DownloadDbUnit 1.3
This is the list of changes for the DbUnit 1.3 release series.
#76 #110 `CompositeDataSet` now behaves in a way consistent with its documentation when handling several data sets with the same table (jeunito)
#113 phpunit#1182 Multiple corrections have been made to the BankAccountDB sample code (dragonbe, elazar)
#117 Firebird support is now included in the PEAR package distribution (matheusd)
#118 Copyright years were bumped to 2014 (dmelo)
#125 Database connections using Dblib are now supported (exptom)
#122 `XmlDataSet` now emits an informative error message in the event of table and row column mismatches (Sicaine)
#114 Changes from 1.3.0 to address type checking of column values in `matches()` from `AbstractTable` and `ReplacementTable` (see #28 and #61) were modified to perform loose type checking on numeric values and to typecast `SimpleXMLElement` values to strings before performing comparisons (paulyg)
#112 `TableFilter` now overrides `assertContainsRow()` to invoke `loadData()` before calling the parent implementation (jodysimpson)
#82 Composer now allows for dev packages as the master branch requires PHPUnit >= 3.8.0 (whatthejeff)
#66 The dependency on the Symfony YAML library is now properly indicated in `package.xml` (elazar)
#54 `Operation_RowBased->execute()` now handles cases where `PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES` is set to `false` (dexen)
#28 #61 `matches()` in `AbstractTable` and `ReplacementTable` now include type checking of column values
#88 `getTable()` and `getTableMetaData()` in `DefaultTableIterator` now properly return values (szicsu)
#81`Operation_RowBased` now performs significantly better for truncate-only tables (wakeless)
#78 `TestCase->assertTableRowCount()` now correctly calls `getConnection()` as an instance method rather than a static method (josefzamrzla)
#69 `QueryTable` now overrides `assertContainsRow()` to invoke `loadData()` before calling the parent implementation (jeunito)
#93 #95 `AbstractTable` now supports outputting table diffs (ptrofimov)
#67 #117 The Firebird database is now supported (matheusd)
#101 PostgreSQL primary keys now load correctly (danielek)
#103 `Sqlite->getTableNames()` no longer emits a notice when called on an empty database (neilime)
#104 #105 #106 `YamlDataSet` can now support YAML parsers other than the one from Symfony via the `IYamlParser` interface (yparghi)
#100 `dbunit.php` no longer references the deprecated singleton class `PHP_CodeCoverage_Filter` (elazar)