When you work with objects and classes, just a few lines in every class you use can
help you to see information about the class and the current state of an object
includes variables values.
If you are a developer and share your classes you can add this few lines too.
If someone try to use and don't have the classinfo class the functions return:
classInfo class not found!!! (You can download it from www.phpclasses.org)
Is very simple. You can see the example: classinfo.b1.example.php
1.- At the end of the list of vars defined you nedd add this lines:
a| /* This is for ClassInfo Class. */
b| var $class_version = "example v.3 by Anonymous";
c| var $class_vars = array("var1", "var2", "var3");
d| var $class_location = __FILE__;
e| var $class_constructor;
f| function classinfo($b_noshow = "") {
g| $s_check_class = (function_exists(class_exists) ? class_exists : function_exists);
h| if (!$s_check_class('classinfo')): echo ($b_noshow ? "\n<!--\n\n" : "<br><b>")."classinfo class not found!!! (You can download it from www.phpclasses.org)".($b_noshow ? "\n\n-->\n" : "</b><br>"); return; endif;
i| $o_classinfo = new classinfo($this->class_version, $this->class_location, $this->class_constructor);
j| for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->class_vars); $i++): $o_classinfo->vars[$this->class_vars[$i]] = $this->{$this->class_vars[$i]}; endfor;
k| $o_classinfo->info($b_noshow);
l| }
m| /* End of info & function for ClassInfo Class. */
b.- You must put the name of the class, version, author... all you want.
c.- Array of the name of the vars of your class (only) whose state you want
listed in info.
d-l.- These shouldn't need modifications
a,m.- Just comments.
2.- If your class have a constructor function you add this line
$this->class_constructor = "example(\"$var1\", \"$var2\")"; // This is info for ClassInfo Class.
Where "example" is the name of the function constructor and "$var1", "$var2"
are the parameters.
See the example working: classinfo.b1.example.php
When you have an object of a class you can get:
1.- class_constructor
echo $object->class_constructor -> Print the constructor with parameters.
2.- class_version
echo $object->class_version -> Print the class name, version, info, etc.
3.- class_location
echo $object->class_location -> Print the location of the class.
4.- classinfo()
Print a table with, class_constructor, class_version, class_location, last
modified of the file whose contain the class, and the value of the variables
listed in the class_vars array.
The las line have the version and location of the classinfo class.
If you add "noshow" this table is printed like a comment and you should need
see the source code of your page to see it.
If you don't want the list of variables use:
$object->class_vars = "";
and if you want just the first variable value use:
$object->class_vars = array("var1");