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File: cPanel.php

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File: cPanel.php
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Description: Class source
Class: cPanel API
List and manage details of cPanel hosting accounts
Author: By
Last change: Fixed reported bugs
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 29,655 bytes


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<?php /* ********************************************** ********************************************** ***PHP cPanel API *** ***Copyright Brendan Donahue, 2006 *** ********************************************** ***Feature List: *** *** Connect to cPanel via HTTP or SSL *** *** List bandwidth and disk space usage *** *** Change contact settings/passwords *** *** List, create, modify, and delete: *** *** Databases and MySQL users *** *** FTP and email accounts, quotas *** *** Parked, addon, and subdomains *** *** Apache redirects *** *** Email autoresponders *** *** Forwarders and default addresses*** ********************************************** ********************************************** */ /** * @ignore */ class HTTP { function HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = '', $theme = 'x') { $this->ssl = $ssl ? 'ssl://' : ''; $this->username = $username; $this->password = $password; $this->theme = $theme; $this->auth = base64_encode($username . ':' . $password); $this->port = $port; $this->host = $host; $this->path = '/frontend/' . $theme . '/'; } function getData($url, $data = '') { $url = $this->path . $url; if(is_array($data)) { $url = $url . '?'; foreach($data as $key=>$value) { $url .= urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value) . '&'; } $url = substr($url, 0, -1); } $response = ''; $fp = fsockopen($this->ssl . $this->host, $this->port); if(!$fp) { return false; } $out = 'GET ' . $url . ' HTTP/1.0' . "\r\n"; $out .= 'Authorization: Basic ' . $this->auth . "\r\n"; $out .= 'Connection: Close' . "\r\n\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { $response .= @fgets($fp); } fclose($fp); return $response; } } /** * Functions to manipulate cPanel */ class cPanel { /** * Creates an object to manipulate cPanel * @param string $host cPanel host without leading http:// * @param string $username cPanel username * @param string $password cPanel password * @param int $port cPanel port, default to 2082. Change to 2083 if using SSL * @param bool $ssl False for http (default), true for SSL (requires OpenSSL) * @param string $theme cPanel theme, (forward compatibility- 'x' theme currently required) * @return cPanel */ function cPanel($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x') { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); } /** * Change cPanel's password * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * The cPanel object is no longer usable after changing the password. * @param string $password new password * @return bool */ function setPassword($password) { $data['oldpass'] = $this->HTTP->password; $data['newpass'] = $password; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('passwd/changepass.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'has been') && !strpos($response, 'could not')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Retrieve contact email address. * * Returns the contact email address listed in cPanel. * @return string */ function getContactEmail() { $email = array(); preg_match('/email" value="(.*)"/', $this->HTTP->getData('contact/index.html'), $email); return $email[1]; } /** * Modify contact email address * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string new contact email address * @return string */ function setContactEmail($email) { $data['email'] = $email; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('contact/saveemail.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'has been')) { return true; } return false; } /** * List all domains in the cPanel account * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success or false on failure. * @return array */ function listDomains() { $domainList = array(); preg_match_all('/<option value="([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('mail/addpop2.html'), $domainList); if(count($domainList[1]) > 0) { return $domainList[1]; } return false; } /** * List all POP3 email accounts * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success or false on failure. * @return array */ function listMailAccounts() { $accountList = array(); preg_match_all('/\?acct=([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('mail/pops.html'), $accountList); if(count($accountList[1]) > 0) { return $accountList[1]; } return false; } /** * List MySQL database users * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success. Returns an empty array if no users exist. * @return array */ function listDBUsers() { $accountList = array(); preg_match_all('/\?user=([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('sql/index.html'), $accountList); return $accountList[1]; } /** * List MySQL databases * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success. Returns an empty array if no databases exist. * @return array */ function listDatabases() { $databaseList = array(); preg_match_all('/deldb.html\?db=([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('sql/index.html'), $databaseList); return $databaseList[1]; } /** * List FTP accounts * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success or false on failure. This function does not include accounts listed as "Main Account". * @return array */ function listFTPAccounts() { $accountList = Array(); preg_match_all('/passwdftp.html\?acct=([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/accounts.html'), $accountList); return array_unique($accountList[1]); } /** * List parked domains * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success. Returns an empty array if no domains are parked. * @return array */ function listParked() { $domainList = array(); preg_match_all('/<option value="([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('park/index.html'), $domainList); return $domainList[1]; } /** * List addon domains * * Returns a numerically-indexed array of comma-delimited values on success. Returns an empty array if no addon domains exist. * @return array */ function listAddons() { $domainList = array(); $data = explode('Remove Addon', $this->HTTP->getData('addon/index.html')); preg_match_all('/<option value="(.*)">(.*)<\/option>/', $data[1], $domainList); return $domainList[0]; } /** * List subdomains * * Returns a numerically-indexed array on success. Returns an empty array if no subdomains exist. * @return array */ function listSubdomains() { $domainList = array(); $domains = explode('</select>', $this->HTTP->getData('subdomain/index.html')); $domains = explode('</select>', $domains[2]); preg_match_all('/<option value="(.*)">(.*)<\/option>/', $domains[0], $domainList); return $domainList[2]; } /** * List Apache redirects * * These may be permanent or temporary redirects (status codes 301 and 302). Returns a numerically-indexed array on success. Returns an empty array if no redirects exist. * @return array */ function listRedirects() { $redirectList = array(); preg_match_all('/<option value="\/([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('mime/redirect.html'), $redirectList); return $redirectList[1]; } /** * Parse account information * * Returns General account information or General server information. Used internally by getFreeSpace(), getSpaceUsed(), etc. * @param string $key key to parse for * @param string $type type of value to return (int, float, or string) * @return string */ function parseIndex($key, $type = 'string') { $value = array(); preg_match('/' . $key . '<\/td>' . "\n" . ' <td class="index2">(.*)<\/td>/', $this->HTTP->getData('index.html'), $value); settype($value[1], $type); return $value[1]; } /** * Get free disk space * * Returns the amount of disk space available in megabytes. * @return mixed */ function getFreeSpace() { $freeSpace = $this->parseIndex('Disk space available', 'float'); return ($freeSpace == 0) ? 'Unlimited' : floatval($freeSpace); } /** * Get used disk space * * Returns the amount of disk space used in megabytes. * @return float */ function getSpaceUsed() { return $this->parseIndex('Disk Space Usage', 'float'); } /** * Get MySQL space usage * * Returns the amount of disk space used by MySQL databases in megabytes. * @return float */ function getMySQLSpaceUsed() { return $this->parseIndex('MySQL Disk Space', 'float'); } /** * Get bandwidth usage * * Returns the amount of bandwidth used this month in megabytes. * @return float */ function getBandwidthUsed() { return $this->parseIndex('Bandwidth \(this month\)', 'float'); } /** * Get hosting package name * @return string */ function getHostingPackage() { return $this->parseIndex('Hosting package'); } /** * Get shared IP address * @return string */ function getSharedIP() { return $this->parseIndex('Shared Ip Address'); } /** * Creates an object to manipulate email account * @param string $address email address of account to manipulate * @return emailAccount */ function openEmailAccount($address) { return new emailAccount($this->HTTP->host, $this->HTTP->username, $this->HTTP->password, $this->HTTP->port, $this->HTTP->ssl, $this->HTTP->theme, $address); } /** * Creates an object to manipulate domain * @param string $domain domain to manipulate * @return Domain */ function openDomain($domain) { return new Domain($this->HTTP->host, $this->HTTP->username, $this->HTTP->password, $this->HTTP->port, $this->HTTP->ssl, $this->HTTP->theme, $domain); } /** * Creates an object to manipulate FTP account * @param string name of FTP account to manipulate * @return FTPAccount */ function openFTPAccount($account) { return new FTPAccount($this->HTTP->host, $this->HTTP->username, $this->HTTP->password, $this->HTTP->port, $this->HTTP->ssl, $this->HTTP->theme, $account); } /** * Creates an object to manipulate database * @param string $database name of MySQL database to manipulate * @return Database */ function openDatabase($database) { return new Database($this->HTTP->host, $this->HTTP->username, $this->HTTP->password, $this->HTTP->port, $this->HTTP->ssl, $this->HTTP->theme, $database); } /** * Creates an object to manipulate database user * @param string $user username of MySQL user to manipulate * @return databaseUser */ function openDatabaseUser($user) { return new databaseUser($this->HTTP->host, $this->HTTP->username, $this->HTTP->password, $this->HTTP->port, $this->HTTP->ssl, $this->HTTP->theme, $user); } /** * Creates an object to manipulate redirect * @param string $path server path to manipulate redirection on * @return Redirect */ function openRedirect($path) { return new Redirect($this->HTTP->host, $this->HTTP->username, $this->HTTP->password, $this->HTTP->port, $this->HTTP->ssl, $this->HTTP->theme, $path); } } /** * Functions to manipulate cPanel email accounts */ class emailAccount { /** * @ignore */ function emailAccount($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x', $address) { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); if(strpos($address, '@')) { list($this->email, $this->domain) = explode('@', $address); } else { list($this->email, $this->domain) = array($address, ''); } } /** * Create email account in cPanel * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $password email account password * @param int $quota quota for email account in megabytes * @return bool */ function create($password, $quota) { $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['password'] = $password; $data['quota'] = $quota; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/doaddpop.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'failure') || strpos($response, 'already exists')) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get space used by account * * Returns the amount of disk space used by email account in megabytes. * @return int */ function getUsedSpace() { $usedSpace = array(); preg_match('/' . $this->email . '@' . $this->domain . "<\\/font><\\/td>\n <td align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">([^&]*)/", $this->HTTP->getData('mail/pops.html?extras=disk'), $usedSpace); return $usedSpace[1]; } /** * Get account storage quota * * Returns amount of disk space allowed for email account in megabytes. * @return int */ function getQuota() { $quota = array(); $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; preg_match('/quota" value="([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('mail/editquota.html', $data), $quota); return ($quota[1] == 0) ? 'Unlimited' : intval($quota[1]); } /** * Modify account storage quota * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param int $quota quota for email account in megabytes * @return bool */ function setQuota($quota) { $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['quota'] = $quota; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/doeditquota.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Change email account password * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $password email account password * @return bool */ function setPassword($password) { $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['password'] = $password; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/dopasswdpop.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success') && !strpos($response, 'failure')) { return true; } return false; } /** * List email forwarders * * Returns a numerically-indexed array of forwarders for the email account. Returns an empty array if there are no forwarders. * @return array */ function listForwarders() { $forwarders = array(); preg_match_all('/\?email=' . $this->email . '@' . $this->domain . '=([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('mail/fwds.html'), $forwarders); return $forwarders[1]; } /** * Create email forwarder * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $forward forwarding address * @return bool */ function addForwarder($forward) { $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['forward'] = $forward; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/doaddfwd.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'redirected')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete email forwarder * * Permanently removes the account's email forwarder and returns true. * @param string $forwarder forwarding address to delete * @return bool */ function delForwarder($forwarder) { $data['email'] = $this->email . '@' . $this->domain . '=' . $forwarder; $this->HTTP->getData('mail/dodelfwd.html', $data); return true; } /** * Create email autoresponder * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $from from email address * @param string $subject email subject line * @param string $charset character set * @param bool $html true for HTML email * @param string $body body of email message * @return bool */ function addAutoResponder($from, $subject, $charset, $html, $body) { $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['from'] = $from; $data['subject'] = $subject; $data['charset'] = $charset; if($html) { $data['html'] = $html; } $data['body'] = $body; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/doaddars.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success') && !strpos($response, 'failure')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete email autoresponder * * Deletes autoresponder for email account if it exists, and returns true. * @return bool */ function delAutoResponder() { $this->HTTP->getData('mail/dodelautores.html?email=' . $this->email . '@' . $this->domain); return true; } /** * Delete email account * * Permanenetly removes POP3 account. Returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function delete() { $data['email'] = $this->email; $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/realdelpop.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success')) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Functions to manipulate domains in cPanel */ class Domain { /** * @ignore */ function Domain($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x', $domain) { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); $this->domain = $domain; } /** * Get default address * * Retrieves the default email address for the domain. * @return string */ function getDefaultAddress() { $default = explode('<b>' . $this->domain . '</b>', $this->HTTP->getData('mail/def.html')); if($default[1]) { $default = explode('<td>', $default[1]); $default = explode('</td>', $default[1]); return trim($default[0]); } } /** * Modify default address * * Changes the default email address for the domain. Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $adderss new default address * @return bool */ function setDefaultAddress($address) { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['forward'] = $address; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mail/dosetdef.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'is now')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Park domain * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function parkDomain() { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('park/doaddparked.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success') && !strpos($response, 'error')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete parked domain * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function unparkDomain() { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('park/dodelparked.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success') && !strpos($response, 'Error')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Create addon domain * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $user username or directory * @param string $pass password * @return bool */ function addonDomain($user, $pass) { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $data['user'] = $user; $data['pass'] = $pass; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('addon/doadddomain.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'added') && !strpos($response, 'Error')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete addon domain * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function delAddonDomain() { $data['domain'] = $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('addon/dodeldomain.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success') && !strpos($response, 'Error')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Create subdomain * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $subdomain name of subdomain to create * @return bool */ function addSubdomain($subdomain) { $data['domain'] = $subdomain; $data['rootdomain'] = $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('subdomain/doadddomain.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'added') && !strpos($response, 'Error')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get subdomain redirection * * Returns the URL a subdomain is redirected to. * @return string */ function getSubdomainRedirect($subdomain) { $redirect = array(); $data['domain'] = $subdomain . '_' . $this->domain; preg_match('/40 value="([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('subdomain/doredirectdomain.html', $data), $redirect); return $redirect[1]; } /** * Redirect subdomain * * Redirects a subdomain of the current domain to another address. * @param string $subdomain name of subdomain * @param string $url url to redirect to * @return bool */ function redirectSubdomain($subdomain, $url) { $data['domain'] = $subdomain . '_' . $this->domain; $data['url'] = $url; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('subdomain/saveredirect.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'redirected') && !strpos($response, 'Disabled')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Remove subdomain redirection * * @param string $subdomain name of subdomain * @return bool */ function delRedirectSubdomain($subdomain) { $data['domain'] = $subdomain . '_' . $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('subdomain/donoredirect.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'disabled')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete subdomain * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $subdomain name of subdomain to delete * @return bool */ function delSubdomain($subdomain) { $data['domain'] = $subdomain . '_' . $this->domain; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('subdomain/dodeldomain.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Removed')) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Functions to manipulate cPanel FTP accounts */ class FTPAccount { /** * Delete email autoresponder * @ignore */ function FTPAccount($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x', $account) { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); $this->account = $account; } /** * Create FTP account * * Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $password account password * @param string $quota disk space quota in megabytes * @param string directory user's home directory * @return bool */ function create($password, $quota, $directory) { $data['login'] = $this->account; $data['password'] = $password; $data['quota'] = $quota; $data['homedir'] = $directory; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/doaddftp.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'failure') || strpos($response, 'Fatal') || !strpos($response, 'Added')) { return false; } return true; } /** * Get used space * * Returns the amount of disk space used by the FTP account. * @return int */ function getUsedSpace() { $usedSpace = explode('<td>' . $this->account . '</td>', $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/accounts.html')); $usedSpace = explode('</td><td>', $usedSpace[1], 2); return floatval(substr($usedSpace[1], 0, strpos($usedSpace[1], '/'))); } /** * Get storage quota * * Returns the storage quota of the FTP account in megabytes. * @return bool */ function getQuota() { $quota = array(); $data['acct'] = $this->account; preg_match('/"quota" value="([^"]*)/', $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/editquota.html', $data), $quota); return ($quota[1] == 0) ? 'Unlimited' : intval($quota[1]); } /** * Set storage quota * * Modifies the maximum disk space allowed for the FTP account. Returns true on success or false on failure. * @param int $quota new quota in megabytes * @return bool */ function setQuota($quota) { $data['acct'] = $this->account; $data['quota'] = $quota; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/doeditquota.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'success')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Change password * * Changes the FTP account password and returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $password new password * @return bool */ function setPassword($password) { $data['acct'] = $this->account; $data['password'] = $password; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/dopasswdftp.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Changed')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete FTP account * * Permanently removes the FTP account and returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function delete() { $data['login'] = $this->account; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('ftp/realdodelftp.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'deleted')) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Functions to manipulate MySQL databases in cPanel */ class Database { /** * @ignore */ function Database($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x', $database) { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); $this->database = $database; } /** * Create database * * Creates a MySQL database with the specified name. Returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function create() { $data['db'] = $this->database; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('sql/adddb.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Added')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Add user to database * * Gives the specified user all permissions on the database and returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $user MySQL username to add to database * @return bool */ function addUser($user) { $data['user'] = $user; $data['db'] = $this->database; $data['ALL'] = 'ALL'; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('sql/addusertodb.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Added')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete user from database * * Removes the user's permissions from this database. * @param string $user MySQL username * @return bool */ function delUser($user) { $data['user'] = $user; $data['db'] = $this->database; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('sql/deluserfromdb.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Deleted')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete database * * Permanently drops a MySQL database and returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function delete() { $data['db'] = $this->database; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('sql/deldb.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'dropped')) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Functions to manipulate MySQL database users in cPanel */ class databaseUser { /** * @ignore */ function databaseUser($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x', $user) { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); $this->user = $user; } /** * Create database user * * Creates a MySQL user and returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $password MySQL password * @return bool */ function create($password) { $data['user'] = $this->user; $data['pass'] = $password; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('sql/adduser.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Added')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Delete database user * * Permenently deletes the MySQL user. * @return bool */ function delete() { $data['user'] = $this->user; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('sql/deluser.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Removed')) { return true; } return false; } } /** * Functions to manipulate URL redirection in cPanel */ class Redirect { /** * Delete email autoresponder * @ignore */ function Redirect($host, $username, $password, $port = 2082, $ssl = false, $theme = 'x', $path) { $this->HTTP = new HTTP($host, $username, $password, $port, $ssl, $theme); $this->path = '/' . $path; } /** * Create redirect * * Creates a 301 or 302 redirect and returns true on success or false on failure. * @param string $url URL to redirect to * @param string $type 'permanent' or 'temp' * @return bool */ function create($url, $type = 'permanent') { $data['path'] = $this->path; $data['url'] = $url; $data['type'] = $type; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mime/addredirect.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Added')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get redirect URL * * Get the path a URL is redirected to * @return string */ function getRedirectURL() { $url = array(); preg_match('%' . $this->path . '</td><td>([^<]*)%', $this->HTTP->getData('mime/redirect.html'), $url); return $url[1]; } /** * Delete redirect * * Permanently removes the redirect and returns true on success or false on failure. * @return bool */ function delete() { $data['path'] = '/' . $this->path; $response = $this->HTTP->getData('mime/delredirect.html', $data); if(strpos($response, 'Removed')) { return true; } return false; } } ?>