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File: pkg.dict.php

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File: pkg.dict.php
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Base and derivated DICT classes
Class: Dictionary client class package
Client dictionary class
Author: By
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Date: 24 years ago
Size: 8,092 bytes


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<?php /* * This set of classes implement a subset of the DICT protocol * and it is meant to be use to generate clients that * query a DICT server * * By default, the class uses the server in * the port 2628. * * (c) 2000, Jesus M. Castagnetto <> * * License: GPL, see * * Changes: * * 2000/06/04 - added the correct link to the GPL license * 2000/06/05 - added the in_array() method to the base class * from a suggestion by Davor Cengija <> * who pointed out that PHP gained the in_array() * function in 3.0.12, and 4.0.0 */ //============================================================ /* * class DictBase * * Base class for implementing the DICT protocol to communicate * with dictionary servers. It defaults to and port 2628. */ class DictBase { var $host = ""; var $port = "2628"; var $max_length = 6144; // 1024 * 6 to cover UTC8 chars var $socket; var $valid_codes = array ( 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 130, 150, 151, 152, 210, 220, 221, 230, 250, 330, 420, 421, 500, 501, 502, 503, 530, 531, 532, 550, 551, 552, 554, 555 ); var $return_code = array(); function DictBase() { // empty constructor } function set($var, $val) { $this->$var = $val; } function get($var) { return $this->$var; } function parse_code($str) { ereg("^([0-9]{3}) (.+)", $str, &$reg); $error = ( $reg[1] >= 300 ); $this->return_code = array( "error"=>$error, "code"=>$reg[1], "desc"=>$reg[2]); } function is_valid_code() { return $this->in_array($this->return_code["code"], $this->valid_codes); } function is_error_code() { return $this->return_code["error"]; } function print_code() { $out = $this->is_error_code() ? "<ERROR> " : ""; $out .= "[".$this->return_code["code"]."] ".$this->return_code["desc"]."\n"; echo $out; } function connect() { $fp = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, &$errno, &$errstr, 90); if (!$fp) { echo "Cannot connect: ".$errno." = ".$errstr."\n"; exit; } else { $this->socket = $fp; } } function close() { fputs($this->socket, "QUIT\r\n"); $tmp = fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length); fclose($this->socket); } function read_data() { while ($read = fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length)) { if (ereg("^\.\r\n$",$read)) break; $out .= $read; } return $out; } // To support old PHP3 versions ( older than 3.0.12 ) // A point I forgot and Davor Cengija reminded me about function in_array($element, $arr) { // figure out version list($major, $minor, $release) = explode(".", phpversion()); if (($major == 3 && $relesase >= 12) || $major == 4) { return in_array($element, $arr); } else { // assumes that we want to compare element value while (list($key, $val) = each($arr)) { if ($val == $element) return true; } return false; } } } // end of base class Dict //============================================================ /* * Class DictServerInfo * * To generate objects containing DICT server information. * Extends the DictBase class. */ class DictServerInfo extends DictBase { var $info = array(); function DictServerInfo($host="", $port="", $extended=false) { $this->init($host, $port, $extended); } function init($host, $port, $extended) { if ($host) $this->set("host", $host); if ($port) $this->set("port", $port); $this->connect(); // get connection response line $line = fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length); $this->parse_code($line); if ($this->is_error_code()) { $this->print_code(); exit; } // extract capabilities info from response line ereg("^[0-9]{3} (.*) <([^<]*)> <(.*)>", $line, &$reg); $this->info["signature"] = $reg[1]; $this->info["capabilities"] = explode(".", $reg[2]); $this->info["msg-id"] = $reg[3]; // get description on the server and store verbatim $this->info["server"] = $this->show("SERVER"); // get the dbs and strategies for this server $dbs = $this->show("DB"); $this->store("databases",$dbs); $strats = $this->show("STRAT"); $this->store("strategies",$strats); // get the description of each database // if extended info is requested if ($extended) $this->get_dbs_info(); // close the connection $this->close(); } function show($str) { fputs($this->socket, "SHOW ".$str."\r\n"); $tmp = chop(fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length)); $tmp2 = explode (" ", $tmp); if ($str == "DB") $this->info["num_dbs"] = (int) $tmp2[1]; if ($str == "STRAT") $this->info["num_strat"] = (int) $tmp2[1]; $data = $this->read_data(); $tmp = fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length); return $data; } function store($str, $data) { $arr = explode("\r\n", $data); $out = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($arr); $i++) { if (chop($arr[$i]) == "") continue; ereg("^([^ ]+) \"?([^\"]+)\"?", $arr[$i], &$reg); $out[$reg[1]] = $reg[2]; } $this->info[$str] = $out; } function get_dbs_info() { $ndb = $this->info["num_dbs"]; $dbs = $this->info["databases"]; $dbinfo = array(); while (list($k, $v) = each($dbs)) { $dbinfo[$k] = $this->show("INFO ".$k); } $this->info["dbs_desc"] = $dbinfo; } function get_info ($str) { return $this->info[$str]; } } // end of class DictServerInfo //============================================================ /* * class DictQuery * * To create query objects to search a DICT server */ class DictQuery extends DictBase { var $term = ""; var $method = "exact"; var $searchdb = "*"; var $query_type = "DEFINE"; var $valid_methods = array ("exact", "prefix", "substring", "suffix", "re", "regexp", "soundex", "lev"); var $result = array(); var $numres = 0; function DictQuery($host="", $port="") { $this->init($host, $port); } function init($host, $port) { if ($host) $this->set("host", $host); if ($port) $this->set("port", $port); $this->connect(); // get connection response line $line = fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length); $this->parse_code($line); if ($this->is_error_code()) { $this->print_code(); exit; } } function search($term, $method, $db) { if (!$this->is_method($method)) { echo "**ERROR** invalid method: ".$method."\n"; exit; } $this->clear_results(); $this->term = $term; $this->method = $method; $this->searchdb = $db; $query = ($method=="exact") ? "DEFINE $db " : "MATCH $db $method "; $query .= "\"".$term."\"\r\n"; fputs($this->socket, $query); $line = fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length); ereg("^[0-9]{3} ([0-9]+) .+", $line, &$reg); $this->numres = (int) $reg[1]; if ($method != "exact") { $rlist = $this->read_data(); $this->result = explode("\r\n", chop($rlist)); } else { $regex = "^[0-9]{3} \"([^\"]+)\" ([^\" ]+) \"([^\"]+)\""; $allres = array(); $entry = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$this->numres; $i++) { $line = chop(fgets($this->socket, $this->max_length)); if ($line == "") continue; ereg($regex, $line, &$reg); $entry["term"] = $reg[1]; $entry["dbcode"] = $reg[2]; $entry["dbname"] = $reg[3]; $entry["definition"] = $this->read_data(); $this->result[$i] = $entry; } } } function define($term, $db="*") { $this->search($term, "exact", $db); $this->close(); } function match($term, $method="prefix", $db="*") { $this->search($term, $method, $db); $this->close(); } function is_method($method) { return $this->in_array($method, $this->valid_methods); } function clear_results() { $this->numres = 0; $this->result = array(); } } // end of class DictQuery ?>