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File: docs/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Chronicle
Append arbitrary data to a storage container
Author: By
Last change: Update of docs/
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 1,263 bytes


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Cross-Signing onto other Chronicles

The process is relatively simple:

  1. Obtain your server's public key. This can be obtained by visiting `/chronicle`.
  2. Send your public key to the person who operates the other Chronicle and request access as a client.
  3. Configure cross-signing on your client.
  4. (Optional) set up a cronjob that runs `bin/scheduled-tasks.php` regularly.

To perform step three, you need only run the following command:

php bin/cross-sign.php \
    --url=http://target-chronicle \
    --publickey=[public key of target chronicle] \
    --name=[whatever you want to refer to it] \
    # One or both of the options below:

You must also specify one or both of the following options:

  • `--push-after` (integer) - Push the latest hash to this Chronicle if you've performed this many hashes since the last push.
  • `--push-days` (integer) - Push the latest hash to this Chronicle if this many days have passed since the last push.

We recommend setting up a cron job to ensure cross-signing is happening regularly if your cross-signing policy is --push-days and not --push-after. For example, this will run the scheduled tasks every 15 minutes:

/15  * /path/to/chronicle/bin/scheduled-tasks.php