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  Classes of masa918   Form taglib classes   Download  
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: restore form value
Class: Form taglib classes
Simple HTML Form taglib
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 5,440 bytes


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<? /** * HTML_Form Class * restore POST(GET) request value * * @author Masahiro.Kobayashi <> * @access public */ class HTML_Form { /** * HTTP Request Parameter * @var copy of $_GET or $_POST * @access private */ var $params = null; /** * magic quote enable * @var */ var $magic_quote = false; /** * * form_vars * */ var $form_vars = array(); /** * Constructor * * @access private * @see instance */ function HTML_Form() { if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() === 0 ) $this->magic_quote = false; else $this->magic_quote = true; // $set parameter $type = $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]; if($type == "POST") $this->params = $_POST; elseif($type == "GET") $this->params = $_GET; if($this->magic_quote === true) { $this->stripslashes_param($this->params); } } /** * get instance * * @access public * @return object HTML_Form */ function &instance() { static $instance; if(isset($instance)){ return $instance; } else{ $instance = new HTML_Form(); return $instance; } } /** * clear $params * * @access public */ function clear() { $this->params = array(); } /** * print html specialized request parameter[$key] * * @access public */ function htmlValue($key,$default = "") { $ret = $this->params[$key]; if(isset($ret)) print htmlspecialchars($ret); else print htmlspecialchars($default); } function get($key) { return htmlspecialchars($this->params[$key]); } /** * stripslashes_param * */ function stripslashes_param(&$val) { if(is_string($val)){ return stripslashes($val); } elseif(is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $key => $value) { $val[$key] = $this->stripslashes_param($value); } return $val; } } function doAction($var_name , &$object, $method) { if(isset($this->params[$var_name])){ return $object->$method($this); } } /** * * Text Field * */ function text($name,$default = "") { if(isset($this->params[$name])){ $data = $this->params[$name]; } else $data = $default; print('type="text" name="'.$name.'" value="'); print(htmlspecialchars($data).'"'); } /** * * Password Field * */ function password($name,$default = "") { if(isset($this->params[$name])){ $data = $this->params[$name]; } else $data = $default; print('type="password" name="'.$name.'" value="'); print(htmlspecialchars($data).'"'); } /** * * [howto] * <input type="radio" name="type" <? $form->radio("type","1","0"); ?>> */ function radio($name,$value,$default = "") { if(isset($this->params[$name])){ $data = $this->params[$name]; } else $data = $default; print('type="radio" name="'.$name.'"'); print ' value="'.$value.'"'; if($data === $value) print ' checked'; } /** * * print checkbox value * * @access public */ function checkbox($name,$value,$default = "") { $keys = $this->_get_keys($name); $var_name = $keys[0]; if(isset($this->params[$var_name])){ $data = $this->params[$var_name]; for($i=1; $i<count($keys); $i++){ $key = $keys[$i]; $data = $data[$key]; } } else $data = $default; print('type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'"'); print ' value="'.$value.'"'; if(is_array($data)){ if(in_array($value,$data)) { print ' checked'; } } else { if($data === $value) print ' checked'; } } /** * * select * */ function &getSelect($name) { $ret =& new HTML_Form_Select($this,$name); return $ret; } function _get_keys($name) { $ret = array(); $name = str_replace("]","",$name); $tok = strtok($name,"["); while($tok){ $ret[] = $tok; $tok = strtok("["); } return $ret; } } /** * * HTML select tag class * * @access private */ class HTML_Form_Select { var $keys; var $form; var $name; function HTML_Form_Select(&$form,$name) { $this->name = $name; $this->form = $form; $this->keys = $this->form->_get_keys($name); } function setSize($size){ $this->size = $size; } function setMultiple($bool) { $this->isMultiple = $bool; } function open($opt = null){ print 'name="'.$this->name.'"'; } function option($value,$default = "") { $form =& $this->form; $var_name = $this->keys[0]; if(isset($form->params[$var_name])){ $data = $form->params[$var_name]; for($i=1; $i<count($this->keys); $i++){ $key = $this->keys[$i]; $data = $data[$key]; } } else $data = $default; print 'value="'.$value.'"'; if(is_array($data)){ if(in_array($value,$data)) { print ' selected'; } } else { if($data === $value) print ' selected'; } } } ?>