_link/> - Dispalys a link to the parent folder.
* <parent_dirname/> - Displays the parent directory name.
* <files> - The files to display
* <file_image/> - The image for the file, either a directory or file icon.
* <file_link/> - A link to the file, or directory.
* </files>
* <self_dirname/> - The directory name of the current directory.
* @access public
* @param string $name description
* @return void
function display($templatefile)
global $HTTP_GET_VARS;
if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->querystring_dirname]))
$this->currentdir = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->querystring_dirname];
if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->querystring_sorttypename]))
$this->sorttype = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$this->querystring_sorttypename];
if (empty($templatefile))
echo "DirectoryBrowser class error: no templatefile specified";
$dp = new DataProducer();
$contents = $dp->openTemplate($templatefile);
/* ---- Single tags ---- */
$tags['rootdomain'] = $this->rootdomain;
$tags['parent_link'] = "?".$this->querystring_dirname."=".$this->_getParentFolder($this->currentdir)."&".$this->querystring_sorttypename."=".$this->sorttype;
$tags['parent_dirname'] = $this->_getParentFolder($this->currentdir);
if ($tags['parent_dirname'] == "")
$tags['parent_dirname'] = "/";
$tags['self_scriptname'] = $this->scriptname;
$tags['self_link'] = "?".$this->querystring_dirname."=".$this->currentdir."&".$this->querystring_sorttypename."=".$this->sorttype;
$tags['self_dirname'] = $this->currentdir;
if ($tags['self_dirname'] == "")
$tags['self_dirname'] = "/";
if ($this->sorttype == "byname")
$tags['sortoption_link'] = "?".$this->querystring_dirname."=".$this->currentdir."&".$this->querystring_sorttypename."=bydir";
$tags['sortoption'] = "by directory/file";
} else{
$tags['sortoption_link'] = "?".$this->querystring_dirname."=".$this->currentdir."&".$this->querystring_sorttypename."=byname";
$tags['sortoption'] = "by name";
$contents = $dp->doSingleDataProducer($tags,$contents);
/* ---- Multiple tags ---- */
$contents = $dp->doDataProducer("files",$this->_sortFiles(),$contents);
echo $contents;
* Checks whether the current directory is root or not.
* @access private
* @return void
function _checkCurrentDir()
if (isset($this->currentdir))
if ($this->currentdir[sizeof($this->currentdir)] == "/")
$this->basedir .= "/".$this->currentdir;
} else{
$this->basedir .= $this->currentdir;
} else{
$this->basedir .= "/";
* Retrieves all files and folders for the current directory.
* @access private
* @return void
function _getFiles()
$PHP_SELF = $this->scriptname;
$fHnd = opendir($this->basedir);
if ($fHnd)
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($fHnd)) )
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..")
if (is_dir($this->basedir."/".$filename))
$file = new FileDataStore();
$file->type = "dir";
$file->name = $filename;
$goto = $this->currentdir."/".$filename;
$file->link = $PHP_SELF."?".$this->querystring_dirname."=".$goto."&".$this->querystring_sorttypename."=".$this->sorttype;
$this->files[] = $file;
} else{
$file = new FileDataStore();
$file->type = "file";
$file->name = $filename;
$file->link = $this->rootdomain.$this->currentdir."/".$filename;
$this->files[] = $file;
* Sorts the files and directories according to the $sorttype property
* @access private
* @return void
* @see $sorttype property
function _sortFiles()
if ($this->sorttype == "byname")
// Sort alphabetically
$tags = array();
$rows = array();
if (sizeof($this->files) >0)
// Make up new array to be sorted
for ($i=0;$i <= sizeof($this->files) -1;$i++)
if ($this->files[$i]->type == "dir")
$img = $this->image_dir;
} else{
$img= $this->image_file;
$sortedarr[] = array($this->files[$i]->name,$this->files[$i]->link,$this->files[$i]->type,$img);
for ($i=0;$i <= sizeof($sortedarr) -1;$i++)
$tags['file_name'] = $sortedarr[$i][0];
$tags['file_link'] = $sortedarr[$i][1];
$tags['file_type'] = $sortedarr[$i][2];
$tags['file_image'] = $sortedarr[$i][3];
$rows[] = $tags;
} else{
// Sort by file type (directory then file)
$tags = array();
$rows = array();
if (sizeof($this->files) >0)
// Add directories
for ($i=0;$i <= sizeof($this->files) -1;$i++)
if ($this->files[$i]->type == "dir")
$tags['file_type'] = "dir";
$tags['file_name'] = $this->files[$i]->name;
$tags['file_link'] = $this->files[$i]->link;
$tags['file_image'] = $this->image_dir;
$rows[] = $tags;
// Add files
for ($i=0;$i <= sizeof($this->files) -1;$i++)
if ($this->files[$i]->type == "file")
$tags['file_type'] = "file";
$tags['file_name'] = $this->files[$i]->name;
$tags['file_link'] = $this->files[$i]->link;
$tags['file_image'] = $this->image_file;
$rows[] = $tags;
return $rows;
* Gets the parent folder from provided $folder.
* @access private
* @param string $folder Child folder whose parent should be retrieved.
* @return string The parent folder.
function _getParentFolder($folder)
$temp = explode("/",$folder);
if (sizeof($temp) > 0)
// first element will be empty as it starts with "/"
if (empty($temp[0])){
// get rid of last element to show arent
$folder = $temp[0];
for ($i=1;$i <= sizeof($temp) -1;$i++){
if (!empty($temp[$i]))
$folder .= "/".$temp[$i];
if (strpos($folder,"/") != 1)
$folder = "/".$folder;
if ($folder == "/") $folder = "";
return $folder;