With Cache object you can cache objects!
Objects need to be defined before cache block and sent as array of
object references (using '&' operator) in third parameter of save function.
class cTest
function cTest($a,$b,$c)
$this->a = $a;
$this->b = $b;
$this->c = $c;
function foo()
echo("FOO: a = ".$this->a."; b = ".$this->b."; c = ".$this->c."<br>");
$foo01 = new cTest("A","B","C");
$foo02 = new cTest("1","2","3");
$foo03 = new cTest("x","y","z");
echo "<br>";
$path = ".";
$cache = new Cache($path);
echo("<b>This part is executed every 10 seconds</b><br>");
$foo01->a = "bar ".rand(0, 100);
$foo02->b = $foo02->a.$foo02->b.$foo02->c;
$foo02->c = "This is changed at ".date("H:i:s");
echo("<b>This part is executed every time</b><br>");
echo("<br><i>Values in objects should be different than on start of file...</i><br>");