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Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: G6K
Generate simulator tools to perform calculations
Author: By
Last change: Updated 'Prerequisites for G6K' in php.ini
Updated documentation
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 3,039 bytes


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G6K is a tool that enables the creation and online publishing of calculation simulators without coding. It has a simulation engine and an administration module.

A calculation simulator is an online service made available to a user to enable them to calculate the results (taxes, social benefits, etc.) corresponding to their particular situation. The results are calculated on the basis of data supplied by the user, reference data (eg amount of a tax) and business rules reflecting the current legislation in the field of simulation.

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Prerequisites for Symfony 2

  • PHP Version 5.3.3 + (recommended 5.5.9+)
  • JSON enabled
  • ctype
  • date.timezone in php.ini
  • auto_detect_line_endings = On in php.ini
  • PHP-XML module
  • 2.6.21+ version of libxml
  • PHP tokenizer
  • Modules mbstring, iconv, POSIX (only on * nix), Intl with ICU 4+, and APCU 3.0.17+ APC (highly recommended) must be installed
  • recommended php.ini settings: * short_open_tag = Off * magic_quotes_gpc = Off * register_globals = Off * session.auto_start = Off

Prerequisites for G6K

  • PDO enabled
  • pdo_pgsql and / or pdo_sqlite activated
  • pgsql and / or sqlite3 activated
  • SimpleXML enabled
  • serialize_precision = -1


  1. Create a database using administration tool of your RDBMS.
  2. Be placed in the <DOCUMENT_ROOT> Web Server
  3. Download composer.phar ( in <DOCUMENT_ROOT>
  4. Under a shell or DOS, execute: ``php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar create-project eureka2/g6k simulator/``
  5. Enter the parameter values required by the installer, including: * database_driver => pdo_pgsl, pdo_mysql or pdo_sqlite * database_host => name or IP address of your database server (simply &lt;Enter&gt; in case of SQLite) * database_port => port of the database server (simply &lt;Enter&gt; in case of SQLite) * database_name => name of the database created 1. (simply &lt;Enter&gt; in case of SQLite) * database_user => User name for connecting to the database (simply &lt;Enter&gt; in case of SQLite) * database_password => this user's password (simply &lt;Enter&gt; in case of SQLite) * database_path => used in the case of SQLite and ignored in other cases, so make &lt;Enter&gt; * locale => en

Normally the installer displays the message 'Installing the users of the administration interface' However, on some platforms, this message does not appear. If so, run the following commands: `cd simulator` `php ../composer.phar run-script post-install-cmd`


Administrator's Guide

[ en ] [ fr ]


Documentation of G6K classes

Copyright and license

&copy; 2015-2017 Eureka2 - Jacques Archimède. Code released under the MIT license.