1.1.7 - 2018-01-04
The tests were fixed.
Changes in documentation.
JSON last error handling was implemented in a new class and replace collections with switch case: `JsonLastError`.
Tests were implemented for `JsonLastError` class.
1.1.6 - 2017-11-08
Implemented `PHP Mess Detector` to detect inconsistencies in code styles.
Implemented `PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer` to fixing errors automatically.
Implemented `PHP Coding Standards Fixer` to organize PHP code automatically according to PSR standards.
1.1.5 - 2017-11-01
Implemented `PSR-4 autoloader standard` from all library files.
Implemented `PSR-2 coding standard` from all library PHP files.
Implemented `PHPCS` to ensure that PHP code complies with `PSR2` code standards.
Implemented `Codacy` to automates code reviews and monitors code quality over time.
Implemented `Codecov` to coverage reports.
Added `Json/phpcs.ruleset.xml` file.
Deleted `Json/src/bootstrap.php` file.
Deleted `Json/tests/bootstrap.php` file.
Deleted `Json/vendor` folder.
Changed `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest` class to `Josantonius\Json\JsonTest` class.
1.1.4 - 2017-09-10
Unit tests supported by `PHPUnit` were added.
The repository was synchronized with Travis CI to implement continuous integration.
Added `Json/src/bootstrap.php` file
Added `Json/tests/bootstrap.php` file.
Added `Json/phpunit.xml.dist` file.
Added `Json/_config.yml` file.
Added `Json/.travis.yml` file.
Deleted `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest` class.
Deleted `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testArrayToFile()` method.
Deleted `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testArrayToFileError()` method.
Deleted `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testFileToArray()` method.
Deleted `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testFileToArrayError()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest` class.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest::testArrayToFile()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest::testArrayToFileCreateFileException()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest::testFileToArray()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest::testFileToArrayCreateFileException()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest::testExternalFileToArray()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Test\JsonTest::testExternalFileNonExistentToArray()` method.
1.1.3 - 2017-08-20
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json::_jsonLastError()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json::_createDirectory()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json::_saveFile()` method.
Removed `Josantonius\Json\Json::jsonLastError()` method.
Now in the `fileToArray()` method files can be obtained from external urls.
Now checking json last error returns an array with the error instead of an exception.
New errors available from PHP 7.0 to check for errors from `json_last_error()` were added.
1.1.2 - 2017-05-31
The file exception not found in the `fileToArray()` method was deleted. Now if it does not exist the file will create it with an empty array.
`JSON_PRETTY_PRINT` was added at time to create the json file.
1.1.1 - 2017-03-18
Some files were excluded from download and comments and readme files were updated.
1.1.0 - 2017-01-30
Compatible with PHP 5.6 or higher.
1.0.0 - 2017-01-30
Compatible only with PHP 7.0 or higher. In the next versions, the library will be modified to make it compatible with PHP 5.6 or higher.
1.0.0 - 2016-12-14
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json` class.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json::arrayToFile()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json::fileToArray()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Json::jsonLastError()` method.
1.0.0 - 2016-12-14
Added `Josantonius\Json\Exception\JsonException` class.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Exception\Exceptions` abstract class.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Exception\JsonException->__construct()` method.
1.0.0 - 2016-12-14
Added `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest` class.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testArrayToFile()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testArrayToFileError()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testFileToArray()` method.
Added `Josantonius\Json\Tests\JsonTest::testFileToArrayError()` method.