echo "* TbSQL demo: <br />\r\n";
// Include TbsSQL in order to use it..
// Connection with a global variable which will be destroyed
$con_info = array('srv'=>'localhost','uid'=>'root', 'pwd'=>'', 'db'=>'mysql');
$Db = new clsTbsSQL('con_info'); // $con_info is destroyed. Also available: $Db = new clsTbsSQL('localhost','root','','mysql');
// Retrieve a single value
$now = $Db->GetVal('SELECT NOW()');
echo "-> <b>Current time:</b> {".$now."} <br />\r\n";
// Using text argument
$text = "that's true";
$now = $Db->GetVal('SELECT @1@',$text);
echo "-> <b>Text:</b> {".$text."} <br />\r\n";
// Using numeric argument
$numeric = 29.54;
$now = $Db->GetVal('SELECT %1%',$numeric);
echo "-> <b>Numeric:</b> {".$numeric."} <br />\r\n";
// Retrieve a single row
$row = $Db->GetRow('SHOW TABLES');
echo "-> <b>Single row:</b> ".var_export($row,true)." <br />\r\n";
// Retrieve all rows
$rows = $Db->GetRows('SHOW TABLES');
echo "-> <b>All row:</b> ".var_export($rows,true)." <br />\r\n";
// Retrieve a list of values
$list = $Db->GetList('SHOW TABLES');
echo "-> <b>List of values:</b> ".var_export($list,true)." <br />\r\n";
// Rows affected by the last SQL action
$n = $Db->AffectedRows();
echo "-> <b>Affected rows:</b> ".$n." <br />\r\n";
// Last inserted sequence
$n = $Db->LastRowId();
echo "-> <b>Last Row Id:</b> ".$n." <br />\r\n";
// Close the connection
echo "* End";