Installation of PhotoAlbum.php
The following instructions will walk through a default install on both
a Windows and Linux server. Both examples assume the apache web
server and use the default locations.
1. Create website directory
# WIN: c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\NewWebSite
# LNX: /var/www/htdocs/NewWebSite
# NOTE: This will be $doc_root
2. In the website directory (from step 1), create the following new
+ js/
+ css/
+ images/
+ php/
Copy all files from the photoalbum directories (js/, css/, images/)
into their respective folders in the website directory.
Copy PhotoAlbum.php to the php/ directory created in step 2.
3. Edit lightbox.js:
- Set the following variables with the (web relative) path to
the appropriate files:
+ loadingImage
+ closeButton
# EXAMPLE: Windows and Linux:
# var loadingImage = '/NewWebSite/images/loading.gif';
# var closeButton = '/NewWebSite/images/close.gif';
4. Edit lightbox.css:
- Modify all occurrences of overlay.png with the correct (web
relative) path for your installation
# EXAMPLE: Windows and Linux:
# url(/NewWebSite/images/overlay.png);
# src="/NewWebSite/images/overlay.png"
5. Create a subdirectory under the new website created in step 1; this
is where the photo album will exist.
# WIN: c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\NewWebSite\photoarchive
# LNX: /var/www/htdocs/NewWebSite/photoarchive
6. Copy default.php into the pictures directory (from step 5). Rename
it index.php.
7. Edit index.php:
- Set $doc_root to the full directory path created in step 1.
- Set $web_root to the URL path for the website created in step 1.
# $doc_root = 'c:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\NewWebSite';
# $web_root = '/NewWebSite';
# $doc_root = '/var/www/htdocs/NewWebSite';
# $web_root = '/NewWebSite';
8. Put all your folders of photos inside the photoarchive directory
(from step 5).
Each photo can have a <photo_name>.txt file for journaling. Format
is plain text. One txt file per photo.
Each directory can have a journal.html file that will display
above the photo thumbnails. Format should be valid XHTML (just
make sure all tags are properly closed). For help with XHTML, see
( http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp )
# SAMPLE LAYOUT (underneath directory created in step 1):
# $doc_root/
# | js/
# | | lightbox.js
# | | moo.fx.js
# | | moo.fx.pack.js
# | | photoalbum.js
# | | prototype.lite.js
# | css/
# | | lightbox.css
# | | photoalbum.css
# | images/
# | | close.gif
# | | loading.gif
# | | overlay.png
# | php/
# | | PhotoAlbum.php
# | photoarchive/
# | | index.php
# | | Jan2006/
# | | | pic001.jpg
# | | | pic001.txt
# | | | pic002.jpg
# | | | pic002.txt
# | | | pic003.jpg
# | | | pic003.txt
# | | | journal.html
# | | Feb2006/
# | | | pic004.jpg
# | | | pic004.txt
# | | | pic005.jpg
# | | | pic005.txt
# | | | journal.html