// init:
$p = new pathToVars();
$p->set("useBothMethods",1); // see class comments
$p->set("DeBug",1); // see class comments
// var=>val pair to set for this lookup:
// (if __LOOKUP__ is the value, the value will be
// that of the string you are looking up)
$varsToSet = array("page"=>"__LOOKUP__");
// var=>val pair to set for this lookup:
// (example setting a value other than __LOOKUP__)
$varsToSet = array("v"=>"event_details");
// var=>val pair to set for this lookup:
// (shortcut: if you specify an empty string as a value it will resolve to __LOOKUP__)
$varsToSet = array("v"=>"");
// var=>val pair to set for this lookup:
// lookup a fake page:
$varsToSet = array("getting_tricky"=>"");
// var=>val pair to set for this lookup:
// (example specifying regex as lookup!)
$varsToSet = array("calDay"=>"");
// now it's ready:
if(!$p->setVars()) die("woops. pathToVars() didn't work. check the comments in the class file.");
// workaround for setting array elements from the path:
$cal['day'][0] = $calDay;
<!-- see the method createPTV_SELF() for explanation: -->
<a href="<?php echo $PTV_SELF; ?>/cal/3day/2002-04-29/">
click here for example 1 A</a><br>
(this URL will definitely be crawled)<br>
<a href="<?php echo $PTV_SELF; ?>/cal/3day/2002-04-29/?this=that">
click here for example 1 B</a><br>
(the same URL with a query, not sure if this is guaranteed to get crawled)<br>
<a href="<?php echo $PTV_SELF; ?>/event/2002-04-29/?this=that">
click here for example 1 C</a><br>
(this is just to point out the flexibility of the createLookup() methods)<br>
<a href="<?php echo $PTV_SELF; ?>?this=preserve_old_query_string_uris">
click here for example 2</a><br>
(you're old query string URIs will still work)<br>
<a href="<?php echo $PTV_SELF; ?>/cal/3day/2002-04-29/fakepage.html">
click here for example 3</a><br>
('something.html' can also be used for lookup)<br>
<a href="<?php echo $PTV_SELF; ?>/cal/3day/2002-04-29/foo_bar/bar_foo/fakepage.html?this=that">
click here for example 4</a><br>
(this shows how you can set variables with var_value() method, to avoid many many lookups)<br>
(watch the browser location)<br><br>
print "<b>request uri</b> = ".$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']."<br><br>"
."<b>extracted path</b> = ".$p->varPath;
print "variables set by the path:<br>";
if($varNames = $p->getVarsCreated())
foreach($varNames as $varName)
print "\n<b>".$varName."</b> = ".$$varName."<br>";
print "<b>this</b> = ".$this."<br>";