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File: testdatapager.php

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File: testdatapager.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: test the datapager class
Class: datapager
classes for 'paging' through database query result
Author: By
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Date: 22 years ago
Size: 2,295 bytes


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<?php include("./datapager.php"); echo "<html>\n<head><title>Datapager Example</title></head>\n<body>\n"; // connect to some database $conn = mysql_connect(); mysql_select_db("somedatabase"); // the name of the table to get all results from in this example $table = "sometableinyourdatabase"; // the sql statement to query $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table"; // create a new datapager passing it the connection and the sql $dp = new datapager($conn, $sql); // check to see if the page variable has been set if( !isset( $page ) ){ $page = 1; } // set the number of results to get for each page $pagesize = 50; // execute the query with the current page and page size and return a mysql result $res = $dp->execute($page, $pagesize); // if the result is valid, use it like any other mysql result to output the records if( $res ){ $fieldcount = mysql_num_fields($res); // output a header with information on the current page, number of pages and number of records echo "<table align=center><tr><th colspan=$fieldcount>Showing page ".$dp->page." of ".$dp->pagecount; echo ". Records ".((($dp->page -1)* $dp->pagesize)+1)." to ".$dp->page * $dp->pagesize." of ".$dp->recordcount."</th></tr><tr>\n"; $fieldcount = mysql_num_fields($res); for( $i = 0; $i < $fieldcount; $i++){ echo "<td align=left bgcolor='#bbbbbb'>".mysql_field_name($res, $i)."</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; // output the rows of data while( $row = mysql_fetch_row($res)){ echo "<tr>\n"; for( $i = 0; $i < $fieldcount; $i++){ echo "<td>".$row[$i]."</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } // output a footer containing links to show previous / next and all other pages of results echo "<tr><td colspan=$fieldcount><table width='100%'><tr>\n"; echo "<td width='33%' align=left>".$dp->prevpage("<a href='testdatapager.php?page=%page%'>Previous</a>\n"); echo "</td><td width='33%' align=center>".$dp->pagelinks("<a href='testdatapager.php?page=%page%'>%page%</a>", "%page%"); echo "</td>\n<td width='33%' align=right>".$dp->nextpage("<a href='testdatapager.php?page=%page%'>Next</a>"); echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>\n"; }else{ echo "<h5 align=center>An error has occurred.</h5>"; } echo "</body>\n</html>"; ?>