/* GmapBuilderDemo.php - Template to demonstrate use of the GMapBuilder class.
* For this template to work, you need to sign up to use the Google Map API and get a
* map key. Google map keys are site specific.
// This is the Google Map key. You'll need to get your own, this one won't work for your site!
$GoogleMapKey = "ABQIAAAASTTcmW1CDKxSczq45tYcYRRwm0Nj5uyqMWBGJ038n7cCIwuHOxRqfQRWefX7tsfSavaZG5JSX1rylQ";
// Instantiate a new GMapBuilder object." .
// print "GMapBulderDemo: Instantiating new map class...<br />\n";
$map = new GMapBuilder($GoogleMapKey);
$map->setHeight(400); // Define the height and width, in pixels
$map->setZoomLevel(7); // Set the map zoom level.
// If you want to set CSS styles other than the height and width on the
// map div, use setMapDivStyle to add them." .
$map->setMapDivStyle("float: right; margin-right: 30px;");
// Define the center point of the map.
$latitude = 42.789;
$longitude = -76.324;
$map->setCenter($longitude, $latitude);
// Add a marker to the map. You can put in as many as you want.
// The html will be shown inside the marker box when the marker is clicked.
$latitude = 42.789;
$longitude = -76.324;
$html = "<em>This is a point</em>";
$map->addMarker($longitude, $latitude, $html);
$latitude = 42.891;
$longitude = -76.401;
$html = "<em>This is yet another point</em>";
$map->addMarker($longitude, $latitude, $html);
// Add any additional javascript, as a string. This can be used to e.g., to add polylines to the map.
$jsString = "x = 0;";
* Output the page. *
echo "<html>";
echo "<head>";
// In the head of the page, output the script that fetches the Google API
echo $map->getGoogleMapAPIScript();
echo "</head>";
/* After the head of the page, output the <body> tag. If you have other
* onload functions, you can use your own <body> tag instead, but be sure to include
* onload = WaitToRun(); in your <body> tag. This is necessary to compensate for a
* bug in IE in which the map javascript runs before the map div tag is rendered.
echo $map->getMapBodyTag();
// At the location on the page where you want the map, output the map div
echo $map->getMapDiv();
// Add the map javascript.
echo $map->getWaitToRunScript();
// That's it. You should see a map on your page!
// This is for debugging, so you can see what the class is doing internally . . .
// echo "<plaintext>" . $map->toString() . "</plaintext>";
echo "</body>";
echo "</html>";