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File: ftpeasy.php

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File: ftpeasy.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: FTPeasy class file
Class: FTPeasy
Transfer files to one or more FTP servers
Author: By
Last change: code has been improved
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 34,195 bytes


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<?php # FTPeasy class # coded by Alessandro Rosa # e-mail : # site : # LAST UPDATE : March 3th 2007 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 as published by # the Free Software Foundation. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Compiled with PHP 4.4.4 function formatMEMsize( $bytes ) { $MbONE = 1024 * 1024 ; $KbONE = 1024 ; if ( intval( $bytes ) < $KbONE ) return "$bytes bytes" ; else if ( intval( $bytes / $KbONE ) < 800 ) { $mem = intval( $bytes / $KbONE ); $remainder = substr( $bytes % $KbONE, 0, 1 ) ; return "$mem.$remainder Kb" ; } else { $mem = intval( $bytes / $MbONE ); $remainder = substr( $bytes % $MbONE, 0, 1 ) ; return "$mem.$remainder Mb" ; } } define( BINARY, FTP_BINARY ) ; define( ASCII, FTP_ASCII ) ; define( STATUS_OPERATIVE, 1 ) ; define( STATUS_BROKEN, 0 ) ; define( STATUS_INDETERMINATE, -1 ) ; define( DOWNLOAD_FAILED, 0 ) ; define( DOWNLOAD_OK, 1 ) ; define( DOWNLOAD_NO_OVERWRITE_PERMISSIONS, 2 ) ; define( UPLOAD_FAILED, 0 ) ; define( UPLOAD_OK, 1 ) ; class FTPeasy { function FTPeasy() { $this->FTPcredentials = array(); $this->bHIDEpassword = false ; $this->bAutomatic = true ; $this->bFORCEoverwrite = false ; } function FTPconfigure( $referrer, $host, $uID, $pwd, $port, $tMODE, $bSAFE_SSL ) { $countITEMs = 0 ; // strip out useless stuff, if any ; $host = str_replace( "ftp://", "", $host ) ; // checks that all arrays fulfillment was OK if ( isset( $referrer ) && strlen( $referrer ) > 0 ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing REFERRER NAME" ; if ( isset( $uID ) && strlen( $uID ) > 0 ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing USERID" ; if ( isset( $host ) && strlen( $host ) > 0 ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing HOST IP" ; if ( isset( $pwd ) && strlen( $pwd ) > 0 ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing PASSWORD" ; if ( eregi( "^[0-9]{1,}$", $port ) && isset( $port ) && strlen( $port ) > 0 ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing PORT NUMBER" ; if ( ( $tMODE == BINARY || $tMODE == ASCII ) && isset( $tMODE ) && strlen( $tMODE ) > 0 ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing TRANSFER MODE" ; if ( isset( $bSAFE_SSL ) ) $countITEMs++ ; else $this->errors[] = "Missing SECURE MODE" ; if ( $countITEMs == 7 ) { $element = array( "referrer" => $referrer, "host" => $host, "id" => $uID, "password" => $pwd, "port" => $port, "transfermode" => $tMODE, "status" => STATUS_INDETERMINATE, "connection" => 0, "safe_ssl" => $bSAFE_SSL, "os" => "" ); if ( !( $this->FTPfindCONNECTION( $referrer, $connection ) ) ) { $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer] = $element ; return true ; } else return false ; } else return false ; } function FTPcheckCONNECTIONS() { foreach( $this->FTPcredentials as $credential ) { $referrer = $credential["referrer"] ; if ( $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ) { $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ]["status"] = STATUS_OPERATIVE ; $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ]["os"] = ftp_systype( $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ]["connection"] ); $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; } else $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ]["status"] = STATUS_BROKEN ; } } function FTPfindCONNECTION( $referrer, &$connection ) { if ( is_string( $referrer ) ) return ( is_array( $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ] ) ) ? true : false ; else return false ; } function FTPdeleteENTRY( $referrer ) { if ( !is_string( $referrer ) ) return false ; else { foreach( $this->FTPcredentials as $credential ) { if ( strcmp( $credential[ "referrer" ], $referrer ) == 0 ) { unset( $this->FTPcredentials[ "referrer" ] ); return true ; } } } } function FTPlistCONNECTIONS() { echo "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"5\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse;border:1px solid black;font-family:tahoma;font-size:10pt;\" >\r\n" ; $i = 0 ; echo "<tr style=\"background-color:#0000B0;color:white;font-weight:bold;\">\r\n"; echo "<td></td>\r\n"; echo "<td>REFERRER</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>HOST</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>ID</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>PSW</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>FTP PORT</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>TRANSFER MODE</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>SAFE SSL</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>OS</td>\r\n"; echo "<td>STATUS</td>\r\n"; echo "</tr>\r\n"; foreach( $this->FTPcredentials as $credential ) { $i++ ; echo "<tr style=\"background-color:white;border-bottom:2px solid black;\">"; echo "<td>$i</td>" ; echo "<td><b>".$credential["referrer"]."</b></td>" ; echo "<td>".$credential["host"]."</td>" ; echo "<td>".$credential["id"]."</td>" ; echo "<td>".( ( $this->bHIDEpassword ) ? "*********" : $credential['password'] )."</td>" ; echo "<td>".$credential["port"]."</td>" ; echo "<td>".(( $credential["transfermode"] == BINARY ) ? "BINARY" : "ASCII" )."</td>" ; echo "<td>".(( $credential["safe_ssl"] == BINARY ) ? "YES" : "NO" )."</td>" ; echo "<td>".$credential["os"]."</td>" ; $status = "" ; switch( $credential["status"] ) { case STATUS_OPERATIVE: $status = "Operative" ; break; case STATUS_BROKEN: $status = "Broken" ; break; case STATUS_INDETERMINATE: $status = "Unknown" ; break; } echo "<td>$status</td>\r\n" ; echo "</tr>\r\n"; } echo "</table>\r\n" ; } function FTPconnect( $referrer ) { if ( $this->FTPfindCONNECTION( $referrer, $connection ) ) { $tag = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer][ "referrer" ] ; $host = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer][ "host" ] ; $port = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer][ "port" ] ; $bSAFE_SSL = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer][ "safe_ssl" ] ; $this->FTPcredentials[$tag]["connection"] = ( $bSAFE_SSL ) ? ftp_ssl_connect( $host , $port ) : ftp_connect( $host , $port ); $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); $bOK = ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && ( strcmp( $resourceTYPE , "ftp buffer" ) == 0 ) ) ? true : false ; $this->status = $bOK ; return $bOK ; } else { $this->status = false ; return false ; } } function FTPlogin( $referrer ) { $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { ftp_login( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["id"], $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["password"] ); } else return false ; } function FTPgetTIMEOUT( $referrer ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $timeout = ftp_get_option( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $timeout ; } else return false ; } function FTPfilePERMISSIONS( $referrer, $filePATHandNAME, $octalVALUE ) { // FILE PERMISSIONS MANAGEMENT is not supported by lower versions if ( strpos( phpversion(), 5 ) !== 0) return false ; if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $filePATHandNAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $filePATHandNAME = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $filePATHandNAME ) ; } $timeout = ftp_chmod( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $octalVALUE, $filePATHandNAME ); echo $filePATHandNAME ; if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $timeout ; } else return false ; } function FTPsetTIMEOUT( $referrer, $timeOUTsecs ) { // no timeout shorter than 90 seconds is allowed if ( $timeOUTsecs < 90 ) $timeOUTsecs = 90 ; if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $timeout = ftp_set_option( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, $timeOUTsecs ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $timeout ; } else return false ; } function FTPexecute( $referrer, $programPATHandNAMEandCOMMANDS ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $programPATHandNAMEandCOMMANDS ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $programPATHandNAMEandCOMMANDS = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $programPATHandNAMEandCOMMANDS ) ; } $ret = ftp_exec( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $programPATHandNAMEandCOMMANDS ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $ret ; } else return false ; } function FTPtimeMODIFY( $referrer, $programPATHandNAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $programPATHandNAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $programPATHandNAME = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $programPATHandNAME ) ; } $ret = ftp_mdtm( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $programPATHandNAME ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( $ret != -1 ) return date("F d Y H:i:s.", $ret ); else return false ; } else return false ; } function FTPcreateFOLDER( $referrer, $folderNAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); // erases ending slash '/' if any $lastCHAR = $folderNAME{ strlen( $folderNAME ) - 1 } ; if ( strcmp( $lastCHAR, "/" ) == 0 ) $folderNAME = substr( $folderNAME, 0, strlen( $folderNAME ) - 1 ); $dirNAME = dirname( $folderNAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ) ; // assumes the name only $deepestFOLDER = str_replace( $dirname, "", $folderNAME ) ; // create the folder $ret = @ftp_mkdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $deepestFOLDER ); } if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return ( $ret === false ) ? false : true ; } else return false ; } function FTPremoveFOLDER( $referrer, $folderNAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); // erases ending slash '/' if any $lastCHAR = $folderNAME{ strlen( $folderNAME ) - 1 } ; if ( strcmp( $lastCHAR, "/" ) == 0 ) $folderNAME = substr( $folderNAME, 0, strlen( $folderNAME ) - 1 ); $dirNAME = dirname( $folderNAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ) ; // assumes the name only $deepestFOLDER = str_replace( $dirname, "", $folderNAME ) ; // create the folder $ret = @ftp_rmdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $deepestFOLDER ); } if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return ( $ret === false ) ? false : true ; } else return false ; } function FTPdelete( $referrer, $filePATHandNAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $filePATHandNAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $filePATHandNAME = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $filePATHandNAME ) ; } $ret = ftp_delete( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $filePATHandNAME ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $ret ; } else return false ; } function FTPrenameFILE( $referrer, $path, $oldNAME, $newNAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); if ( $path != "." && $path != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $path ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $path ); } $ret = ftp_rename( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $oldNAME, $newNAME ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $ret ; } else return false ; } function FTPsetPASSIVEmode( $referrer, $bPASSIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $ret = ftp_pasv( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $bPASSIVE ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $ret ; } else return false ; } function FTPsize( $referrer, $filePATHandNAME, $bFormat ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $filePATHandNAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $filePATHandNAME = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $filePATHandNAME ) ; } $ret = ftp_size( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $filePATHandNAME ); $ret = ( $bFormat ) ? formatMEMsize( $ret ) : $ret ; if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return $ret ; } else return false ; } function FTPdir( $referrer, $filePATH, $bDetailedMODE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); // erases ending slash '/' if any $lastCHAR = $filePATH{ strlen( $filePATH ) - 1 } ; if ( strcmp( $lastCHAR, "/" ) == 0 ) $filePATH = substr( $filePATH, 0, strlen( $filePATH ) - 1 ); $dirname = dirname( $filePATH ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $filePATH = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $filePATH ) ; } if ( $bDetailedMODE ) $ret = ftp_rawlist( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $filePATH ); else $ret = ftp_nlist( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $filePATH ); if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; return "<pre>".print_r( $ret, true )."</pre>" ; } else return false ; } function FTPupload( $referrer, $remoteFILENAME, $localFILENAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( !isset( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] ) && ( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] == ASCII || $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] == BINARY ) ) $ftpTrMODE = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] ; else $ftpTrMODE = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] = BINARY ; // default mode if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $remoteFILENAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $remoteFILENAME = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $remoteFILENAME ) ; } $hFILElocal = fopen( $localFILENAME, "r" ); $ret = ftp_nb_fput( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $remoteFILENAME, $hFILElocal, $ftpTrMODE ); while ( $ret == FTP_MOREDATA ) { // Do whatcha want ... for example // echo "."; // ob_flush(); flush(); // Continue uploading... $ret = ftp_nb_continue( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ); } fclose( $hFILElocal ); if ( $ret != FTP_FINISHED ) return UPLOAD_FAILED ; else return UPLOAD_OK ; if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; } else return false ; } function FTPdownload( $referrer, $localFILENAME, $remoteFILENAME ) { if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPconnect( $referrer ) ; if ( !$this->status ) return ; $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) { if ( !isset( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] ) && ( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] == ASCII || $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] == BINARY ) ) $ftpTrMODE = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] ; else $ftpTrMODE = $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["transfermode"] = BINARY ; // default mode if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPlogin( $referrer ); $dirname = dirname( $remoteFILENAME ) ; if ( $dirname != "." && $dirname != ".." ) { // goes into the specified input folder specified if ( strlen( $dirname ) > 0 ) @ftp_chdir( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $dirname ); // assumes the file name only $remoteFILENAME = str_replace( $dirname."/", "", $remoteFILENAME ) ; } if ( file_exists( $localFILENAME ) && !$this->bFORCEoverwrite ) return DOWNLOAD_NO_OVERWRITE_PERMISSIONS ; $hFILElocal = fopen( $localFILENAME, "w+" ); $ret = ftp_nb_fget( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"], $hFILElocal, $remoteFILENAME, $ftpTrMODE ); while ( $ret == FTP_MOREDATA ) { // Do whatcha want ... for example // echo "."; // ob_flush(); flush(); // Continue uploading... $ret = ftp_nb_continue( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ); } fclose( $hFILElocal ); if ( $ret != FTP_FINISHED ) return DOWNLOAD_FAILED ; else return DOWNLOAD_OK ; if ( $this->bAutomatic ) $this->FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) ; } else return false ; } function FTPdisconnect( $referrer ) { $resourceTYPE = strtolower( get_resource_type( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ); if ( is_resource( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) && strcmp( $resourceTYPE, "ftp buffer" ) == 0 && $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["status"] == STATUS_OPERATIVE ) ftp_close( $this->FTPcredentials[$referrer]["connection"] ) ; } ////////////// MANAGEMENT MEMBER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////// function setUSERid( $referrer, $uID ) { $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "id" ] = $uID ; } function getUSERid( $referrer ) { return $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "id" ] ; } function setFTPhost( $referrer, $ftpS ) { $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "host" ] = $ftpS ; } function getFTPhost( $referrer ) { return $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "host" ] ; } function setPWD( $referrer, $p ) { $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "password" ] = $p ; } function getPWD( $referrer ) { return $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "password" ] ; } function setPORT( $referrer, $p ) { $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "port" ] = $p ; } function getPORT( $referrer ) { return $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "port" ] ; } function setSAFEconnection( $referrer, $bSAFE ) { $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "safe_ssl" ] = $bSAFE ; } function getSAFEconnection( $referrer ) { return $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "safe_ssl" ] ; } function setFTPtransferMODE( $ftpTm ) { if ( $ftpTm == ASCII || $ftpTm == BINARY ) $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "transfermode" ] = $ftpTm ; else $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "transfermode" ] = BINARY ; // default mode } function getFTPtransferMODE( $referrer ) { return $this->FTPcredentials[ $referrer ][ "transfermode" ] ; } function HIDEpassword( $bHide ) { $this->bHIDEpassword = $bHide ; } // call login and disconnect automatically before and after performing the given operation // NOTE: it may be good for beginners, but it could be odd for experts, hence // one can disable this option via code, so to login and disconnect when desired function setAutomaticMODE( $bAuto ) { $this->bAutomatic = $bAuto ; } function getAutomaticMODE() { return $this->bAutomatic ; } function setFORCEoverwrite( $bFo ) { $this->bFORCEoverwrite = $bFO ; } function getFORCEoverwrite() { return $this->bFORCEoverwrite ; } function display_errors() { foreach( $err as $this->errors ) echo "$err<br>" ; } var $FTPcredentials ; var $FTPconnection ; var $bHIDEpassword ; var $bAutomatic ; var $bFORCEoverwrite ; var $errors = array(); var $status = true ; } ?>