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File: logo.php

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File: logo.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Handle with PHP Image using Logo Commands
Class: Logo Interpreter
Logo language interpreter
Author: By
Last change: reserve pe
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 24,715 bytes


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<?php // License: GNU General Public License (GPL) // class.logo.php // @ver 0.1 // Author: Zhihua Lai // Example URL: // This class is used to do simple Logo Command to a // Image in PHP error_reporting(E_ALL); define('LOGO_WRAP',0); define('LOGO_FENCE',1); define('LOGO_WINDOW',2); class Logo { // X,Y Coordinates var $_x; var $_y; // Image Handler var $_im; // Width & Height var $_imagex; var $_imagey; var $_half_ix; var $_half_iy; // Colors var $_pc; var $_fc; var $_sc; // Turtle status var $_draw; var $_d; var $_st; // Fonts var $_font; var $_fontw; var $_fonth; // Window var $_win; function Logo(&$im, $r=255, $g=255, $b=255, $width=720, $height=600) { if (!$im) { $im=imagecreate($width,$height); } $this->_im=$im; $this->_imagex=imagesx($im); $this->_imagey=imagesy($im); $this->_half_ix=$this->_imagex*0.5; $this->_half_iy=$this->_imagey*0.5; $this->_d=0; $this->_draw=true; $this->_sc=imagecolorallocate($im, $r, $g, $b); imagefill($im, 0, 0, $this->_sc); $this->_fc=imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 255); $this->_pc=imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); $this->_win=LOGO_WINDOW; $this->_x=0; $this->_y=0; $this->_st=true; $this->_font=4; $this->_fontw=imagefontwidth(4); $this->_fonth=imagefontheight(4); } function getFont() { return ($this->_font); } function isTrueColor() { return (imageistruecolor($this->_im)); } function setFont($d) { $d=(integer)$d; if ($d<1) $d=1; if ($d>5) $d=5; $this->_font=$d; $this->_fontw=imagefontwidth($d); $this->_fonth=imagefontheight($d); } public static function getRGB($rgb, &$r, &$g, &$b) { $rgb=(integer)$rgb; $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; } function printText($x, $y, $s, $font=0) { $x=$this->getIXd($x); $y=$this->getIYd($y); if ($font) { imagestring($this->_im, $font, $x, $y, $s, $this->_pc); } else { imagestring($this->_im, $this->_font, $x, $y, $s, $this->_pc); } return ($this->_fonth); } function printTextUp($x, $y, $s, $font=0) { $x=$this->getIXd($x); $y=$this->getIYd($y); if ($font) { imagestringup($this->_im, $font, $x, $y, $s, $this->_pc); } else { imagestringup($this->_im, $this->_font, $x, $y, $s, $this->_pc); } return ($this->_fontw); } function getImageX() { return $this->_imagex; } function getImageY() { return $this->_imagey; } function getImageHX() { return $this->_half_ix; } function getImageHY() { return $this->_half_iy; } function st() { $this->_st=true; } function ht() { $this->_st=false; } function getTurtle() { return ($this->_st); } function drawTurtle() { if ($this->_st) { $t=$this->_draw; $this->_draw=true; $this->arc(360, 3); $this->_draw=$t; } } function home() { $this->_d=0; $this->lineTo(0,0,true); } function getD() { return ($this->_d); } function setD($d) { $d=round($d); $this->_d=$d; } function dot() { if ($this->_draw) { imagesetpixel($this->_im, $this->getIX(), $this->getIY(), $this->_pc); } } function dotxy($x, $y) { if (!$this->_draw) return; $dr=$this->_draw; $dx=$this->_x; $dy=$this->_y; $this->pu(); $this->setXY($x, $y); $this->_draw=$dr; $this->dot(); $this->_x=$dx; $this->_y=$dy; } function cs() { //$this->clean(); $this->setXY(0,0); $this->_d=0; $this->getRGB($this->_sc, $r, $g, $b); $this->_sc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function setWrap($d) { $d=(integer)$d; switch ($d) { case LOGO_FENCE: $this->_win=LOGO_FENCE; break; case LOGO_WINDOW: $this->_win=LOGO_WINDOW; break; case LOGO_WRAP: $this->_win=LOGO_WRAP; break; default: $this->_win=LOGO_WINDOW; break; } if (($d == LOGO_WRAP)||($d == LOGO_FENCE)) { if ($this->isOut()) { $this->_x=0; $this->_y=0; } return; } } function isWrap() { return ($this->_win); } function wrapX($x) { $this->_crossPoint($this->_x, $this->_y, $x, $this->_y, $nx, $ny); return ($nx); } function wrapY($y) { $this->_crossPoint($this->_x, $this->_y, $this->_x, $y, $nx, $ny); return ($ny); } function setX($x) { $x=round($x); $this->_x=$this->wrapX($x); } function setY($y) { $y=round($y); $this->_y=$this->wrapY($y); } function setXY($x,$y) { $this->_crossPoint($this->_x, $this->_y, $x, $y, $this->_x, $this->_y); } function getX() { return ($this->wrapX($this->_x)); } function getY() { return ($this->wrapY($this->_y)); } function getIXd($d) { $d=round($d); return ($this->wrapX($d)+$this->_half_ix); } function getIYd($d) { $d=round($d); return ($this->wrapY($d)+$this->_half_iy); } function getIX() { return ($this->getX()+$this->_half_ix); } function getIY() { return ($this->getY()+$this->_half_iy); } function togglePenStatus() { $this->_draw=!$this->_draw; } function penStatus() { return ($this->_draw); } function drawLine($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) { $k=$this->_draw; $this->pd(); $ox=$this->_x; $oy=$this->_y; $this->setXY($x1,$y1); $this->lineTo($x2,$y2); $this->setXY($ox,$oy); $this->_draw=$k; } function jump($d) { $k=$this->_draw; $this->pu(); $this->fd($d); $this->_draw = $k; } function jmp($d) { $this->jump($d); } function turn($d) { $this->rt($d); } function arc($a, $r) { $a=round($a) % 360; $r=round($r); $s=90; $e=$s+$a; if ($r<0) { $r=-$r; $s=270; $e=$s+$a; } if ($e<$s) { $t=$e; $e=$s; $s=$t; } $s+=$this->_d; $e+=$this->_d; if ($this->_draw) { imagearc($this->_im, $this->getIX(), $this->getIY(), $r*2, $r*2, $s, $e, $this->_pc); } } function isOutXY($x, $y) { return ( ($x>$this->_half_ix) || ($x<-$this->_half_ix) || ($y>$this->_half_iy) || ($y<-$this->_half_iy)); } function isOut() { return ($this->isOutXY($this->_x, $this->_y)); } function isIn() { return (!$this->isOut()); } function isInXY($x, $y) { return (!$this->isOutXY($x, $y)); } function _crossPoint($sx, $sy, $ex, $ey, &$fx, &$fy) { if ($this->_win == LOGO_WINDOW) { $fx=$ex; $fy=$ey; return; } if (!$this->isOutXY($ex, $ey)) { $fx=$ex; $fy=$ey; return; } $k2=$ey-$sy; $k1=$ex-$sx; if ($this->_win == LOGO_FENCE) { if ($k2 == 0) { $fy=$ey; if ($ex>=$sx) { $fx=$this->_half_ix; } else { $fx=-$this->_half_ix; } return; } if ($k1 == 0) { $fx=$ex; if ($ey>=$sy) { $fy=$this->_half_iy; } else { $fy=-$this->_half_iy; } return; } $k=$k2/$k1; $x1=$this->_half_ix; $x2=-$this->_half_ix; $y1=$k*($x1-$sx)+$sy; $y2=$k*($x2-$sx)+$sy; $y3=$this->_half_iy; $y4=-$this->_half_iy; $x3=($y3-$sy)/$k+$sx; $x4=($y4-$sy)/$k+$sx; if (($ey>=$sy)&&($ex>=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x1, $y1)) { $fx=$x1; $fy=$y1; return; } else { $fx=$x3; $fy=$y3; return; } } if (($ey>=$sy)&&($ex<=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x2, $y2)) { $fx=$x2; $fy=$y2; return; } else { $fx=$x3; $fy=$y3; return; } } if (($ey<=$sy)&&($ex<=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x2, $y2)) { $fx=$x2; $fy=$y2; return; } else { $fx=$x4; $fy=$y4; return; } } if (($ey<=$sy)&&($ex>=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x1, $y1)) { $fx=$x1; $fy=$y1; return; } else { $fx=$x4; $fy=$y4; return; } } } else if ($this->_win == LOGO_WRAP) { if ($k2 == 0) { $ny=$ey; if ($ex>=$sx) { $nx=$this->_half_ix; $eex=$ex-$this->_imagex; } else { $nx=-$this->_half_ix; $eex=$ex+$this->_imagex; } $this->_crossPoint(-$nx, $ny, $eex, $ny, $fx, $fy); return; } if ($k1 == 0) { $nx=$ex; if ($ey>=$sy) { $ny=$this->_half_iy; $eey=$ey-$this->_imagey; } else { $ny=-$this->_half_iy; $eey=$ey+$this->_imagey; } $this->_crossPoint($nx, -$ny, $nx, $eey, $fx, $fy); return; } $k=$k2/$k1; $x1=$this->_half_ix; $x2=-$this->_half_ix; $y1=$k*($x1-$sx)+$sy; $y2=$k*($x2-$sx)+$sy; $y3=$this->_half_iy; $y4=-$this->_half_iy; $x3=($y3-$sy)/$k+$sx; $x4=($y4-$sy)/$k+$sx; if (($ey>=$sy)&&($ex>=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x1, $y1)) { $nx=$x1; $ny=$y1; $this->_crossPoint(-$nx, $ny, $ex-$this->_imagex, $ny, $fx, $fy); return; } else { $nx=$x3; $ny=$y3; $this->_crossPoint($nx, -$ny, $nx, $ey-$this->_imagey, $fx, $fy); return; } } if (($ey>=$sy)&&($ex<=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x2, $y2)) { $nx=$x2; $ny=$y2; $this->_crossPoint(-$nx, $ny, $ex+$this->_imagex, $ny, $fx, $fy); return; } else { $nx=$x3; $ny=$y3; $this->_crossPoint($nx, -$ny, $nx, $ey-$this->_imagey, $fx, $fy); return; } } if (($ey<=$sy)&&($ex<=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x2, $y2)) { $nx=$x2; $ny=$y2; $this->_crossPoint(-$nx, $ny, $ex+$this->_imagex, $ny, $fx, $fy); return; } else { $nx=$x4; $ny=$y4; $this->_crossPoint($nx, -$ny, $nx, $ey+$this->_imagey, $fx, $fy); return; } } if (($ey<=$sy)&&($ex>=$sx)) { if (!$this->isOutXY($x1, $y1)) { $nx=$x1; $ny=$y1; $this->_crossPoint(-$nx, $ny, $ex-$this->_imagex, $ny, $fx, $fy); return; } else { $nx=$x4; $ny=$y4; $this->_crossPoint($nx, -$ny, $nx, $ey+$this->_imagey, $fx, $fy); return; } } } } function lineTo($x,$y, $moveToPlace=false) { if (($x == $this->_x)&&($y == $this->_y)) { return; } if ($this->_draw) { if ($this->_win == LOGO_WINDOW) { imageline($this->_im, $this->getIX(), $this->getIY(), $this->getIXd($x), $this->getIYd($y), $this->_pc); } else { if ($this->_win == LOGO_FENCE) { $this->_crossPoint($this->_x, $this->_y, $x, $y, $nx, $ny); imageline($this->_im, $this->getIX(), $this->getIY(), $this->getIXd($nx), $this->getIYd($ny), $this->_pc); } else { $x1=$this->_x; $y1=$this->_y; $ix1=$this->getIX(); $iy1=$this->getIY(); $this->_win=LOGO_FENCE; $this->_crossPoint($x1, $y1, $x, $y, $x3, $y3); $this->_win=LOGO_WRAP; imageline($this->_im, $ix1, $iy1, $this->getIXd($x3), $this->getIYd($y3), $this->_pc); $d=sqrt(($y-$y1)*($y-$y1)+($x-$x1)*($x-$x1)); $d2=($d)-sqrt(($y3-$y1)*($y3-$y1)+($x3-$x1)*($x3-$x1)); if ($d2>0) { if (($x3 == $this->_half_ix)) { $nx=-$x3; $ny=$y3; $this->_x=$nx; $this->_y=$ny; $this->lineTo($x-$this->_imagex, $y, true); } else if (($x3 == -$this->_half_ix)) { $nx=-$x3; $ny=$y3; $this->_x=$nx; $this->_y=$ny; $this->lineTo($x+$this->_imagex, $y, true); } else if (($y3 == $this->_half_iy)) { $nx=$x3; $ny=-$ny; $this->_x=$nx; $this->_y=$ny; $this->lineTo($x, $y-$this->_imagey, true); } else if (($y3 == -$this->_half_iy)) { $nx=$x3; $ny=-$ny; $this->_x=$nx; $this->_y=$ny; $this->lineTo($x, $y+$this->_imagey, true); } } } } } if ($moveToPlace) { $this->setXY($x,$y); } } function setPC($d) { $this->getRGB($d, $r, $g, $b); imagecolordeallocate($this->_im, $this->_pc); $this->_pc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function setPCrgb($r, $g, $b) { imagecolordeallocate($this->_im, $this->_pc); $this->_pc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function setFC($d) { $this->getRGB($d, $r, $g, $b); imagecolordeallocate($this->_im, $this->_fc); $this->_fc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function setFCrgb($r, $g, $b) { imagecolordeallocate($this->_im, $this->_fc); $this->_fc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function setSC($d) { $this->getRGB($d, $r, $g, $b); imagecolordeallocate($this->_im, $this->_sc); $this->_sc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function setSCrgb($r, $g, $b) { imagecolordeallocate($this->_im, $this->_sc); $this->_sc=imagecolorallocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b); } function getPC() { return ((integer)$this->_pc); } function getFC() { return ((integer)$this->_fc); } function getSC() { return ((integer)$this->_sc); } function pu() { $this->_draw=false; } function pd() { $this->_draw=true; } function rt($d) { $d=round($d); $this->_d+=$d; $this->_d%=360; } function lt($d) { $this->rt(-$d); } function walk($d) { $this->fd($d); } function fd($d) { if ($d == 0) { return; } $x1=$this->_x; $y1=$this->_y; $ix1=$this->getIXd($x1); $iy1=$this->getIYd($y1); $x2=round($x1+$d*sin($this->_d*pi()/180)); $y2=round($y1-$d*cos($this->_d*pi()/180)); $ix2=$this->getIXd($x2); $iy2=$this->getIYd($y2); if (!$this->isOutXY($x2,$y2)) { if ($this->_draw) { imageline($this->_im, $ix1, $iy1, $ix2, $iy2, $this->_pc); } $this->_x=$x2; $this->_y=$y2; return; } if ($this->_win == LOGO_WINDOW) { if ($this->_draw) { imageline($this->_im, $ix1, $iy1, $ix2, $iy2, $this->_pc); } $this->_x=$x2; $this->_y=$y2; return; } else if ($this->_win == LOGO_FENCE) { $this->_crossPoint($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3); if ($this->_draw) { imageline($this->_im, $ix1, $iy1, $this->getIXd($x3), $this->getIYd($y3), $this->_pc); } $this->_x=$x3; $this->_y=$y3; } else if ($this->_win == LOGO_WRAP) { $this->_win=LOGO_FENCE; $this->_crossPoint($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3); if ($this->_draw) { imageline($this->_im, $ix1, $iy1, $this->getIXd($x3), $this->getIYd($y3), $this->_pc); } $this->_win=LOGO_WRAP; $d2=abs($d)-sqrt(($y3-$y1)*($y3-$y1)+($x3-$x1)*($x3-$x1)); if (($x3 == $this->_half_ix)||($x3 == -$this->_half_ix)) { $this->_x=-$x3; $this->_y=$y3; } else { $this->_x=$x3; $this->_y=-$y3; } if ($d>0) { $this->fd($d2); } else { $this->fd(-$d2); } } } function clean() { for ($i=0; $i<=$this->_imagex; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j<=$this->_imagey; $j++) { imagesetpixel($this->_im, $i, $j, $this->_sc); } } } function bk($d) { $this->fd(-$d); } function fill() { if ($this->isIn()) { imagefill($this->_im, $this->getIX(), $this->getIY(), $this->_fc); } } function fillxy($x, $y) { if ($this->isInXY($x, $y)) { imagefill($this->_im, $this->getIXd($x), $this->getIYd($y), $this->_fc); } } function fillxyc($x, $y, $c) { if ($this->InXY($x, $y)) { imagefill($this->_im, $this->getIXd($x), $this->getIYd($y), $c); } } function pe() { // Not supported yet } } ?>