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File: tbssql_postgresql.php

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File: tbssql_postgresql.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class for PostgreSql databases
Class: TbsSQL
easy and powerfull tool for working with SQL
Author: By
Last change: Version 3.1, 2010-10-11

- Support Oracle databases.
- New methode ConfInfo() displays configuration information at any time.
- Fixed bug: clear and restore the console window when the parent window is actualized.
- Fixed bug: function _SqlDateFrmDb() may causes a PHP error "Notice: Undefined variable: x in ...tbssql_sqlserver_odbc.php on line 461".
- Enhanced configuration information displayed in trace mode.
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 29,796 bytes


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<?php // TbsSql Engine // Version 3.1, 2010-10-11, Skrol29 // if ( (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,'5')<0) && (!function_exists('clone')) ) { eval('function clone($object) {return $object;}'); // eval is needed because the syntax function clone() is refused in PHP 5 } define('TBSSQL_SILENT', 0); define('TBSSQL_NORMAL', 1); define('TBSSQL_DEBUG', 2); define('TBSSQL_TRACE', 4); define('TBSSQL_GRID', 8); define('TBSSQL_CONSOLE', 16); define('TBSSQL_1MINUTE', 1); define('TBSSQL_1HOUR', 60); define('TBSSQL_1DAY', 24*60); define('TBSSQL_1WEEK', 7*24*60); define('TBSSQL_NOCACHE', -1); define('TBSSQL_DISABLED', false); define('TBSSQL_ALWAYS', 0); define('TBSSQL_ARRAY', 'array'); define('TBSSQL_OBJECT', 'object'); class clsTbsSql { function __construct($srv='',$uid='',$pwd='',$db='',$drv='',$Mode=TBSSQL_NORMAL) { // Default values (defined here to be compatible with both PHP 4 & 5) $this->Version = '3.1'; $this->Id = false; $this->SqlNull = 'NULL'; // can be modified by user $this->DefaultRowType = TBSSQL_ARRAY; $this->CacheDir = '.'; $this->CacheTimeout = false; // in minutes $this->TempCacheTimeout = false; $this->CacheAutoClear = TBSSQL_1WEEK; // 1 week in minutes $this->CacheSuffix = ''; $this->InitMsg = true; $this->InitCsl = true; $this->_CacheCurrSql = false; // is different from false if data as to be saved if ($srv==='') { $this->Mode = $Mode; } else { $this->Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv,$Mode); // Try to connect when instance is created } $this->_Dbs_Prepare(); $this->SetTbsKey(); } // Compatibility for PHP 4 function clsTbsSql($srv='',$uid='',$pwd='',$db='',$drv='',$Mode=TBSSQL_NORMAL) { $this->__construct($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv,$Mode); } // Public methods function Connect($srv,$uid='',$pwd='',$db='',$drv='',$Mode=false) { if ($Mode!==false) $this->Mode = $Mode; $auto = (($srv!='') and ($uid.$pwd.$db.$drv=='')); if ($auto) { // Connection by a global variable $var = $srv; if (!isset($GLOBALS[$var])) return $this->_Message('[Error] Automatic Connection failed because the global variable \''.$var.'\' is not found.'); if (!$this->_TakeVar($var,'srv',$srv)) return false; if (!$this->_TakeVar($var,'uid',$uid)) return false; if (!$this->_TakeVar($var,'pwd',$pwd)) return false; if (!$this->_TakeVar($var,'db' ,$db)) return false; $this->_TakeVar($var,'drv',$drv,false); unset($GLOBALS[$var]); } $this->_Dbs_Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv); if (is_null($this->Id)) $this->Id = false; if ($this->Id===false) return $this->_SqlError(false); return true; } function Close() { if ($this->Id!==false) $this->_Dbs_Close(); } function Execute($Sql) { // we do not use cache here $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $Sql = $this->_SqlProtect($ArgLst); $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen($Sql, true); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); return true; } function GetVal($Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $Sql = $this->_SqlProtect($ArgLst); $Data = array(); if (!$this->_CacheTryRetrieve($Sql,$Data)) { if (!$this->_GetDataFromDb($Sql, $Data, ($this->_CacheCurrSql===false))) return false; // if CacheSql is false, then we do not need to retrieve all the records from the db if ($this->_CacheCurrSql!==false) $this->_CacheUpdate($Data); } if (count($Data)==0) { return false; } else { return reset($Data[0]); } } function GetRow($Arg0) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $ObjConv = $this->_ObjCheck($Arg0, $ArgLst); $SqlPos = ($ObjConv) ? 1 : 0; $Sql = $this->_SqlProtect($ArgLst, $SqlPos); $Data = array(); if (!$this->_CacheTryRetrieve($Sql,$Data)) { if (!$this->_GetDataFromDb($Sql, $Data, ($this->_CacheCurrSql===false))) return false; // if CacheSql is false, then we do not need to retrieve all the records from the db if ($this->_CacheCurrSql!==false) $this->_CacheUpdate($Data); } if (count($Data)==0) return false; $Data = array($Data[0]); // conversion to object if ($ObjConv) { $this->_ObjConversion($Data, $Arg0); } elseif ($this->DefaultRowType!==TBSSQL_ARRAY) { $this->_ObjConversion($Data, $this->DefaultRowType); } return $Data[0]; } function GetRows($Arg0) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $ObjConv = $this->_ObjCheck($Arg0, $ArgLst); $SqlPos = ($ObjConv) ? 1 : 0; $Sql = $this->_SqlProtect($ArgLst, $SqlPos); $Data = array(); if (!$this->_CacheTryRetrieve($Sql,$Data)) { if (!$this->_GetDataFromDb($Sql, $Data)) return false; if ($this->_CacheCurrSql!==false) $this->_CacheUpdate($Data); } // conversion to object if ($ObjConv) { $this->_ObjConversion($Data, $Arg0); } elseif ($this->DefaultRowType!==TBSSQL_ARRAY) { $this->_ObjConversion($Data, $this->DefaultRowType); } return $Data; } function GetList($Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); $Sql = $this->_SqlProtect($ArgLst); $Data = array(); $col1 = false; $col2 = false; if (!$this->_CacheTryRetrieve($Sql,$Data)) { if ($this->_CacheCurrSql===false) { // no cache $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen($Sql); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $r = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId); // First row if ($r===false) return $Data; $this->_ItemFoundCol($r, $col1, $col2); $this->_ItemAdd($Data, $r, $col1, $col2); while ($r = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId)) $this->_ItemAdd($Data, $r, $col1, $col2); // other rows $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); return $Data; } else { if (!$this->_GetDataFromDb($Sql, $Data)) return false; $this->_CacheUpdate($Data); } } // At this point, $Data contain bold data. $Data2 = array(); if (!isset($Data[0])) return $Data2; $this->_ItemFoundCol($Data[0], $col1, $col2); foreach ($Data as $r) $this->_ItemAdd($Data2, $r, $col1, $col2); return $Data2; } function GetSql($Sql) { $ArgLst = func_get_args(); return $this->_SqlProtect($ArgLst); } function AffectedRows() { return $this->_Dbs_AffectedRows(); } function LastRowId($Info=false) { return $this->_Dbs_LastRowId($Info); } function SetTbsKey($Key='') { // Define the key (or a new key) for the TinyButStrong Template Engine global $_TBS_UserFctLst; if ($Key=='') { // Search for an free key $Key = 'tbssql'; // default key $i = 1; while (isset($_TBS_UserFctLst['k:'.$Key])) { $i++; $Key = 'tbssql'.$i; } } $this->TbsKey = $Key; $this->_Tbs_FetchFct = '_Tbs_RsFetch_Default'; // saved in a property in order to be passed by reference and then be modified when cache is enabled $_TBS_UserFctLst['k:'.$Key] = array('type'=>4,'open'=>array(&$this,'_Tbs_RsOpen'),'fetch'=>array(&$this,&$this->_Tbs_FetchFct),'close'=>array(&$this,'_Tbs_RsClose')); } function CacheTimestamp($Sql) { // return the timestamp of the cache file $x = $this->_CacheFilePath($Sql); if (file_exists($x)) { return filemtime($x); } else { return false; } } function CacheDelete($Sql) { // delete the cache file $x = $this->_CacheFilePath($Sql); if (file_exists($x)) { $ok = unlink($x); if ($ok) { if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) $this->_Message('[Cache]: CacheDelete() has deleted the cache file: '.$x, '#060'); } else { $this->_Message('[Error]: CacheDelete() unexpected failure. Check permissions for deleting cache file '.$x); } return $ok; } else { if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) $this->_Message('[Cache]: CacheDelete() has not found the cache file '.$x, '#060'); return false; } } function CacheFile($Sql) { // return the full path of the cache file $x = $this->_CacheFilePath($Sql); if (file_exists($x)) { return $x; } else { return false; } } function ConfInfo() { $this->InitMsg = false; // prevent from displaying the info twice // version $this->_Message('[Configuration]: TbsSql version '.$this->Version, '#060'); // mode $x = $this->_ModeDecompose($this->Mode, array(TBSSQL_SILENT=>'TBSSQL_SILENT', TBSSQL_NORMAL=>'TBSSQL_NORMAL', TBSSQL_DEBUG=>'TBSSQL_DEBUG', TBSSQL_TRACE=>'TBSSQL_TRACE', TBSSQL_GRID=>'TBSSQL_GRID', TBSSQL_CONSOLE=>'TBSSQL_CONSOLE')); $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property Mode = '.$x, '#060'); // DefaultRowType $x = $this->_ModeDecompose($this->DefaultRowType, array(TBSSQL_ARRAY=>'TBSSQL_ARRAY', TBSSQL_OBJECT=>'TBSSQL_OBJECT')); $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property DefaultRowType = '.$x, '#060'); // CacheTimeout $x = $this->_ModeDecompose($this->CacheTimeout, false); $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property CacheTimeout = '.$x, '#060'); // TempCacheTimeout $x = $this->_ModeDecompose($this->TempCacheTimeout, false); $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property TempCacheTimeout = '.$x, '#060'); // CacheAutoClear $x = $this->_ModeDecompose($this->CacheAutoClear, false); $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property CacheAutoClear = '.$x, '#060'); // CacheDir and CacheSuffix $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property CacheDir = '.var_export($this->CacheDir,true), '#060'); $this->_Message('[Configuration]: property CacheSuffix = '.var_export($this->CacheSuffix,true), '#060'); } // Private methods // Special for TinyButStrong // ------------------------- function _Tbs_RsOpen($Src,$Sql) { $Sql = $this->_SqlProtect(array($Sql)); // just in order to manage the Mode when it is TRACE or DEBUG $this->_CacheTbsData = array(); // default value in case of data to be saved if ($this->_CacheTbsOk=$this->_CacheTryRetrieve($Sql,$this->_CacheTbsData)) { // Data is retrieved from the cache $this->_CacheTbsEnd = count($this->_CacheTbsData); $this->_CacheTbsCurr = -1; $this->_Tbs_FetchFct = '_Tbs_RsFetch_FromCache'; // from cache $RecSet = true; } else { // No cache $RecSet = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen($Sql); if ($RecSet===false) $this->_SqlError(false); if ($this->_CacheCurrSql===false) { $this->_Tbs_FetchFct = '_Tbs_RsFetch_Default'; // no cache } else { $this->_Tbs_FetchFct = '_Tbs_RsFetch_ToBeSaved'; // cache to be saved } } return $RecSet; } function _Tbs_RsFetch_Default(&$RsId) { // no cache return $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId); } function _Tbs_RsFetch_FromCache(&$RsId) { // read data from cache $this->_CacheTbsCurr++; if ($this->_CacheTbsCurr>=$this->_CacheTbsEnd) { return false; } else { return $this->_CacheTbsData[$this->_CacheTbsCurr]; } } function _Tbs_RsFetch_ToBeSaved(&$RsId) { // data to be saved $Rec = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId); if ($Rec!==false) $this->_CacheTbsData[] = $Rec; return $Rec; } function _Tbs_RsClose(&$RsId) { if ($this->_CacheTbsOk) { unset($this->_CacheTbsData); // free memory return true; } else { if ($this->_CacheCurrSql!==false) $this->_CacheUpdate($this->_CacheTbsData); return $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); } } // Other private methods function _SqlError($ObjId) { if ($this->Mode===TBSSQL_SILENT) return; $x = 'Database error message: '.$this->_Dbs_Error($ObjId); if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_DEBUG)) $x .= "\r\nSQL = ".$this->LastSql; $this->_Message($x); return false; } function _Message($Txt, $Color='#FF0000') { // display a message right now in the Html page or in the console. Must return false. Default color is red, which means error. if ($this->Mode===TBSSQL_SILENT) return false; if ($this->InitMsg) { // display the TbsSql version the very first time and continue $this->ConfInfo(); } if (is_array($Txt)) { $Html = $this->_HtmlGrid($Txt); } else { $Html = '<div style="color: '.$Color.';">[TbsSql]'.nl2br(htmlentities($Txt)).'</div>'."\r\n"; } if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_CONSOLE)) { $Html = addslashes($Html); // apply to ('), ("), (\) and (null) $Html = str_replace(array("\n","\r","\t"),array('\n','\r','\t'),$Html); if ($this->InitCsl) { $this->InitCsl = false; $m1 = 100; $Html = ' <script type="text/javascript"> /* code generated by TbsSql */ var TbsSqlConsole ="","TbsSql_Console","top='.$m1.',left="+(screen.width-screen.height+'.$m1.')+",width="+(screen.height-'.(2*$m1).')+",height="+(screen.height-'.(2*$m1).')+",resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,directories=no"); TbsSqlConsole.document.body.innerHTML = ""; // clear the console when the parent window is actualized TbsSqlConsole.document.write(\'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>TbsSQL Console</title></head><body>'.$Html.'</body></html>\'); TbsSqlConsole.focus(); </script> '; } else { $Html = '<script type="text/javascript">/* code generated by TbsSql */ TbsSqlConsole.document.body.innerHTML += "'.$Html.'";</script>'; } } echo $Html; flush(); return false; } function _ModeHas($Option) { return (($this->Mode & $Option)===$Option); } function _ModeDecompose($Mode, $Options ) { // decompose the mode in options // string mode if (is_string($Mode)) { if (isset($Options[$Mode])) { return $Options[$Mode]; } else { return $Mode; } } // duration if ($Options===false) { $Options = array('TBSSQL_1WEEK'=>TBSSQL_1WEEK, 'TBSSQL_1DAY'=>TBSSQL_1DAY, 'TBSSQL_1HOUR'=>TBSSQL_1HOUR, 'TBSSQL_1MINUTE'=>TBSSQL_1MINUTE, 'TBSSQL_ALWAYS'=>TBSSQL_ALWAYS, 'TBSSQL_NOCACHE'=>TBSSQL_NOCACHE, 'TBSSQL_DISABLED'=>TBSSQL_DISABLED); // order must be respected if (in_array($Mode, $Options, true)) return array_search($Mode, $Options, true); $x = array(); $remain = $Mode; foreach ($Options as $name=>$duration) { if ( ($duration!==false) && ($duration>0) && ($remain>=$duration) ) { $r = ($remain % $duration); $n = intval(($remain-$r)/$duration); $remain = $remain - ($n*$duration); $x[] = ($n==1) ? $name : $n.'*'.$name; } } if (count($x)==0) return $Mode.' (minutes)'; if ($remain>0) $x[] = $remain.' (minutes)'; return implode(' + ', $x); } // numeric $x = array(); $remain = $Mode; foreach ($Options as $opt=>$name) { if ( ($opt!=0) && (($Mode & $opt)===$opt) ) { $x[] = $name; $remain = $remain - $opt; } } if ($remain!=0) $x[] = $remain; if (count($x)==0) { if (isset($Options[0])) { $x[] = $Options[0]; } else { $x[] = 0; } } return implode(' + ', $x); } function _TakeVar($VarName,$Key,&$Target,$MustBe=true) { // Read gloabl variables for automatic connexion if (isset($GLOBALS[$VarName][$Key])) { $Target = $GLOBALS[$VarName][$Key]; } elseif ($MustBe) { $this->_Message('[Error]: Automatic Connection failed because the item \''.$Key.'\' is not found in the global variable \''.$VarName.'\'.'); return false; } return true; } function _ObjCheck($Arg0, $ArgLst) { // Check if an object conversion is asked if (is_string($Arg0)) { if( (strpos($Arg0,' ')===false) && (strpos($Arg0,"\r")===false) && (strpos($Arg0,"\n")===false) && (count($ArgLst)>1) ) return true; } elseif (is_object($Arg0)) { return true; } return false; } function _ObjConversion(&$Data, $ObjRef) { // Convert the records from arrays to objects // Note: foreach() is twice faster than array_walk() for both record and column loops. if (is_object($ObjRef)) { foreach ($Data as $idx => $rec) { $obj = clone($ObjRef); foreach ($rec as $col => $val) {$obj->$col = $val;} $Data[$idx] = $obj; } } else { if ($ObjRef==='array') return; if (($ObjRef==='') || ($ObjRef==='object')) $ObjRef = 'stdClass'; foreach ($Data as $idx => $rec) { $obj = new $ObjRef; // the class name foreach ($rec as $col => $val) {$obj->$col = $val;} $Data[$idx] = $obj; } } } function _SqlDateFrmDb($Date,$FrmMode) { // Prepare the date item before to merge it in an SQL query if (is_string($Date)) { if (!isset($this->_SqlDateParseOk)) $this->_SqlDateParseOk = function_exists('date_parse'); // date_parse() is available since PHP 5.2 if ($this->_SqlDateParseOk) { $x = date_parse($Date); if (($x===false) || ($x['warning_count']>0) || ($x['error_count']>0)) { $this->_Message('[Error]: the date argument (string) \''.$Date.'\' is not recognized as a valide date. It will be merged as is in the SQL query.'); $Mode = 0; // The date will be passed as is to the SQL $x = $Date; } else { $x = array( 'y'=>$x['year'] , 'm'=>$x['month'] , 'd'=>$x['day'] , 'h'=>intval($x['hour']) , 'i'=>intval($x['minute']) , 's'=>intval($x['second']), 'f'=>intval($x['fraction'])); // intval() helps to force false to 0 } } else { $x = strtotime($Date); if (($x===-1) || ($x===false)) { $this->_Message('[Error]: the date argument (string) \''.$Date.'\' is not recognized as a valide date. This can happens on 32bit systems for dates over 2038-01-19. TbsSQL can workaround this date limit if you use PHP>=5.2'); $Mode = 0; // The date will be passed as is to the SQL $x = $Date; } else { $x = $this->_SqlDateInfo($x); } } } elseif (is_int($Date) || is_float($Date)) { // It's a timestamp $x = $this->_SqlDateInfo($Date); } elseif (is_array($Date)) { // It's an array supported by TbsSQL $x = $Date; if (!isset($x['y'])) { $this->_Message('[Error]: the date argument is an array but has no key \'y\'. The value will be replaced with the current date-time.'); $x = $this->_SqlDateInfo(time()); } if (!isset($x['m'])) $x['m'] = 1; if (!isset($x['d'])) $x['d'] = 1; if (!isset($x['h'])) $x['h'] = 0; if (!isset($x['i'])) $x['i'] = 0; if (!isset($x['s'])) $x['s'] = 0; } else { $x = ''; // avoid a PHP error notice $this->_Message('[Error]: the date argument can not be recognized as date: '.var_export($Date,true)); } return $this->_Dbs_Date($x,$FrmMode); } function _SqlDateInfo($Timestamp) { // return a date info array from a timestamp $x = getdate($Timestamp); return array( 'y'=>$x['year'] , 'm'=>$x['mon'] , 'd'=>$x['mday'] , 'h'=>$x['hours'] , 'i'=>$x['minutes'] , 's'=>$x['seconds'], 'f'=>0.0); } function _SqlDateFrmStd($d, $s_date, $s_ent=false, $s_time=false, $s_frac=false, $s_frac_nbr=3) { // useful function for common date formating, to be used in method _Dbs_Date(); $x = $d['y'].$s_date.str_pad($d['m'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).$s_date.str_pad($d['d'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($s_ent!==false) { // time is added to the date $x .= $s_ent.str_pad($d['h'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).$s_time.str_pad($d['i'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT).$s_time.str_pad($d['s'],2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); if ($s_frac!==false) $x .= $s_frac.substr(number_format($d['f'],$s_frac_nbr,'.',''),2); // fraction of seconds is added to the date-time } return $x; } function _SqlProtect($ArgLst, $SqlPos=0, $Normal=true) { // Replace items (%i% , @i@ , #i#, ~i~) with the corresponding protected values $Sql = $ArgLst[$SqlPos]; $IdxMax = count($ArgLst) - 1; $ChrLst = array('%','@','#','~'); for ($i=$SqlPos+1;$i<=$IdxMax;$i++) { for ($t=0;$t<=1;$t++) { if ($t==0) { // Scann normal tags $ValIsNull = false; $iz = ''.$i; } else { // Scann nullable tags $ValIsNull = ( is_null($ArgLst[$i]) or ($ArgLst[$i]===false) ); $iz = '['.$i.']'; } foreach ($ChrLst As $Chr) { $tag = $Chr.$iz.$Chr; if (strpos($Sql,$tag)!==false) { if ($ValIsNull) { $x = $this->SqlNull; } elseif ($Chr==='%') { $x = $this->_Dbs_ProtectStr(''.$ArgLst[$i]); // Simple value } elseif ($Chr==='@') { $x = $x = '\''.$this->_Dbs_ProtectStr(''.$ArgLst[$i]).'\''; // String value } elseif ($Chr==='#') { $x = $x = $this->_SqlDateFrmDb($ArgLst[$i],1); // Date value } elseif ($Chr==='~') { $x = $x = $this->_SqlDateFrmDb($ArgLst[$i],2); // Date and time value } $Sql = str_replace($tag,$x,$Sql) ; } } } } if ($Normal) { if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_DEBUG)) { $this->LastSql = $Sql; } elseif ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) { $this->_Message('[SQL]: '.$Sql,'#663399'); } } return $Sql; } function _GetDataFromDb($Sql, &$Data, $OnlyFirstRow=false) { $RsId = $this->_Dbs_RsOpen($Sql); if ($RsId===false) return $this->_SqlError($this->Id); $Data = array(); if ($OnlyFirstRow) { $r = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId); if ($r!==false) $Data[] = $r; } else { while ($r = $this->_Dbs_RsFetch($RsId)) { $Data[] = $r; } } $this->_Dbs_RsClose($RsId); if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_GRID)) $this->_Message($Data); return true; } function _ItemFoundCol($Row, &$col1, &$col2) { if ($Row===false) return false; $col_lst = array_keys($Row); $col1 = $col_lst[0]; $col2 = isset($col_lst[1]) ? $col_lst[1] : false; return true; } function _ItemAdd(&$Data, $Row, $col1, $col2) { if ($col2===false) { $Data[] = $Row[$col1]; } else { $Data[$Row[$col1]] = $Row[$col2]; } } // trace functions // --------------- function _HtmlGrid($Data) { $nl = "\n"; $nbsp = '&nbsp;'; $firstrow = true; $row_bg = array(0=>'#faebd7', 1=>'#fff8dc'); $row_idx = 0; $html = $nl.'<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">'; foreach ($Data as $id => $row) { if ($firstrow) { $html .= $nl.' <tr bgcolor="#999999"><td>#</td>'; foreach ($row as $col => $val) $html .= '<td>'.str_replace(' ',$nbsp,$col).'</td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $firstrow = false; } $html .= $nl.' <tr bgcolor="'.$row_bg[$row_idx].'"><td>'.$id.'</td>'; foreach ($row as $col => $val) { $x = str_replace(' ',$nbsp,strval($val)); if ($x==='') $x = $nbsp; $html .= '<td>'.$x.'</td>'; } $html .= '</tr>'; $row_idx++; if ($row_idx>1) $row_idx=0; } if ($firstrow) { $html .= $nl.' <tr bgcolor="'.$row_bg[0].'"><td>No data</td></tr>'; } $html .= $nl.'</table>'; return $html; } function _TraceGetTime() { // return the current timer in milli-seconds $x = microtime(); $p = strpos($x,' '); if ($p===false) return (float)0; $x = substr($x,$p+1).substr($x,1,$p); return (float)$x; } // cache functions // --------------- function _CacheFilePath($Sql) { return $this->CacheDir.'/cache_tbssql_'.md5($Sql).$this->CacheSuffix.'.php'; // we save it as a PHP file in order to hide the contents from web users } function _CacheTryRetrieve($Sql, &$Data) { // Try to retrieve data from the cache file. Return true if $Data contains the data from the cache. // at this point $this->_CacheCurrSql is always false $this->_CacheCurrSql = false; // for security // check if cache is enabled if ($this->TempCacheTimeout===false) { if (($this->CacheTimeout===false) || ($this->CacheTimeout===TBSSQL_NOCACHE)) return false; $timeout = $this->CacheTimeout; } else { $timeout = $this->TempCacheTimeout; $this->TempCacheTimeout = false; if ($timeout===TBSSQL_NOCACHE) return false; } // $this->_CacheCurrFile = $this->_CacheFilePath($Sql); $now = time(); //echo 'debug CacheTryRetrieve : timout= '.$timeout.', cache file='.date('Y-m-d h:i:s',@filemtime($this->_CacheCurrFile)).' , limit='.date('Y-m-d h:i:s',@filemtime($this->_CacheCurrFile)+60*$timeout).' , now='.date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$now)."<br>\r\n"; if ( file_exists($this->_CacheCurrFile) && ($now<=(filemtime($this->_CacheCurrFile)+60*$timeout)) ) { // retrieve the data // echo 'debug CacheTryRetrieve : cache still current'."<br>\r\n"; include($this->_CacheCurrFile); // set $CacheSql and $Data if ($Sql===$CacheSql) { if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) $this->_Message('[Cache]: Data retrieved from cache file '.$this->_CacheCurrFile,'#060'); if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_GRID)) $this->_Message($Data); return true; } else { // It can happens very rarely that two different SQL queries have the same md5, with this chech we are sure to have to good result if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) $this->_Message('[Cache]: Data not retrieved from cache file '.$this->_CacheCurrFile.' because SQL is different.','#060'); return false; } } //echo 'debug CacheTryRetrieve : cache to be updated.'."<br>\r\n"; $this->_CacheCurrSql = $Sql; return false; } function _CacheUpdate($Data) { // Update the cache $fid = @fopen($this->_CacheCurrFile, 'w'); if ($fid===false) { $this->_Message('[Error]: The cache file '.$this->_CacheCurrFile.' cannot be saved.'); $ok = false; } else { flock($fid,2); // acquire an exlusive lock fwrite($fid,'<?php $CacheSql='.var_export($this->_CacheCurrSql,true).'; '); fwrite($fid,'$Data='.var_export($Data,true).';'); flock($fid,3); // release the lock fclose($fid); //echo 'debug CacheTryUpdate : cache file='.date('Y-m-d h:i:s',filemtime($this->_CacheCurrFile)).' end='.date('Y-m-d h:i:s',$cache_end).' , now='.date('Y-m-d h:i:s',time()).' , ok='.var_export($ok,true)."<br>\r\n"; if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) $this->_Message('[Cache]: Data saved in cache file '.$this->_CacheCurrFile,'#060'); $ok = true; } $this->_CacheCurrSql = false; if ($this->CacheAutoClear!==false) { $this->_CacheTryClearDir(); $this->CacheAutoClear = false; // only one try per script call is enought, no need to check for each SQL query } return $ok; } function _CacheTryClearDir() { // Try to delete too old cache files $check_file = $this->CacheDir.'/cache_tbssql_info.php'; // if the check file does not exist yet, we create it if (!file_exists($check_file)) { touch($check_file); return; } // if the check file is too young, we do not clear $limit = time()-60*$this->CacheAutoClear; if (filemtime($check_file)>$limit) return; // clear the directory $lst = array(); $dir = opendir($this->CacheDir); $pref = 'cache_tbssql_'; $suff = $this->CacheSuffix.'.php'; $pref_len = strlen($pref); $suff_len = strlen($suff); $file_len = $pref_len+strlen(md5(''))+$suff_len; while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ( (strlen($file)==$file_len) && (substr($file,0,$pref_len)===$pref) && (substr($file,-$suff_len)===$suff) ) { $fullpath = $this->CacheDir.'/'.$file; if (filemtime($fullpath)<=$limit) $lst[] = $fullpath; } } closedir($dir); foreach ($lst as $fullpath) { unlink($fullpath); } touch($check_file); if ($this->_ModeHas(TBSSQL_TRACE)) $this->_Message('[Cache]: CacheAutoClear has deleted '.count($lst).' old cache files from directory '.$this->CacheDir,'#060'); } // ------------------------------- // Specific to the Database System // ------------------------------- // Database Engine: PostgreSQL // Version 1.03, 2010-06-10, Skrol29 function _Dbs_Prepare() { $this->Version .= ' for PostgreSQL'; } function _Dbs_Connect($srv,$uid,$pwd,$db,$drv) { // Should set $this->Id, value false means connection failed. $str = array(); if ($srv!='') $str[] = 'host='.$srv; if ($uid!='') $str[] = 'user='.$uid; if ($pwd!='') $str[] = 'password='.$pwd; if ($db !='') $str[] = 'dbname='.$db; if ($drv!='') $str[] = $drv; $str = implode(' ',$str); // Information, must be the same for any database type if ($this->Mode==TBSSQL_DEBUG) $this->LastSql = 'Connection String='.$str; if ($this->Mode==TBSSQL_TRACE) $this->_Message('Trace Connection String: '.$str,'#663399'); $this->Id = pg_connect($str); } function _Dbs_Close() { if (is_resource($this->Id)) { return @pg_close($this->Id); } else { return @pg_close(); } } function _Dbs_Error($ObjId) { if (is_resource($this->Id)) { return @pg_last_error($this->Id); } else { return @pg_last_error(); } } function _Dbs_RsOpen($Sql, $Exec=false) { if (is_resource($this->Id)) { $Qry = @pg_query($this->Id,$Sql); } else { $Qry = @pg_query($Sql); } if ($Qry===false) { $this->_AffRows = 0; } else { $this->_AffRows = @pg_affected_rows($Qry); // My not be relevant to the query type } return $Qry; } function _Dbs_RsFetch(&$RsId) { return @pg_fetch_array($RsId,null,PGSQL_ASSOC); // warning comes when no record left. } function _Dbs_RsClose(&$RsId) { return @pg_free_result($RsId); } function _Dbs_ProtectStr($Txt) { return pg_escape_string($Txt); } function _Dbs_Date($DateInfo,$FrmMode) { switch ($FrmMode) { case 1: // Date only return '\''.$this->_SqlDateFrmStd($DateInfo, '-').'\''; case 2: // Date and time return '\''.$this->_SqlDateFrmStd($DateInfo, '-', ' ', ':').'\''; case 0: // Value is a string return '\''.$this->_Dbs_ProtectStr($DateInfo).'\''; default: // Error in date recognization return '\'0000-00-00\''; } } function _Dbs_LastRowId($Info=false) { return $this->GetVal('SELECT lastval() AS x'); } function _Dbs_AffectedRows() { return $this->_AffRows; } }