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File: ApcSwitch.php

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File: ApcSwitch.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: ApcSwitch class
Class: Apc Switch
Manage an APC Rack PDU over ssh
Author: By
Last change: Change accessible file
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 16,709 bytes


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<?php /*** * Copyright 2016 Igor Dyshlenko * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ /** * ApcSwitch manages the power switch of the APC Switched Rack PDU over ssh2 * connection. * The device allows users to assign different access to outlets. Because of * this, the device menus vary depending on the access rights of the particular * user. Therefore, access to the outlets is carried out not by the number of * menu items, but by the string identifiers of the outlets assigned in the * administrative panel of the device. * * @author Igor Dyshlenko * @category Console * @license MIT */ class ApcSwitch { protected $shell, $info = array(), // Main device info (version, uptime, etc.) $ids = array(), // Outlets string ID's $outlets = array(), // Outlet parameters (associative array) $banks = array(), // Banks info $logger, $host, $currentMenu; const NMC_AOS = 'Network Management Card AOS', RPDU_APP = 'Rack PDU APP', ESCAPE = "\x1B", COMMAND_PROMPT = '> '; const DEVICE_MANAGER = 'Device Manager', BANK_MONITOR = 'Bank Monitor', OUTLET_MANAGAMENT = 'Outlet Management', OUTLET_CONTROL = 'Outlet Control/Configuration'; protected static $getInfo = array('1', '2', '1'), $getIds = array( self::DEVICE_MANAGER, self::OUTLET_MANAGAMENT, self::OUTLET_CONTROL ), $getBanks = array( self::DEVICE_MANAGER ); /** * Constructor * @param string $host - host name or IP address * @param string $username - user name for login to host * @param string $password - password for login to host * @param Log $logger - logger (PEAR Log object or null) * @throws RuntimeException - error connect to host or login error */ public function __construct($host, $username, $password, $logger=null) { $this->host = $host; $this->logger = new LogWrapper($logger); try { $this->shell = new Shell(new Ssh2Connector($host, 22, $logger), self::COMMAND_PROMPT, null, $logger); $this->shell->login($username, $password); $this->shell->eol("\r"); $this->shell->goAhead(); } catch (Exception $exc) { $msg = 'Error communicate to ' . $host . '.'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw new RuntimeException($msg, null, $exc); } $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': Shell connected.'); $array = $this->filterScreenArray(explode("\n", $this->shell->getResult())); $this->prepareVersion(self::NMC_AOS, array_shift($array)); $this->prepareVersion(self::RPDU_APP, array_shift($array)); array_shift($array); $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': Versions prepared.'); while (FALSE === strpos(($str = array_shift($array)), '-----')) { $this->prepareParamString($str); } $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': Parameters prepared.'); $this->parseMenu($array); $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': Menu prepared. ' . var_export($this->currentMenu, true)); } protected function prepareVersion($needle, $haystack) { if (FALSE !== ($pos = strpos($haystack, $needle))) { $this->info[$needle] = trim(substr($haystack, $pos + strlen($needle))); } } protected function prepareParamString($paramString) { if (FALSE === ($pos = strpos($paramString, ' '))) { $this->prepareParam($paramString); } else { $this->prepareParam(substr($paramString, 0, $pos)); $this->prepareParam(substr($paramString, $pos)); } } protected function prepareParam($str) { $arr = explode(': ', $str); if (isset($arr[0]) && isset($arr[1])) { $this->info[trim($arr[0])] = trim($arr[1]); } } /** * Get main device info. * @return array - associative array with main information of device. */ public function getInfo() { return $this->info; } /** * Get outlets ID list. * @return array Outlets ID list. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function getIds() { if (empty($this->ids)){ $this->gotoPage(self::$getIds); foreach ($this->currentMenu as $key => $value) { $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': pair ' . var_export($key, true) . ' => ' . var_export($value, true)); $state = strtoupper(trim(strrchr($key, ' '))); if ($state === 'ON' || $state === 'OFF') { $id = trim(substr($key, 0, strlen($key) - strlen($state))); } else { $id = trim($key); $state = null; } $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': ID ' . var_export($id, true) . ' => state ' . var_export($state, true)); $this->ids[$value] = $id; if (isset($this->outlets[$id]) && is_array($this->outlets[$id])) { $this->outlets[$id]['State'] = $state; } else { $this->outlets[$id] = array('State' => $state, 'Name' => $id); } } $this->returnToFirstPage(self::$getIds); } return $this->ids; } /** * Get power banks main info. * @return array - associative array with banks main info. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function getBanksInfo() { if (empty($this->banks)) { $this->gotoPage(self::$getBanks); try { $result = $this->shell->exec($this->currentMenu[self::BANK_MONITOR]); } catch (Exception $exc) { $msg = 'Error communicate to ' . $this->host . '.'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw new RuntimeException($msg, null, $exc); } $array = explode("\n", $result); $this->parseMenu($array); $this->prepareBanksParams($array); $arr = array_fill(0, count(self::$getBanks) + 1, null); $this->returnToFirstPage($arr); $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': ' . self::BANK_MONITOR . ' data loaded successfully.'); } return $this->banks; } protected function prepareBanksParams($array) { foreach ($array as $key => $string) { if (FALSE !== stripos($string, self::BANK_MONITOR)) { unset($array[$key]); break; } unset($array[$key]); } foreach ($array as $key => $string) { if (FALSE !== strpos($string, '----')) { unset($array[$key]); break; } unset($array[$key]); } foreach ($array as $string) { $length = strlen($str = str_replace(' ', ' ', trim($string))); while ($length > ($l = strlen($str = str_replace(' ', ' ', $str)))) {$length = $l;} $values = explode(' ', $str); if (count($values) < 7){ break; } $this->banks[$values[0]] = array( 'Restrictions' => $values[1], 'Load' => $values[2], 'Low' => $values[3], 'NearOver' => $values[4], 'Over' => $values[5], 'State' => implode(' ', array_slice($values, 6)) ); } } protected function gotoPage(&$path) { foreach ($path as $command) { try { $result = $this->shell->exec($this->currentMenu[$command]); } catch (Exception $exc) { $msg = 'Error communicate to ' . $this->host . '.'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw new RuntimeException($msg, null, $exc); } $this->parseMenu(explode("\n", $result)); // $this->logger->debug(var_export($this->currentMenu, true)); } } protected function returnToFirstPage(&$path) { foreach ($path as $nothing) { try { $this->shell->write(self::ESCAPE); $this->shell->goAhead(); } catch (Exception $exc) { $msg = 'Error communicate to ' . $this->host . '.'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw new RuntimeException($msg, null, $exc); } $this->parseMenu(explode("\n", $this->shell->getResult())); // $this->logger->debug(var_export($this->currentMenu, true)); } } protected function parseMenu($stringsArray) { $this->currentMenu = array(); foreach ($stringsArray as $string) { $pair = explode('- ', $string); if (isset($pair[0]) && isset($pair[1]) && (intval(trim($pair[0])) > 0)) { $this->currentMenu[trim($pair[1])] = intval(trim($pair[0])); } } } /** * Get detail outlet info. * @param string $outletId - string outlet ID returned $this->getIds(). * @return associative array with detail information of outlet. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function getOutletInfo($outletId) { if ($this->isOutletIdOk($outletId)) { $this->outletOperation($outletId); return $this->outlets[$outletId]; } return null; } /** * Turn outlet to "ON" or "OFF". * @param string $outletId - string outlet ID returned $this->getIds(). * @param mixed $newState - string "on" or "yes", int 1 or bool true for turn * "ON"; string "off", "no" or "" (empty string), int 0 or bool * false for turn "OFF"; otherwise do nothing. * @param mixed $delayed - use delayed operation if string "on" or "yes", * int 1 or bool true (default FALSE). * @return mixed new state: boolean true if turned ON, false if turned OFF, * NULL if operation incomplette or outlet ID is incorrect. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function turn($outletId, $newState, $delayed=false) { $stateTo = filter_var($newState, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); if (is_bool($stateTo) && $this->isOutletIdOk($outletId)) { $useDelayed = filter_var($delayed, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); return $this->outletOperation($outletId, $stateTo ? 'On' : 'Off', $useDelayed); } return null; } /** * Turn outlet to "ON". * @param string $outletId - string outlet ID returned $this->getIds(). * returned $this->getIds(). * @param mixed $delayed - use delayed operation if string "on" or "yes", * int 1 or bool true (default FALSE). * @return mixed new state: boolean true if turned ON, false if turned OFF, * NULL if operation incomplette or outlet ID is incorrect. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function turnOn($outletId, $delayed=false) { return $this->turn($outletId, true, $delayed); } /** * Turn outlet to "OFF". * @param string $outletId - string outlet ID returned $this->getIds(). * @param mixed $delayed - use delayed operation if string "on" or "yes", * int 1 or bool true (default FALSE). * @return mixed new state: boolean true if turned ON, false if turned OFF, * NULL if operation incomplette or outlet ID is incorrect. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function turnOff($outletId, $delayed=false) { return $this->turn($outletId, false, $delayed); } /** * Reboot operation. Turn "OFF" the outlet, then after pause - turn it "ON". * @param string $outletId - string outlet ID returned $this->getIds(). * @param mixed $delayed - use delayed operation if string "on" or "yes", * int 1 or bool true (default FALSE). * @return mixed new state: boolean true if turned ON, false if turned OFF, * NULL if operation incomplette or outlet ID is incorrect. * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function reboot($outletId, $delayed=false) { if ($this->isOutletIdOk($outletId)) { $useDelayed = filter_var($delayed, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); return $this->outletOperation($outletId, 'Reboot', $useDelayed); } return null; } /** * Cancel all pending (delayed) commands for outlet. * @param string $outletId - string outlet ID returned $this->getIds(). * @throws RuntimeException - communicate error to host */ public function cancelDelayed($outletId) { if ($this->isOutletIdOk($outletId)) { return $this->outletOperation($outletId, 'Cancel'); } return null; } /** * Get APC Switch host name or IP. * @return string host name or IP. */ public function getHost() { return $this->host; } protected function isOutletIdOk($outletId) { $this->getIds(); return is_int($outletId) && array_key_exists($outletId, $this->ids) || is_string($outletId) && in_array($outletId, $this->ids); } protected function outletOperation($outletId, $operation=null, $delayed=false) { $complette = false; $command = is_int($outletId) ? $outletId : array_search($outletId, $this->ids); $this->gotoPage(self::$getIds); try { $result = $this->shell->exec($command); } catch (Exception $exc) { $msg = 'Error communicate to ' . $this->host . '.'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw new RuntimeException($msg, null, $exc); } $this->prepareOutletOperationScreenArray($this->ids[$command], explode("\n", $result)); $menuItem = $this->switchOutletOperationName($operation, $delayed, $command); $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': Operation "' . (is_null($menuItem) ? 'nothing' : $menuItem) . '".'); if (isset($this->currentMenu[$menuItem])) { try { $this->shell->write($this->currentMenu[$menuItem] . $this->shell->eol() . 'yes' . $this->shell->eol()); $this->shell->read('Press <ENTER> to continue...'); $this->shell->getResult(); $this->shell->write($this->shell->eol()); $this->shell->goAhead(); } catch (Exception $exc) { $msg = 'Error communicate to ' . $this->host . '.'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg . "\n" . $exc->getTraceAsString()); throw new RuntimeException($msg, null, $exc); } $this->prepareOutletOperationScreenArray($this->ids[$command], explode("\n", $this->shell->getResult())); $complette = true; $this->logger->debug(__METHOD__ . ': Operation "' . $menuItem . '" complette.'); } elseif (!is_null($menuItem)) { $msg = 'Incorrect operation "' . var_export($menuItem, true) . '".'; $this->logger->err(__METHOD__ . ': ' . $msg); throw new RuntimeException($msg); } $arr = array_fill(0, count(self::$getIds) + 1, null); $this->returnToFirstPage($arr); return $complette; } protected function prepareOutletParam($outletId, $str) { $arr = explode(': ', $str); if (isset($arr[0]) && isset($arr[1])) { $this->outlets[$outletId][trim($arr[0])] = trim($arr[1]); return true; } return false; } protected function filterScreenArray($screenArray) { unset($screenArray[0]); $prompt = trim($this->shell->prompt()); foreach ($screenArray as $i => $str) { $str = trim($str); if (empty($str) || ($prompt === $str)) { unset($screenArray[$i]); } } return $screenArray; } protected function prepareOutletOperationScreenArray($strOutletId, $screenArray) { $array = $this->filterScreenArray($screenArray); array_shift($array); while ($this->prepareOutletParam($strOutletId, ($str = array_shift($array)))) {} array_unshift($array, $str); $this->parseMenu($array); } protected function switchOutletOperationName($operationName, $delayed, $intOutletId) { switch (strtoupper($operationName)) { case 'ON': return ($delayed ? 'Delayed' : 'Immediate') . ' On'; case 'OFF': return ($delayed ? 'Delayed' : 'Immediate') . ' Off'; case 'REBOOT': return ($delayed ? 'Delayed' : 'Immediate') . ' Reboot'; case 'CANCEL': $menuItem = 'Cancel'; if ($this->ids[$intOutletId] === 'ALL Accessible Outlets') { $menuItem .= ' Pending Commands'; } return $menuItem; } return null; } public function disconnect() { try { $this->shell->logout(); } catch (Exception $ex) {} } }