* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @name Oh!DB
* @desc TDG (Table Data Gateway) for ADODB
* @copyright 2005-2007 (c) Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @blog http://leocelis.blogspot.com
* @email celisla@hotmail.com
* Thanks to:
* Mario Garcia: for find the being of this class and for put some good features
* Federico Bergero: for find some catastrofics errores
* Juan Cruz Borba: for find some catastrofics errores
* Related:
* Martin Fowler: http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/tableDataGateway.html
* @todo
* Make a Singleton, the schema could be in memory for every object table
* Puts some examples in all the methods
* Relocate all the names from the data model to properties
* Multiple objects intances can interact with their own joins and filters
* @features
* 13:14 25/06/2007 object suppor in addOrder method
* 13:14 25/06/2007 setters and getters
* 13:14 25/06/2007 addFunction for sum, max, min
* 12:56 19/06/2007 add the filters of all de objects that is joined with this
* 12:54 11/05/2007 join to oh!db objects support
* @bugs
* 11:34 29/06/2007 Federico Bergero: if the value is empty, don't unset the field
* 11:33 29/06/2007 Federico Bergero: if the field type is int and the send value is 0, set to null
* 16:59 27/06/2007 Zend Code Analyzer free bugs
* 14:00 27/06/2007 Federico Bergero: bug in buildFields, the secondary fields have precedence
* 11:01 26/06/2007 Juan Cruz Borba: bug in buildFields and getMetaColumns methods, the fields in the object table must have
* the "table." prefix only in the buildFields method.
* 14:53 22/06/2007 still catastrofics errors in save method, now is fine
* 18:38 20/06/2007 error with save method, the condition for insert/update was wrong
* 15:00 20/06/2007 catastrofic error with save method, this convert the blank into null
* 11:16 19/06/2007 buildJoins bug, if the table is an object the method add the logic field filter and the
* left join become useless
* 13:30 14/06/2007 Federico Bergero: bug in ohdb::buildFilters - precedence in logic field with other filters
* 10:44 p.m. 05/06/2007 fix compatibility with logic field in save method
* 09:44 p.m. 05/06/2007 fix compatibility with older version that doesn't have metacolumns
* 09:29 05/06/2007 fix delete logic bug, delete the values of all the fields
class ohdb
// the ADODB object connection
public $oADODB = "";
public $Table = "";
public $PrimaryKey = "";
public $Order = "";
public $joins = array();
public $filters = "";
public $functions = "";
public $Debug = false;
public $LogicField = "";
public $ChildsTables = array();
public $xmlSQL = "";
public $sql = "";
public $bCache = false;
public $nCacheTime = 0;
public $bFirstRegister = false;
public $bLastRegister = false;
public $bLogic = false;
// to upper
public $bUpper = false;
// validations
public $RelatedTables = array();
// check relations
public $sCodeErrorRelations = "";
//check for this fields
public $sDuplicatedField = "";
public $sCodeErrorDuplicated = "";
// navigations constants
public $nav_first = 1;
public $nav_next = 2;
public $nav_prev = 4;
public $nav_last = 8;
public $Limit = 0;
public $Offset = 0;
public $iLastID = 0;
// private properties
public $Fields = "";
private $DefaultField = "";
// MetaData array
protected $aMetaColumns = "";
// MetaRules array
protected $aMetaRules = "";
// Fields array
private $aFields = "";
// String join
protected $sJoinFields = "";
// xml dom object
public $oDomIt = null;
// validation object
public $oValidation = null;
// recycled
public $oRecycled = null;
// construct and destruct!
function __construct($oADODB = null)
$this->oADODB = $oADODB;
function __destruct()
* =======================================================
* Connection
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc ADODB Connection
* @todo handled multiple objects connections
function connectTo()
// by default take a global ADODB object
if ($this->oADODB == '')
global $gobjADODB;
$this->oADODB = $gobjADODB;
// if debug is active show the error message
if ($this->Debug)
$this->oADODB->debug = true;
return $this->oADODB;
* =======================================================
* Setters and Getters
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc set the table
* @param unknown_type $psTableName
public function setTable($psTableName)
$this->Table = $psTableName;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc set the primary key
* @param unknown_type $psPrimaryKey
public function setPrimaryKey($psPrimaryKey)
$this->PrimaryKey = $psPrimaryKey;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc get all the selected rows by filters and joins
function getAll()
$sSQL = 'SELECT ';
$sSQL .= self::buildFields();
$sSQL .= " FROM ".$this->Table;
return self::RunSQL($sSQL);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc get max id
function getMaxID()
return self::RunSQL("SELECT MAX(" . $this->PrimaryKey . ") AS MaxID FROM " . $this->Table)->fields['MaxID'];
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc get min id
function getMinID()
return self::RunSQL("SELECT MIN(" . $this->PrimaryKey . ") AS MinID FROM " . $this->Table)->fields['MinID'];
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc get one row by id
public function getOne($id)
self::addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, "=", $id);
return self::getAll();
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc get the first row
function getFirst()
$sSQL = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->Table . " order by " . $this->PrimaryKey . " LIMIT 0,1";
$this->Limit = 0;
return self::RunSQL($sSQL);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc count rows
function getCount()
$sSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM ".$this->Table;
$rs = self::RunSQL($sSQL);
if ($rs->EOF)
return 0;
return $rs->fields['COUNT'];
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc sum all the values from the given field
function getSum($field)
//$sSQL = "SELECT SUM(" . $field . ") AS TOTAL FROM ".$this->Table;
self::addFunction($field, $field, "SUM");
//return self::RunSQL($sSQL);
* @name Mario Garcia
* @desc Get the recordset schema
function getRecordsetSchema($poRs)
$arrFields = array();
for($i=0; $i < $poRs->_numOfFields; $i++ )
$arrFields[$poRs->FetchField($i)->name] = "";
return array($arrFields);
* @author Emanuel Goette.
* @desc
* $primerRegistro: el registro donde empiesa a mostrar los datos
* $cantidad: cantidad de datos a mostrar.
function getAllPage($primerRegistro, $cantidad)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->Table;
$connect = self::connectTo();
$sql = self::buildJoins($sql);
$sql = self::buildFilters($sql);
$sql = self::buildOrder($sql);
$sql = $sql." limit ".$primerRegistro." , ".$cantidad;
$rs = $connect->Execute($sql);
if (!$rs)
// if debug is active show the error message
if ($this->Debug)
print $connect->ErrorMsg();
return $rs;
return array();
// spanish version
public function getAllPagina($firstRegister, $count)
return self::getAllPage($firstRegister, $count);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc get rows, but not a rs object, an array!
function getOneToArray($id)
$rs = self::getOne($id);
if ($rs->EOF)
return array();
return $rs->GetRows();
function getAllToArray()
$rs = self::getAll();
if ($rs->EOF)
return array();
return $rs->GetRows();
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc set the fields to retrieve
* separate by comas
public function setFields($string)
$this->Fields = $string;
* =======================================================
* Friendly methods
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc add functions to fields
public function addFunction($psField, $psAlias, $psFunction)
$this->functions[] = array($psField, $psAlias, $psFunction);
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc friendly method for add joins
* @param
* xSecondaryTable: join to secondary table (not this object table)
function addJoin($psTableName, $paKeys = null, $paReturnFields = null, $psDirection = null, $xSecondaryTable = null)
// fields
// if the pair paKeys is not defined
if ($paKeys == null)
// primary $paKeys[0]
// foreign $paKeys[0]
if (is_object($psTableName))
if ($this->PrimaryKey == '') die("Oh!DB: The primary key is not defined");
$paKeys[0] = $this->PrimaryKey;
$paKeys[1] = $this->PrimaryKey;
if (is_object($xSecondaryTable))
if ($xSecondaryTable->PrimaryKey == '' || $psTableName->PrimaryKey) die("ohdb::addJoin - The primary key is not defined");
$paKeys[0] = $xSecondaryTable->PrimaryKey;
$paKeys[1] = $psTableName->PrimaryKey;
// join secondary table
if ($xSecondaryTable != null)
if (is_object($xSecondaryTable))
$paKeys[0] = $xSecondaryTable->Table . "." . $paKeys[0];
$paKeys[0] = $xSecondaryTable. "." . $paKeys[0];
// $psTableName could be an another Oh!DB object
$aJoin = array (
'table' => $psTableName,
'primary' => $paKeys[0],
'foreign' => $paKeys[1],
'direction' => $psDirection,
$this->joins[] = $aJoin;
// preserve the object table
if (is_object($psTableName))
$sTable = $psTableName->Table;
$sTable = $psTableName;
// return fields
if (is_array($paReturnFields))
//foreach($paReturnFields as $sKey => $sValue)
foreach($paReturnFields as $sValue)
if (stripos($sValue, ".") === false )
$this->sJoinFields .= ",$sTable.$sValue";
$this->sJoinFields .= ",$sValue";
$this->sJoinFields .= ",{$sTable}.*";
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc friendly method for add filters
function addFilter($psField = null, $psCriteria, $psValue, $psTableName = null, $psOperador = null, $psFunction = null)
// by default the primarykey
if (is_null($psField)) $psField = $this->PrimaryKey;
if (is_null($psTableName))
$psTableName = $this->Table;
$aFilter = array (
'field' => $psTableName.'.'.$psField,
'condition' =>$psCriteria,
'value' => $psValue
$aFilter['operator'] = $psOperador;
$aFilter['function'] = $psFunction;
$this->filters[] = $aFilter;
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc friendly method for add rules
function addRules($psCriteria, $psFieldName, $psMessageError)
$this->aMetaRules[] = $psCriteria.','.$psFieldName.','.$psMessageError;
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc friendly method for add orders
function addOrder($psTableName = null, $psField , $psDirection = null)
// if it's a object
if (is_object($psTableName))
$psTableName = $psTableName->Table;
// if it's null
if ($psTableName == null)
$psTableName = $this->Table;
$this->Order[] = $psTableName.'.'.$psField.' '.$psDirection;
* =======================================================
* Transactions
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc handled transactions
public function startTransaction()
$connect = self::connectTo();
public function endTransaction()
$connect = self::connectTo();
return $connect->CompleteTrans();
* =======================================================
* Core
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc this is the core baby!
public function RunSQL($sql)
$connect = self::connectTo();
$sql = self::buildJoins($sql);
$sql = self::buildFilters($sql);
$sql = self::buildOrder($sql);
// if it has function used group by
if ($this->functions != '')
$sql .= " GROUP BY " . $this->Table . "." . $this->PrimaryKey;
// if it the cache is on
if ($this->bCache)
if ($this->Limit != 0 || $this->Offset != 0)
$rs = $connect->CacheSelectLimit($this->nCacheTime, $sql, $this->Limit, $this->Offset);
$rs = $connect->CacheExecute($this->nCacheTime, $sql);
if ($this->Limit != 0 || $this->Offset != 0)
$rs = $connect->SelectLimit($sql, $this->Limit, $this->Offset);
$rs = $connect->Execute($sql);
$this->sql = $sql;
if (!$rs)
if ($this->Debug)
echo $connect->ErrorMsg();
$this->AffectedRows = $connect->Affected_Rows();
return $rs;
return array();
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc build fields
private function buildFields()
$sFunctions = $this->functions;
// if the fields has functions
if ($sFunctions != '')
for ($i = 0; $i < count($sFunctions); $i++)
/*[0] // field
[1] // alias
[2] // function*/
$sSQL .= ", " . $sFunctions[$i][2] . "(" . $this->Table . "." . $sFunctions[$i][0] . ") as " . $sFunctions[$i][1] . " ";
//$sSQL .= $sSQL . ", ";
$sSQL = substr($sSQL,1);
$sSQL .= ", ";
if ($this->Fields != '')
//if (!is_array($this->aFields))
$aFieldsTmp = split(",", $this->Fields);
$sFields = "";
//foreach($aFieldsTmp as $sKey => $aValue)
foreach($aFieldsTmp as $aValue)
$sFields .= "," . trim($this->Table) . "." . trim($aValue) . " ";
$this->Fields = substr($sFields,1);
$sSQL .= $this->Fields;
$sSQL .= $this->Table . '.*';
// secondary fields
if ($this->sJoinFields != '' && $this->sJoinFields != null)
$sSQL .= $this->sJoinFields;
return $sSQL;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Build the SQL statement based on relations with other tables
* @updated The table element could be an object, so is posibble to join to
* another Oh!DB objects
public function buildJoins($sql)
$joins = $this->joins;
if (count($joins) > 0 && $joins != '')
foreach ($joins as $join)
if (is_object($join['table']))
$sJoinTable = $join['table']->Table;
// if the join object has filters bring them to this object
$filters = $join['table']->filters;
if ($filters != '' && count($filters) > 0)
// loop for all the filters and add to this object
for ($i = 0; $i < count($filters); $i++)
$this->filters[] = $filters[$i];
$sJoinTable = $join['table'];
// si viene un join
if ($join['direction'] != null && $join['direction'] != '')
$sql .= ' ' . $join['direction'] . ' JOIN ' . $sJoinTable .' ';
//$sql .= ' INNER JOIN ' . $join['table'] .' ';
$sql .= ' INNER JOIN ' . $sJoinTable .' ';
if (isset($join['primary']))
// mitabla as tbl
// Uso de Alias en la tabla
if( stripos($sJoinTable ,' as ') > 0 )
$sJoinTable = substr( $sJoinTable , stripos($sJoinTable ,' as ') + 3);
$table = $this->Table;
if (stripos($join['primary'], ".") !== false ) $table = "";
$sql .= ' ON ' . $table . '.' . $join['primary'] . '=' . $sJoinTable . '.' . $join['foreign'] . ' ';
return $sql;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Build the filters
public function buildFilters($sql)
$filters = $this->filters;
if (($filters != '' && count($filters) > 0) || $this->bLogic) $sql .= " WHERE ";
if ($this->bLogic)
$sql .= $this->Table . "." . $this->LogicField . " = 1 ";
if ($filters != '' && count($filters) > 0)
$sql .= " AND ";
$filters = $this->filters;
if ($filters != '' && count($filters) > 0)
if ($this->bLogic)
$sql .= " ( ";
$i = 0;
foreach ($filters as $filter)
if ($filter['function'] != '' || $filter['function'] != null)
$sql .= " " . $filter['function'] . '(' . $filter['field'] . ") " . $filter['condition'] . " '" . $filter['value'] . "'";
$sql .= " " . $filter['field'] . " " . $filter['condition'] . " '" . $filter['value'] . "'";
if ($i < count($filters)-1)
if (isset($filter['operator']) && ($filter['operator'] != '' || $filter['operator'] != null))
$sql .= ' ' . $filter['operator'];
$sql .= ' AND';
if ($this->bLogic)
$sql .= " ) ";
return $sql;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Build the orders
public function buildOrder($sql)
if (is_array($this->Order))
$sql .= " ORDER BY ";
$sField = "";
foreach($this->Order as $sKey ){
$sField .= ",$sKey" ;
$sql .= substr($sField,1);
return $sql;
* =======================================================
* Meta
* =======================================================
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc this method is cancel, the validation rules must be in another class
function initMetaRules()
// example:
//$this->arrRules[] = "required,varOriNombre,El varOriNombre es requerido.";
/*foreach($this->aMetaColumns as $sKey => $aMetaColumn)
if($aMetaColumn->primary_key) continue;
if($aMetaColumn->not_null )
$this->aMetaRules[] = "required,{$aMetaColumn->name}, Es requerido.";
case 'int':
$this->aMetaRules[] = "digits_only,{$aMetaColumn->name},Ingrese un valor numerico.";
return null;
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc this is awesome!, get the schema for the given table
function getMetaColumns()
// pacth for store procedure sync error
//if( is_object(self::connectTo()->_queryID) ) mysqli_free_result(self::connectTo()->_queryID);
$dataDictionary = NewDataDictionary(self::connectTo());
if(!$this->Table) return array();
$aMetaColumns = $dataDictionary->MetaColumns($this->Table);
$aFields = array();
$sFields = "";
if (is_array($aMetaColumns))
//foreach($aMetaColumns as $sKey => $aValue)
foreach($aMetaColumns as $aValue)
$aFields[] = $aValue->name;
//$sFields .= ",$this->Table.$aValue->name";
$sFields .= ",$aValue->name";
$this->PrimaryKey = $aValue->name;
$this->aFields = $aFields;
$this->Fields = substr($sFields,1);
$this->aMetaColumns = $aMetaColumns;
return $this->aMetaColumns;
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc init the meta, get the schema, empowered the object
function initMeta()
//Este metodo carga en $this->aMetaColumns toda la info de la metadata
//Tiene que ser llamado despues de inicializar $this->Table = "tblProOrigenes";
//y tiene que ser llamado solo en el constructor
//luego de crear la metadata creo las metas rules
* =======================================================
* Write actions
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc the other core!
* @todo Unified save and RunSQL methods
function save($data)
//if (is_array($this->aFields) && $data[$this->LogicField] != '0')
if (is_array($this->aFields))
$aSave = null;
foreach($this->aFields as $lnKey)
// if exists in the save array
if (isset($data[$lnKey]))
$sType = $this->aMetaColumns[strtoupper($lnKey)]->type;
// upper case
if (($sType == 'char' || $sType == 'longtext' || $sType == 'mediumtext' || $sType == 'text'
|| $sType == 'tinytext' || $sType == 'varchar' ) && $this->bUpper)
// if it's int and the value is 0, set to null
if (($sType == 'int' || $sType == 'tinyint' || $sType == 'bigint' || $sType == 'decimal'
|| $sType == 'double' || $sType == 'float' || $sType == 'mediumint' || $sType == 'numeric'
|| $sType == 'smallint' ) && $data[$lnKey] == '')
$data[$lnKey] = "null";
$aSave[$lnKey] = $data[$lnKey];
if (!is_null($aSave)) $data = $aSave;
// if the logic delete is active;
if ($this->bLogic)
if ($data[$this->LogicField] != '0')
$data[$this->LogicField] = '1';
// connection
$connect = self::connectTo();
// for checkbox?
/*foreach( $data as $key => $value)
if (strtolower($value) == 'on')
$data[$key] = '1';
$ok = true;
if (isset($data[$this->PrimaryKey]) && $data[$this->PrimaryKey] != "null")
// update
$ok = $connect->replace($this->Table, $data, $this->PrimaryKey, true);
$this->iLastID = $data[$this->PrimaryKey];
// insert
$ok = $connect->AutoExecute($this->Table, $data, 'INSERT');
$this->iLastID = $connect->Insert_ID();
return $ok;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc delete the row
//function delete($id, $data = null)
function delete($id)
// logic delete
if ($this->bLogic)
//$this->deleteLogic($id, $data);
$sSQL = "DELETE FROM ".$this->Table." WHERE ".$this->PrimaryKey." = ".$id;
return self::RunSQL($sSQL);
return array();
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc delete the selected rows by filters
public function deleteAll()
$sSQL = "DELETE FROM " . $this->Table;
return self::RunSQL($sSQL);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc logic delete
//function deleteLogic($id, $data)
function deleteLogic($id)
$data[$this->PrimaryKey] = $id;
$data[$this->LogicField] = '0';
self::cascadeDeleteLogic($this, $this->PrimaryKey, $id);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Cascade logic delete
* @todo Change the Execute to RunSQL
function cascadeDeleteLogic($pobjTable, $pKey, $pId)
// get the adodb object connection
$connect = self::connectTo();
// set the logic field in 0
$data[$this->LogicField] = '0';
if (count($pobjTable->ChildsTables) > 0 && $pobjTable->ChildsTables != '')
foreach( $pobjTable->ChildsTables as $value )
$objTable = new $value;
$objTable->addFilter($pKey, "=", $pId);
$rsChilds = $objTable->getAll();
if (!$rsChilds->EOF)
while (!$rsChilds->EOF)
$connect->AutoExecute($objTable->Table, $data, 'UPDATE', $pKey . '=' . $pId);
$objTable->cascadeDeleteLogic($objTable, $objTable->PrimaryKey, $rsChilds->fields[$objTable->PrimaryKey], 0);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Retrieved from Recycled
* @todo This has to be in a Recycled object
function retrieveFromRecycled($pobjTable, $pId)
$oRecycled = $this->oRecycled;
$connect = self::connectTo();
$data[$this->LogicField] = '1';
if (count($pobjTable->ChildsTables) > 0 && $pobjTable->ChildsTables != '')
foreach( $pobjTable->ChildsTables as $value )
$objTable = new $value;
$objTable->addFilter($pobjTable->PrimaryKey, "=", $pId);
$rsChilds = $objTable->getAll();
if (!$rsChilds->EOF)
while (!$rsChilds->EOF)
$oRecycled->addFilter('varPapTabla', '=', $objTable->Table, null, 'AND');
$oRecycled->addFilter('varPapCampoClave', '=', $objTable->PrimaryKey, null, 'AND');
$oRecycled->addFilter('intPapRegID', '=', $rsChilds->fields[$objTable->PrimaryKey], null);
$rsDeleted = $oRecycled->getAll();
if ($rsDeleted->EOF)
$connect->AutoExecute($objTable->Table, $data, 'UPDATE', $pobjTable->PrimaryKey . '=' . $pId);
$objTable->retrieveFromRecycled($objTable, $rsChilds->fields[$objTable->PrimaryKey]);
* =======================================================
* Validations
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc check for duplicated rows
public function checkDuplicated ($id = null, $name = null)
$o = $this;
// check for duplicated register
if ($this->sCodeErrorDuplicated != '' && $this->sDuplicatedField != '')
$o->addFilter($this->sDuplicatedField, '=', $name);
// if the id is specified then check for all except the id
if ($id != '') $o->addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, '<>', $id);
// if the login field is set
if ($this->bLogic)
$o->addFilter($this->LogicField, '=', '1');
$rs = $o->getAll();
if (!$rs->EOF)
return false;
return true;
return false;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Check if the register id exists
function validateUnique($id)
self::addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, "=", $id, null, null);
$rs = self::getAll();
return !$rs->EOF;
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc validate metarules
function validateMetaRules( $aValues)
return validateFields($aValues, $this->aMetaRules);
* @name Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc check for relations in another tables
public function checkRelations($id)
$ok = true;
// check for relationed tables
if (count($this->ChildsTables) > 0 && $this->ChildsTables != '')
foreach( $this->ChildsTables as $value )
$oTable = new $value;
$oTable->addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, "=", $id, null, null);
$rsChilds = $oTable->getAll();
if (!$rsChilds->EOF)
$ok &= false;
// check for related tables
if (count($this->RelatedTables) > 0 && $this->RelatedTables != '')
foreach( $this->RelatedTables as $value )
$oTable = new $value;
$oTable->addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, "=", $id, null, null);
$rsChilds = $oTable->getAll();
if (!$rsChilds->EOF)
$ok &= false;
return $ok;
* =======================================================
* Cleaning
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Clean objects properties
function clean()
//$this->JoinFields = "";
$this->Order = "";
$this->sJoinFields = "";
//$this->aFields = "";
$this->Fields = "";
$this->functions = "";
$this->filters = "";
$this->joins = "";
* @desc Patch: reload the schema
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Clean the filters
function cleanFilters()
$this->filters = null;
* @author Leonaro Alberto Celis
* @desc remove the last apply filter
public function removeLastFilter()
$this->filters = array_slice($this->filters, 0, count($this->filters)-1);
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Clean the joins
function cleanJoins()
$this->joins = null;
* =======================================================
* Cool stuff
* =======================================================
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc Change to Upper only the alphabetical characters
private function str2Upper($psString)
$psString = mb_convert_case($psString, MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8");
return $psString;
* @author Mario Garcia
* @desc Execute a Store Procedure
public function ExecuteSP($psSPName, $paSPParameters)
$lsSQLParm = "";
foreach ($paSPParameters as $lsValue)
//$lsSQLParm .= ",?";
$lsSQLParm .= ",{$lsValue}";
$lsSQLParm = substr($lsSQLParm,1);
$lsSQLSP = "CALL {$psSPName} ({$lsSQLParm})";
$connect = self::connectTo();
$lmRS = $connect->Execute($lsSQLSP, $paSPParameters);
return $lmRS;
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc rows navigator
public function navigator($piConst, $piID)
switch ($piConst)
case $this->nav_first:
$this->Limit = 1;
self::addOrder(null, $this->PrimaryKey, "ASC");
$rs = self::getAll();
if ($rs->EOF)
return self::getRecordsetSchema($rs);
//return $rs->getRows();
return $rs;
case $this->nav_next:
$this->Limit = 1;
self::addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, ">", $piID);
$rs = self::getAll();
if ($rs->EOF)
return self::navigator($this->nav_first, null);
//return $rs->GetArray(1);
return $rs;
case $this->nav_prev:
self::addFilter($this->PrimaryKey, "<", $piID);
$rs = self::getAll();
if ($rs->EOF)
return self::navigator($this->nav_last, null);
//return $rs->GetArray(1);
return $rs;
case $this->nav_last:
$this->Limit = 1;
self::addOrder(null, $this->PrimaryKey, "DESC");
$rs = self::getAll();
if ($rs->EOF)
return self::getRecordsetSchema($rs);
return $rs;
return array();
* @author Leonardo Alberto Celis
* @desc this is experimental, the xml query!
function xmlQuery($pstrTag, $parrParams = array())
// the domit object, only this object!
$success = $this->oDomIt->loadXML($this->xmlSQL, true);
if ($success)
//use getElementsByTagName to gather all elements named "cd"
$matchingNodes =& $this->oDomIt->getElementsByTagName($pstrTag);
//if any matching nodes are found, echo to browser
if ($matchingNodes != null)
$temp = $matchingNodes->item(0);
$sql = $temp->getText();
if (count($parrParams) > 0)
for ($i = 0; $i < count($parrParams); $i++)
$sql = str_replace('@param' . $i, $parrParams[$i], $sql);
$connect = self::connectTo();
return $connect->Execute($sql);
return false;
return false;