* About author:
* Radu T.
* email: eagle[not]bv[not]ro[[not][isat][not]]yahoo[[not][isdot][not]]com
* About class:
* SpiderEngine v.1.1.0 class for spidering any html page
* -fetchData() - for reading the content of a html page
* -processData() - for doing whatever you want to the results
* -url - url to read from eg. http://www.home.com/page_no_<range[0]>.html
* -range - array for range of action on url eg. array(0=>array("start"=>1,"end"=>10,"step"=>1)) - that means: for(i=1;i<=10;i+=1)
* -pattern - the html text containing the pattern_definition and text
* -pattern_definition - array definition names eg. array("dummy","cat","subcat")
* -start - from where the spider reads the content of the page
* -end - array of "to_process" and "not_to_process" content, if a text from array "to_process" was found in content page then the data is spidered and is called processData(), if a text from array "not_to_process" was found in content page then just show a message
* -pattern definition example: {p[abc]}, {p[1]},{p[#]},{p[no.1]} etc.
* -pattern can be found in the same page multiple times
//spider links from http://www.susdescargas.com
$obj=new SpiderEngine();
$obj->pattern_definition=array("dummy","link","desc"); //dummy is used for content that changes between pages and we are not interested in it
$obj->start='<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="navi" summary="" align="center">';
</div><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" class="navicat" summary="" align="center">'),"not_to_process"=>array());