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File: templates/bootbox/alert.js

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Modals, alerts and confirmation dialogs for Jaxon   templates/bootbox/alert.js   Download  
File: templates/bootbox/alert.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Modals, alerts and confirmation dialogs for Jaxon
Display Ajax modal, alert and confirmation dialogs
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,979 bytes


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jaxon.dialogs.bootbox = { alert: function(type, content, title) { var html = '<div class="alert alert-' + type + '" style="margin-top:15px;margin-bottom:-15px;">'; if(title != undefined && title != '') html += '<strong>' + title + '</strong><br/>'; html += content + '</div>'; bootbox.alert(html); }, success: function(content, title) { jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.alert('success', content, title); }, info: function(content, title) { jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.alert('info', content, title); }, warning: function(content, title) { jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.alert('warning', content, title); }, error: function(content, title) { jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.alert('danger', content, title); }, confirm: function(question, title, yesCallback, noCallback) { bootbox.confirm({ title: title, message: question, buttons: { cancel: {label: "<?php echo $this->no ?>"}, confirm: {label: "<?php echo $this->yes ?>"} }, callback: function(res){ if(res) yesCallback(); else if(typeof noCallback == 'function') noCallback(); } }); } }; if(!$('#<?php echo $this->container ?>').length) { $('body').append('<div id="<?php echo $this->container ?>"></div>'); } jaxon.command.handler.register("bootbox", function(args) { bootbox.alert(,,; }); <?php if(($this->defaultForAlert)): ?> jaxon.ajax.message.success = jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.success; =; jaxon.ajax.message.warning = jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.warning; jaxon.ajax.message.error = jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.error; <?php endif ?> <?php if(($this->defaultForConfirm)): ?> jaxon.ajax.message.confirm = jaxon.dialogs.bootbox.confirm; <?php endif ?>