$cache is object used to cache output and objects.
Cache constructor arguments are:
- Location where cache files will be stored
- Disable caching (for debugning purpuoses etc.)
- Disable output of cached data
- Data can still be accessed using $cache->output variable
$path = ".";
$file = "cache.test_01.tmp";
$expire = 20;
$cache = new Cache($path);
// Part in side of while loop is cached to $file
echo("<b>Hello World!</b><br>");
echo("In cached part it's ".date("H:i:s")."<br>");
echo("<i>This part will expire in ".$expire." s</i><br>");
echo("Output is stored in <b>".$path."/".$file."</b><br>");
echo("<b>This part is executed every time</b><br>");
echo("Real time is ".date("H:i:s")."<br>");