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File: calcul/js/translations/validators/sq.json

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File: calcul/js/translations/validators/sq.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: G6K
Generate simulator tools to perform calculations
Author: By
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 7,969 bytes


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{ "translations": {"sq":{"validators":{"This value should be false.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb e pav\u00ebrtet\u00eb (false).","This value should be true.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb e v\u00ebrtet\u00eb (true).","This value should be of type {{ type }}.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb e llojit {{ type }}.","This value should be blank.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb e zbraz\u00ebt.","The value you selected is not a valid choice.":"Vlera q\u00eb keni zgjedhur nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb alternativ\u00eb e vlefshme.","You must select at least {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at least {{ limit }} choices.":"Duhet t\u00eb zgjedhni s\u00eb paku {{ limit }} alternativa.|Duhet t\u00eb zgjedhni s\u00eb paku {{ limit }} alternativa.","You must select at most {{ limit }} choice.|You must select at most {{ limit }} choices.":"Duhet t\u00eb zgjedhni m\u00eb s\u00eb shumti {{ limit }} alternativa.|Duhet t\u00eb zgjedhni m\u00eb s\u00eb shumti {{ limit }} alternativa.","One or more of the given values is invalid.":"Nj\u00eb apo m\u00eb shum\u00eb nga vlerat e dh\u00ebna nuk jan\u00eb t\u00eb sakta.","This field was not expected.":"Kjo fush\u00eb nuk pritej.","This field is missing.":"Kjo fush\u00eb \u00ebsht\u00eb zhdukur.","This value is not a valid date.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb dat\u00eb e vlefshme.","This value is not a valid datetime.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb dat\u00eb-koh\u00eb e vlefshme.","This value is not a valid email address.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb e-mail adres\u00eb e vlefshme.","The file could not be found.":"File nuk mund t\u00eb gjindej.","The file is not readable.":"File nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb i lexuesh\u00ebm.","The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.":"File \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb i madh ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Madh\u00ebsia m\u00eb e madhe e lejuar \u00ebsht\u00eb {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.","The mime type of the file is invalid ({{ type }}). Allowed mime types are {{ types }}.":"Lloji mime i files nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb i vlefsh\u00ebm ({{ type }}). Llojet mime t\u00eb lejuara jan\u00eb {{ types }}.","This value should be {{ limit }} or less.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb pak.","This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less.":"Kjo vler\u00eb \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e gjat\u00eb. Duhet t'i ket\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb pak karaktere.|Kjo vler\u00eb \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e gjat\u00eb. Duhet t'i ket\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb pak karaktere.","This value should be {{ limit }} or more.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb.","This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more.":"Kjo vler\u00eb \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e shkurt\u00ebr. Duhet t'i ket\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb karaktere.|Kjo vler\u00eb \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e shkurt\u00ebr. Duhet t'i ket\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb karaktere.","This value should not be blank.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb e zbraz\u00ebt.","This value should not be null.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb null.","This value should be null.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb null.","This value is not valid.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb e vlefshme.","This value is not a valid time.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb koh\u00eb e vlefshme.","This value is not a valid URL.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb URL e vlefshme.","The two values should be equal.":"K\u00ebto dy vlera duhet t\u00eb jen\u00eb t\u00eb barabarta.","The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.":"Ky file \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb i madh. Madh\u00ebsia maksimale e lejuar \u00ebsht\u00eb {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}.","The file is too large.":"Ky file \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb i madh.","The file could not be uploaded.":"Ky file nuk mund t\u00eb ngarkohet.","This value should be a valid number.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb num\u00ebr i vlefsh\u00ebm.","This file is not a valid image.":"Ky file nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb imazh i vlefsh\u00ebm.","This is not a valid IP address.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb IP adres\u00eb e vlefshme.","This value is not a valid language.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb gjuh\u00eb e vlefshme.","This value is not a valid locale.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb p\u00ebrcaktim rajonal i vlefsh\u00ebm.","This value is not a valid country.":"Kjo vler\u00eb nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb shtet i vlefsh\u00ebm.","This value is already used.":"Kjo vler\u00eb \u00ebsht\u00eb tashm\u00eb n\u00eb p\u00ebrdorim.","The size of the image could not be detected.":"Madh\u00ebsia e k\u00ebtij imazhi nuk mund t\u00eb zbulohet.","The image width is too big ({{ width }}px). Allowed maximum width is {{ max_width }}px.":"Gjer\u00ebsia e imazhit \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e madhe ({{ width }}px). Gjer\u00ebsia maksimale e lejuar \u00ebsht\u00eb {{ max_width }}px.","The image width is too small ({{ width }}px). Minimum width expected is {{ min_width }}px.":"Gjer\u00ebsia e imazhit \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e vog\u00ebl ({{ width }}px). Gjer\u00ebsia minimale e pritur \u00ebsht\u00eb {{ min_width }}px.","The image height is too big ({{ height }}px). Allowed maximum height is {{ max_height }}px.":"Gjat\u00ebsia e imazhit \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e madhe ({{ height }}px). Gjat\u00ebsia maksimale e lejuar \u00ebsht\u00eb {{ max_height }}px.","The image height is too small ({{ height }}px). Minimum height expected is {{ min_height }}px.":"Gjat\u00ebsia e imazhit \u00ebsht\u00eb shum\u00eb e vog\u00ebl ({{ height }}px). Gjat\u00ebsia minimale e pritur \u00ebsht\u00eb {{ min_height }}px.","This value should be the user current password.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb jet\u00eb fjal\u00ebkalimi aktual i p\u00ebrdoruesit.","This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters.":"Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb ket\u00eb sakt\u00ebsisht {{ limit }} karaktere.|Kjo vler\u00eb duhet t\u00eb ket\u00eb sakt\u00ebsisht {{ limit }} karaktere.","The file was only partially uploaded.":"Ky file \u00ebsht\u00eb ngarkuar pjes\u00ebrisht.","No file was uploaded.":"Nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb ngarkuar ndonj\u00eb file.","No temporary folder was configured in php.ini.":"Asnj\u00eb folder i p\u00ebrkohsh\u00ebm nuk \u00ebsht\u00eb konfiguruar n\u00eb php.ini.","Cannot write temporary file to disk.":"Nuk mund t\u00eb shkruhet file i p\u00ebrkohsh\u00ebm n\u00eb disk.","A PHP extension caused the upload to fail.":"Nj\u00eb ekstenzion i PHP-s\u00eb b\u00ebri t\u00eb d\u00ebshtoj\u00eb ngarkimi i files.","This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or more.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or more.":"Ky kolekcion duhet t\u00eb p\u00ebrmbaj\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb elemente.|Ky kolekcion duhet t\u00eb p\u00ebrmbaj\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb elemente.","This collection should contain {{ limit }} element or less.|This collection should contain {{ limit }} elements or less.":"Ky kolekcion duhet t\u00eb p\u00ebrmbaj\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb elemente.|Ky kolekcion duhet t\u00eb p\u00ebrmbaj\u00eb {{ limit }} ose m\u00eb shum\u00eb elemente.","This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} element.|This collection should contain exactly {{ limit }} elements.":"Ky kolekcion duhet t\u00eb p\u00ebrmbaj\u00eb sakt\u00ebsisht {{ limit }} elemente.|Ky kolekcion duhet t\u00eb p\u00ebrmbaj\u00eb sakt\u00ebsisht {{ limit }} elemente.","Invalid card number.":"Num\u00ebr kartele i pavlefsh\u00ebm.","Unsupported card type or invalid card number.":"Lloj kartele i pamb\u00ebshtetur ose num\u00ebr kartele i pavlefsh\u00ebm."}}} }