// This Script was originaly written by William J Sanders
// and reprogramed by Jose-Manuel Contardo
// To display the calendar, type:
// include("BaseCalendar.inc");
// $newCal = new BaseCalendar();
// $newCal->displayMonth($mes);
class BaseCalendar {
var $calLinkto = "http://www.yourdomain.com/folder";
var $calBorder = "0";
var $calWidth = "100%";
var $calBGCellColor = "#6699CC";
var $calBGCellToday = "#66ff66";
var $calTextColor = "#000000";
function MonthShort($month) {
switch ($month) {
case "Jan":
return "Ene";
case "Apr":
return "Abr";
case "Aug":
return "Ago";
case "Dec":
return "Dic";
return $month;
function MonthFull($num_month) {
$calMes["01"] = "Enero";
$calMes["02"] = "Febrero";
$calMes["03"] = "Marzo";
$calMes["04"] = "Abril";
$calMes["05"] = "Mayo";
$calMes["06"] = "Junio";
$calMes["07"] = "Julio";
$calMes["08"] = "Agosto";
$calMes["09"] = "Septiembre";
$calMes["10"] = "Octubre";
$calMes["11"] = "Noviembre";
$calMes["12"] = "Diciembre";
return $calMes[$num_month];
function displayMonth($shift=0) {
//Assign timestamps to dates
$today_ts = mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("d"),date("Y")); // non relative date
$firstday_month_ts = mktime(0,0,0,date("n")+$shift,1,date("Y")); // first day of the month
$lastday_month_ts = mktime(0,0,0,date("n")+$shift+1,0,date("Y")); // last day of the month
//Assign numbers and text to the month, year and day
$numYear = date("Y",$firstday_month_ts);
$numMonth = date("m",$firstday_month_ts);
$textMonth = $this->MonthShort(date("M",$firstday_month_ts));
$daysInMonth = date("t",$firstday_month_ts);
// raplace day 0 for day 7, week starts on monday
$dayMonth_start = date("w",$firstday_month_ts);
if ($dayMonth_start==0) { $dayMonth_start=7;}
$dayMonth_end = date("w",$lastday_month_ts);
if ($dayMonth_end==0) { $dayMonth_end=7; }
// formating output as a table
echo "<table border=".($this->calBorder)." cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3 width=".($this->calWidth)."\">\n";
echo "<caption><center>".$textMonth." ".$numYear."</center></caption>\n";
echo "<tr bgcolor=".($this->calBGCellColor).">\n";
// Day headers, starting from Lunes (monday)
echo "<th>Lu</th><th>Ma</th><th>Mi</th><th>Ju</th><th>Vi</th><th>Sa</th><th>Do</th></tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
// Fill with white spaces until the first day
for ($k=1; $k<$dayMonth_start; $k++) {echo "<td> </td>\n";}
for ($i=1; $i<=$daysInMonth; $i++) {
// Assigns a timestamp to day i
$day_i = date("w",$day_i_ts);
//Placing Domingo (Sunday) as last day of the week
if ($day_i==0) { $day_i=7;}
// Target link. You should replace this with some function(i)
$d2_i = date("d",$day_i_ts);
$link_i = "<a href=\"".($this->calLinkto)."/".($this->MonthFull($numMonth));
$link_i = $link_i."/".($numMonth).($d2_i).($numYear).".html\">".($i)."</a>";
// end of funtion
// Plancing day i on calendar
if ($shift==0 && $today_ts==$day_i_ts) {
echo "<td bgcolor=".($this->calBGCellToday)."><strong><center>".$link_i."</center></strong></td>";
else {
echo "<td bgcolor=".($this->calBGCellColor)."><center>".$link_i."</center></td>\n";
if ($day_i==7 && $i<$daysInMonth) {
echo "</tr><tr>\n";
else if ($day_i==7 && $i==$daysInMonth) {
echo "</tr>\n";
else if ($i==$daysInMonth) {
for ($h=$dayMonth_end; $h<7; $h++) {
echo "<td> </td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
} // end for
echo "</table>\n";
} // end function
} // end of class